magachudd 15 points ago +15 / -0

Wondering about this. I know the vaccines are no bueno, but the idea about your immune system being on a subscription plan and the constant boosters makes me think there may be SOME hope for recovery. Time will tell.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup. I think they want to lock in their official narrative before the incoming blackout.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup. At this point you need to just sit back and watch reserving all judgment. So much disinformation that its maddening.

magachudd 5 points ago +5 / -0

I understand and you point it out succinctly. We must continue to exercise our right, but we will need to document via cameras vigilantly as well as look for glowies and FFs.

Its a crappy situation yet this is where we are.

by BQnita
magachudd 6 points ago +6 / -0

When the level of shameless drops into below zero territory.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Possibly glutathione. I've read some effects of the vaccines come from graphene oxide poisoning and raising glutathione levels can counteract and neutralize the graphene.

magachudd 3 points ago +3 / -0


magachudd 6 points ago +6 / -0

I agree with this comment. I am starting to see that this is the latest hot topic on this board - vaccine red pill conversations.

They are circular and futile unless the other person wants to know more. It becomes a thorn in a relationship. Their minds are made up. Our minds are made up. Information itself will not make a difference, only physical reality.

This doesn't mean you stop spreading red pills, but you cannot make them agree and the act of trying to make them agree is just as bad as what they try to do to us. Its almost another form of shaming and it only causes problems.

OP should let this go and focus on prepping for the GA and sharing info to those who will listen, but without force. NCSWIC and we have to start making difficult choices about how to address the change. It is unfortunate, but the state of things.

I was wondering what the precipice would look like and it is now becoming much clearer.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take my updoot.

Thank you for being amazing 👏.

magachudd 3 points ago +3 / -0

It will be a glorious day. I will party so hard it will hurt.

magachudd 7 points ago +7 / -0

Been saying this. Some down vote me when I do, but its true.

When spreading red pills I dont stick around and engage in circular arguments with Karen TripleVaxx zombies demanding "muh evidence". They will just fact check it on Snopes with "akSHuaLly Snopes said this is MOSTLY FAL..."

Bye bitch. That link can stick around for someone else to stumble and there's another new day of new news and new fucking lies.

I'm more of a red pill carpet bomber. If someone legitimately is curious and asks then I will certainly converse. We always know who those people are, not hard to tell.

I hope Karen wakes up eventually, but I need to focus on being stocked, locked, and ready to rock right now - ESPECIALLY right now. That precipice thing that we've all been talking about? Yeah, well its here.

No time for fools. My kids need me.

by BQnita
magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well maybe you ask good questions and make good points. Who goes out and engages and who does not? I'm a civilian and I dont receive orders from a military commander, but I do follow my leader with the option to decline a request. Im not a soldier, but I am in this war. Who is in this war? Real questions needing answers. Time is wasting tho.

by BQnita
magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0


by BQnita
magachudd 14 points ago +14 / -0

Trump asked us to go. He speaks in platitudes that can be interpreted on many levels and the invitation for Jan 6th was delivered without any "buts", or "ifs".

He said, Be there. Will be wild.

There were no ifs or buts. For the vaccines it is, 'I recommend it, BUT it shouldn't be mandatory '.

Is Trump endorsing DC 9-11 protests? Not that I've seen. It doesn't mean that ANY protest should be avoided though.

We know the games of the DS by now. Their BS has been very largely exposed at this point, but they may still have a few tricks up their sleeves. I go to any protest now hyper aware of FFs, imposters, traps, and violence.

Just because the DS are a bunch of treasonous sneaky bastards doesn't mean we should hide in our homes. We MUST get out in HUGE numbers where we can, but WITH VIGILANCE to scrutinizing all activities and PRUDENCE to stay on signal and filter out the noise.

Our message must be received by:

  • Those still asleep
  • Those complicit
  • Those performing evil tasks
  • Those delivering evil instructions

We can't do it from home all of the time.

by BQnita
magachudd 7 points ago +7 / -0

I disagree. Sure every life is precious and matters, but sacrifices must be made most of the time. Sometimes being the leader and sacrificing oneself to save one single life will result in all lives being lost. The flock needs the shepherd. If it was determined that the leader can sacrifice himself and the flock would definitely be saved, then that is worth entertaining.

If in a war I would assume any task could result in my own sacrifice, but I made that decision before I joined the effort. The alternative (losing) is not an option I'm willing to allow. If I trust my leader has considered the risks and has determined the assigned task is the most prudent and effective and my children have the best chance of survival if I perform the task, then hand me my helmet and tell me where to go.

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