lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think something was going on, I can't even venture a guess, but turning up the sound or making "masking sounds" , backround music, is done when a person thinks that they are "bugged" (hidden microphones for surveillance). Perhaps he knew ahead of time that those people who fainted were faking it for disruptions, and that there were plans to have a QandA, with a "trigger" question being asked, to alert someone listening that it was time to create chaos, the abrupt stopping of the QandA with loud music could have thwarted something bad that was supposed to happen. ?????? No disrespect, but I do not care for his playlist, and I have eclectic taste, but that YMCA song and him playing it, please explain to me why he uses it. It was a gay anthem when it came out, about boys cruising other boys at the YMCA.

lovemyGod 7 points ago +7 / -0

25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.-Lukw 21-25-33 KJV. - I am waiting just fine. Eclipses, unprecedented auroras seen as far south as Arkansas, solar storms frequent, hurricanes. I know there is evidence of weather manipulation, but there is also the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and I prefer to see it all as this, something superhuman, all powerful, and the life we have comes only from God the Father. I think sometimes way too much is accredited to the "powers" of man, and is a simplistic view. If there is indeed manipulation, it was foretold.

lovemyGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

I cannot recall anyone speaking outloud to a person, but I have seen more than half looking past me and focusing on something I could not see, sometimes they were disturbed, sometimes just smiling. Since Hospice focuses on pain relief, the patients were on morphine and relaxed. for the most part. In Nursing homes, I clearly remember one woman who died suddenly, and she was sitting up waiting for her supper tray, eyes wide open and she looked terrified, I can still see her face to this day, her heart had just stopped, she had the tv on, and as I said, was waiting for her supper.

lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have a talking doll of Bush and his Bushisms! I got it for a birthday present over 20 years ago! I did take it out of the box to show it off. Direct quotes, I was told since the box was broken it was not worth much. "It's important to put food on your family" was the one that made my son, when he was little, really crack up.

lovemyGod 10 points ago +10 / -0

The eyes do not close, I have seen dead bodies, working in hospitals and sitting with the dying as a hospice aid, even if they die in a coma or sleep, they open slightly. If they die and we have to move the body, most often it is the final caregiver that gently closes the eyes, in a wake, the undertaker glues or stitches the eyes shut, out of respect for the appearance. In a case of death from asphyxiation, the eyes are almost always open. I think he was killed, and if Gaetz is dropping hints, I would say it was the "Royals".

lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

those teachers that did this should be arrested, I don't care if it was "natural", there are side effects to anything, and the patches were for adults, not little people. Valerian is useful but should be used with caution, it is hell on the liver if taken too often. In old herbal books and medical dictionaries, it is mentioned as good for mania, hysteria, and for insomnia that lasts for a long time. I grow it, and plan to harvest the root, dry it and have it in case it is needed at some point. A kid cannot even be given a Tylenol in school without a note from the parent. If you cannot handle kids being all excited and sometimes a handful, don't go into the field.

lovemyGod 4 points ago +4 / -0

I watched the entire landfall, surge and wind yesterday afternoon up until about midnight, on YouTube, with Reed Timmer, chaser, pretty amazing and awesome, I never quite understood what a storm surge was and how it worked up until last night. In 1961, My Dad and I drove to Florida and discovered a little place called Clearwater Beach. It was undeveloped, the hotel was built around an old carasoul they had on the beach, it was closed in, rooms made with bathrooms of course, all knotty pine, in the center was a sweet little lobby with lamps and sofas. The town had an open restaurant with a counter, a drug store with beach things, and a few small beach souvenir shops. The town was full of fisherman, charter boat captains, and little stucco and cement homes. A lot of people made a lot of money draining swamps and removing the cypress groves, paving, building, paving , building. I don't know, it seems as if I wish I could go back in time. He moved down there in 73, Pinellas Co., and died in 86, I cared for him and rented a house in Seminole after that. I guess I hate development, as soon as I could I moved to live simply in the hills of Vermont, high and dry. It was such a beautiful place, but not for me. The storm was real bad, and will affect a lot of material loss. I am glad to see that the fatalities were low. Just rambling like boomers tend to do. Autumn has finally kicked in, we have not had a frost yet, but the woodstove has been lit for the season. God is Great and God is good, money will not get you into the Kingdom, but loving him will.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have it posted on both doorways into my house, I stop and read it at least once a day, the doorway is also anointed with oil, daily. I have been called superstitious, I do not care. We have been told to look for the signs, and they are all around us, before HE comes, there will be strife, for sure. In his mercy, some will be taken, to save them from the struggles, rejoice though, because they will be gathered into his embrace, I am not referring to the rapture, I am talking about those who perish or may perish. Each day ask of God what HE needs from you, not what you need from HIM, ask him to use you and give you strength. My life has gone pretty well, and I am convinced it is because I put myself at his service every single day, and when I ask for strength to do HIS will, I am granted health and a positive mind. Our minds and intentions have great power when we empty ourselves of ego, and fill up with the Holy Spirit.

lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are 3 people in my house, and we are all hooked up, my son streams games and downloads, uploads at the same time two of us are streaming news, weather, programs, movies, it never lags. My son got it for the house 4 years ago, never looked back.

lovemyGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

We have had it for 4 years, up in the mountains in Vermont, the dish sits out there, through snow, (3ft), ice, wind hail and rain, the entire household is running their internet on it, streaming, gaming, 3 people hooked up, wow is it worth it!

lovemyGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree 100%, and I am deeply religious, but private, in a way. I practice by myself, in prayer and readings, and my communication with God. I do believe in God in Christ, I do believe in his teachings, and apply them to my life. I did raise my son going to church and home prayer, but God gave us free choice to begin with and no human should take that away. We have laws, we have a Constitution, in the USA. And what man would rule the way God does? None, because we are asked to have Faith, not to rule over others. There are so many interpretations of what laws should be applied. One man says we should live by the Old Testament, but we can eat shrimp, another says that worship must be on a Sunday, another says the sabbath is on Saturday, one man says that money is a sign of Providence and blessings, another says the only way to trust in God is to eschew all earthly wealth. Does a man do good because the spirit moves him? Or does he do good because he is afraid of hell? No sharia law for me, Christian Muslim or Jew, God knows our hearts, that is where we will be judged, "from Him no secrets are hid"

lovemyGod 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, I agree, the shots that they received since birth, and whatever the mother ingested while pregnant. The boy you refer to may have severe separation anxiety, which is a symptom on the spectrum disorder. It is so wide, and getting worse. Public schools in my state of Vermont's budgets are over the top because of the mental health crisis in our schools, and the special needs students, there is not enough staff or people coming in to work as student aids to do 1 on 1. Years ago, there were special schools, for special needs, but that got abused too, with bright children being thrown in a school where they are given coloring books in 6th grade. Autism, in general, also goes along with high intelligence, its just that the way they process information, and poor behavior regulation, masks the intelligence. The more we know about nueroscience, the more developmental theory will be thrown out. And don't get me started about screen time and giving 3 year olds tablets, before they know how to relate to humans besides their immediate families. I misunderstood your post when you said "we used to make fun". Vermont is a small state, and in many schools that serve small towns, they try to do a "farm to table" menu from local farms, but that does not cover the entire meal, so the kids may be eating locally grown and organic carrots, but also on the plate are tater tots and chicken nuggets. Kids will eat what they are raised on. We did not even have cold cereal in our home, it was oatmeal, pancakes, potatoes and eggs and bacon. Now I grew a man who not only has never tasted a hot pocket in his life, but he can hunt, dress out a deer, and cook better than me.He went to church before he went to school, and learned how to behave there, so when it was time to "sit still and learn" he was prepared. Almost everything he learned he learned on his own though, I always felt that once a kid knows how to read, he can teach himself what he needs to know about the world, phllosophy, history, and now there is youtube, which we never had, and you can learn how to rewire your house, build your house, and install whatever is needed. I still think that kids are sent to schools too damn early, In this blue state, or purple state, there are great advantages to grow up based, but there is also welfare mothers who don't even work who are entitled to daycare. Maybe thats a good thing considering some of the homes these kids come from. If people are going to complain about the feminization of men, first thing to do is for good men to step up and become mentors and teachers, get those boys outdoors for part of the school day, hiking, fishing, making furniture, etc. The deep state and their school shootings also does not help, and the way the media goes on about it, I think a lot of kids today are terrified of things that we all never had to worry about .

lovemyGod 6 points ago +6 / -0

Making fun of kids is not okay. Maybe that boy is on the spectrum and has high anxiety, before the Covid vax, more and more kids have been subjected to chemicals in food, in other vaccines. Most kids start school way too young, they are handed off to daycare at the age of two, that is where the trouble starts. The "free" lunches are a combination of processed foods washed down with chocolate milk. By what you are saying then, you are oppossed to home schooling? Because I support it. Glad to say I raised a mountain man of a son, who would gladly punch another kid in the mouth if he was laughing at another child, for whatever reason.

lovemyGod 5 points ago +5 / -0

not defending knucklehead, but I grew up in the 50's and 60's, yes I rode my bike everywhere, but if I was not home by the time the streetlights were on, I had my ass handed to me on a platter. Stricter parenting back then.

lovemyGod 4 points ago +4 / -0

My guess is that they ask to see if they can refer costs for treatment to the Veterans Administration, to find if he is eligible, its all bureaucracy to see who will be covering his care.

lovemyGod 9 points ago +12 / -3

The people who have accepted Jesus the risen Christ as the son of God are the new Israel, there are no physical boundaries to this New Jerusalem. The temple rising again after 3 days is Jesus Christ, and we who accept him as our King have received the Holy Spirit within us, the Body of Christ is the New Israel. The fact that Satan walked into the physical Israel and set up a Kingdom there, to war with other occult religions is none of a Christians concern. Israel is not in a Holy War, yet, this one is just practice.

lovemyGod 4 points ago +6 / -2

I pray to Jesus frequently to send his angels, Michael does not have the power of the Almighty, but he is powerful The prayer is how you word it, knowing that God in Christ is in charge does not mean that his army of angels are not ready to serve us in this earthly dimension, in my opinion. Michael is bad ass, I do not mind if he is on our side.

lovemyGod 10 points ago +10 / -0

Biden dies, Harris is sworn in as more "natural" disasters flood out, cholera ensues, due to no drinking water and backed up sewage, (watch the water) longshoreman strikes and supply chain, plus flooded highways and bridges prevents transportation, election can not be held in 1/4 of the nation in the deep red states of the south.Watch the water.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

Moody! I was worried about you, fren! Had not seen any posts, and I knew you lived in NC, just not where. Good to know you are alright.

lovemyGod 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've been watching reports and videos from North Carolina and Tennessee , the destruction and loss is truly catastrophic. In Vermont we had a catastrophic flood last summer, but nothing compares to what is going on down South. No one could have prepared for this. It took a year to get some of the towns here back and running How will this affect the election? There is no way those towns and people in NC and Tenn. will be anywhere near ready by November. Watch the Water? WIll they send in more military? I think they will have to, watch the water, thousands are effected, the infrastructure is shot, no homes, no electricity, nothing. Chaos.

lovemyGod 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am convinced that anti antiperspirant, deodorants with aluminum are one of the causes of breast cancer we have seen rise in my lifetime, (born 1950) there are lymph nodes exactly where you apply them. Just read the labels, there are many products sold that say "aluminum free". My favorite deodorant is Schmidts. It lasts a long time and contains no aluminum, and comes in some nice scents. My favorite is cedar sandalwood.

lovemyGod 5 points ago +5 / -0

Let's put it this way, if you own pet birds, parakeets, cockateils, parrots, etc, one of the first warnings is to not keep them near the ktichen if you use teflon in baking or stove top cooking, the gas off from them can kill them. Canary in a coal mine?

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