knightofni 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's one thing to wear a beard because you choose to. Being forced to, and put in prison if you refuse, is quite another story.

As someone of Chinese descent I am one hundred percent certain the mask and its mandates were devised and calculated, and suggested, by Chinese in China fully aware of the queue ordinances of 19th century America. These people (communists) study America closely and are fascinated by America's supposed racism. Read Epoch Times. We non-commie Chinese exist and we're out here.

knightofni 2 points ago +2 / -0

During the late 19th century, because of misbehavior related to the Opium Wars, all males of Chinese descent over age 18 in America were forced to wear their hair in an identifying queue. A queue is a single long braid. It had long been worn by poppy farmers in China, and became a fashion among the Manchu by 1900, but in San Francisco and other cities the U.S. government made the queue mandatory as a way of punishing, identifying and humiliating Chinese male immigrants, who were accused of defiling local white women (largely false) and running opium dens and trafficking the drug to Americans (largely true). The queue was already a Chinese male fashion, roughly like a beard to us, but imagine a foreign government making it mandatory. For a while this happened and is why Chinese men are shown wearing it in the art and photographs of the period.


(Upper right)

My grandfather was Chinese. His father and grandfather, he said, were forced to wear queue. They hated it.

knightofni 0 points ago +2 / -2

Was that "Beast" as real as the jeeps? I remember /pol/ uncovering that it wasn't and isn't. Searching 4plebs for that thread. If I find it I'll post it here. But the consensus is Biden has never been seated inside The Beast. Ever.

knightofni 1 point ago +1 / -0

The people of the world conducting a worldwide bank run on a specific chosen date. THAT would stop it cold.

knightofni 1 point ago +2 / -1

And before I get asked, the limos were flown to the UK using C-130s if I am not mistaken, so all were rented here, stateside. This controls the chain of information about who paid for them when and where.

knightofni 1 point ago +2 / -1

Follow the money. Who provided the limo? (That's easy to do. Limos are easily available in every major city in America.) What amount did it cost? Who or what organization paid for it. Keep following the money once you find out. Keep tracing it. Eventually you'll open up who is behind all of this and the fact Biden is a Potemkin leader serving as the face for several traitorous corporations and their international syndicate of backers.

Follow. The Money.

knightofni 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, it has plenty of value, Kyle; it dehumanizes and divides us, it damages social cohesion and weakens ties, it creates hierarchical separation between a perceived moral us and immoral them, and, poker tell, it humiliates Americans the way a certain race felt humiliated by the compulsory hair queues of the 19th century.

The U.S. had plenty to do with Covid hysteria and Big Pharma had more, but the mask compulsion is the specific brainchild of a specific race in a specific nation very used to masks and very aware we do not like them.

Who could this race be

knightofni 4 points ago +4 / -0

“The LORD of hosts hath sworn by himself, saying, Surely I will fill thee with men, as with caterpillers; and they shall lift up a shout against thee.”

  • Jeremiah 51:14
knightofni 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read something the other day where corporations decided a few years ago to become more powerful than countries. An Israeli suggested the idea and it became a universally accepted plan. I think that's the basis of what you've pointed out and why our world is completely upside down now yet poorly managed. Name one thing you ever saw run efficiently at a corporation.

L'essence du Clownworlde

knightofni 2 points ago +4 / -2

This is called Rayleigh Wave aversion: the instinct in most animals to sense danger coming and run to higher ground to escape. They started this, they know they started this, but they can sense the air changing and hope to survive punishment by "tricking the stupid straights" into believing they're suddenly on our side. (Pro tip: gays all believe they are smarter than we are. Listen in on them when they don't know you are around and can hear them. They really do consider themselves a superior tribe, much like X Men mutants.) This narrative will eventually be accelerated to they were "always" on our side. When that narrative fails, which it will, they will turn a 180 and flee.

Don't trust or believe what this gay is saying. He's in on it and likely helped in grooming. There was not one bit of any of this transgenderism and pedophilia in the brazen open until homosexuals ruined society. Also, be aware pedophiles and gays have a lips and teeth relationship: homosexuality cannot spread or be passed down normally, it takes molestation before sexual maturity to do it. They all know this and when drag and trans children are presented as "coming out" in a sneering mockery of pre-1960's debutante balls, those debuts happen inside gay clubs. Pedophilia literally fuels homosexuality and supplies it new recruits. They're fully aware of this relationship and think we're stupid.

So don't let them memory hole this. The T and P on LGBTP were just fine with ALL of them until they realized heterosexuality is finally pissed and they are about to get their asses kicked. Pandora now wants to pretend to cry about what she brazenly let out of the box in the first place.

Fuck her. She pays for her sins right beside them or we really ARE stupid.

knightofni 2 points ago +4 / -2

Sus af and so is the Reddit style thought policing appearing around it to silence anyone questioning it. Highly sus.

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