IMO, when they talk of "gods" is better taken as alien, where God is more in line with the creator.
This tingles the brain, though I did take the aluminum bowl off.
Personally I would rather not give them "gods" at all. Creator specifies Maker of. Dolls or puppets, they would not exist without purpose.
I had something made years ago, burned it last night. I can make something today, burn it today. Creator is biggest.
So i agree with you but wouldn't call them that. If we have the same maker would it matter where we were found? We are supposed to be the aliens.
I may not like his attitude and how he carries himself but if he did no more wrong than showing off this is too much. I laughed because Greta severed a solid burn, true or not, that clap back was heard round the world. More emissions than those cars of his, anyway. I am against a decadent lifestyle, though God does give to those he pleases too.
I dunno. Man without modern distraction would be fascinating to watch discover possibility. I side with the Bible which depicts a lot of what has been suggested by alien theory, even claiming that God is Alien. Not sure how I feel about species suggesting more than one God. Counter that with Faith, believe and it will be, examples of are common place, and it is, to me, an example of one highest being, not a group of. He has help, no doubt.
Anyway, the Bible has it all for me. Angels, Aliens, Christ asking his believers to be foreign to this world. Kill the "aliens" because they are different and a challenge. Chariots in the sky. One part a man calls down fire from the Heavens to light a wetted bundle of sticks. So, like, I do not even know, not weather manipulation because weather doesn't normally fire wet wood.
I do not recall the passage specifically but I recall a part where God seems upset. "If you had preformed these miracles in some place it would still stand." not specific.
It is a hefty responsibility, knowing that God would willingly and willfully lay waste to anything his children consider no longer worth the effort. mull that over for a time. Who knows how often the only thing keeping the majority of people alive was a willfully, worldly ignorant, person that knew what God would do if they said they had enough. Talk about fear of God. Maybe they only stay because they know what follows, maybe they only stay to save as many as they can.
you can tell someone they are getting sick enough times and they will believe it to the point that they exhibit symptoms. Some people only take once. I saw it a while back in some how to be a macho man or whatever book. power of suggestion is strong and can be dangerous. Jesus is the only cure I have ever found that works. Have Faith that you are well and you will be. Do not be tempted by the lies of the devil.
I thought that I was clear that I agree hormone treatment for no reason should be considered an illegal medical experiment. I believe that I even said, perhaps I did not an will now anyway, treatment should be delayed until it is a known benefit to the person receiving and that cannot always be determined young.
We are largely in this mess because of chemicals that our ancestors were exposed to altering our bodies abilities to correctly develop and the medical industry jumped in to make a quick buck.
Attacking the people mislead is still incorrect.
Denying that hormones have physical effects on bodies doesn't make it ok.
Stop using it?
I like playing with them, though.