magachudd 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm actually encouraged by the obvious desperation. They are trying to fire up their zombies to come after us non-vaskers.

magachudd 21 points ago +21 / -0

Spot on. They are actors and actors reading from a script and inserting feigned emotion.

They are liars and evil degenerates. They deserve the maximum punishment available.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Hear hear! Also, I would like a Pete next to my name too!

magachudd 6 points ago +6 / -0

Haha the 2 lame comments defending wokism or asking for muh evidence.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

And thats how you handle that crap. Follow the money.

Sometimes I will open up a page of Bilderberg meeting attendees and cross reference the leadership team of the org in question and see if they attended multiple years.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

They look pretty happy. I think they may think they will get away with it. Unsettling, but maybe this is what the white hats want? I dont know.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, what i am beginning to piece together is that there is possibly no real Covid.

If they inserted the GO into the 2019 flu shots, etc, then the symptoms of Covid-19 are really just GO poisoning?

And they modeled the Cov Sars 2 virus in 2 days, and all of the actual vaccines being developed over 20 years and patented were really just a way to get GO and the mRNA together for injection.

So maybe they used the symptoms of GO to scare people into getting more GO + their 5G nanotechnology + mRNA solution.

The process seems to be to kill off lots of people while they hone in on the ability to kill only certain people through 5G control.

The nanotechnology has biosensors and they can essentially download a state of your health. The GO encases the mRNA and maybe can be controlled to release on their demand.

End result = do what we say or we will kill you remotely.

Going off on a tin foil tangent here I know, but honestly it seems to be how things are shaping up. Can't rule this shit out yet, it seems.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

So many reasons for them I think.

  • Low exercise, they control your access to food and supplements
  • Increase anxiety and depression through family separation
  • Isolate the spread of truth and increase spread of misinformation
  • Control the narrative the unvaxxed are bad
  • [Insert more reasons here]
magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good question. More answers needed for sure, but understanding the antidote for graphene oxide poisoning is huge.

He did say intravenously as an option and since elderly cannot produce as much if it as easily then they may be the best use of injections.

Younger people who got the vaccine may be able to use NACs I'm thinking, but still intravenously would be much faster result - especially if they are particularly sick.

For swab PCR tests, I read that while graphene oxide was on the tips it is a much smaller amount. I personally got the swab, but only once. Since they were pushing test, test, test for so long and also employers require weekly testing if not vaxxed, then perhaps it was a slower, consistent poisoning method.

I would think that since I only got 1 swab and perhaps considering shedding (which I still know little about) the supplemental route may be sufficient.

Long story short I would think the more graphene oxide you got and the older or sicker you are then the more direct antidote you need.

Obviously, I am not a medical doctor so treat me like an idiot, please.

magachudd 43 points ago +43 / -0

Very interesting about NAC... These bastards do want to kill us all.

I sent this vid to a vasker (yes I made that up just now - vaxxer + masker - you're welcome) and they simply found some fact check on Reuters. I laughed at him. They cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias is beyond measurable.

I ask them if they believe there are evil people in the world, but they just can't comprehend that there could be such a large coordinated effort.

Very difficult to get through to people even when the evidence is spoon fed to them. I guess its true that they will need to feel it to believe it.

I'm just glad we have some info that could potentially save their lives. This video is a Godsend.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Came here to say this.

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Test with faulty PCR test?

Best thing for us all to do at this point is ignore these liars altogether.

There is nothing of value that they can provide.

We will ignore any and all information, declarations, decrees, and/or recommendations that these cretins share.

Good morning, good day, and good night. Get fucked too.

by gamepwn
magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0


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