magavoices 1 point ago +2 / -1

I have no idea where you got that idea

Clott exercised zero skepticism about the pharmaceutical industry, in fact he promoted it.

That's where the idea came from.

magavoices 6 points ago +7 / -1

"Good faith" is subjective.

Without restrictions on what can be posted, GAW absolutely would be flooded by DARPA AI bots intent on derailing every thread.

Every time Q said "expand your thinking" it was in reference to a specific point they were making and nothing more.

magavoices 2 points ago +3 / -1

Clott's claim to fame is that he's a cartoonist. The theme of his cartoons is how unethical, incompetent and dysfunctional large corporations are.

Yet apparently oblivious to the prospect of pharmaceutical companies being that way? Not buying it.

magavoices 10 points ago +11 / -1

The suggestion that God had no participation in what books won in the process of being authenticated as canonical is ridiculous.

It suggests that God is incompetent. God expects us to study scripture and yet the final version that gets distributed to 99% of those who would ever read scripture is wrong?


magavoices 1 point ago +2 / -1

Name one president in recent history who wasn't a wartime president.

magavoices -2 points ago +1 / -3

Dom Lucre.

Came out of nowhere, nobody knew who this guy was a week ago.

Looking over his twitter feed. He's thanking the DeSantis team for getting him unbanned.

He's thanking Bill Mitchell, super pro-DeSantis and (now) anti-Trump gatekeeper.

The whole charade, from his banning to reinstitution (for maximum Streisand effect) and now being used to push Trump's opposition ...

He appears to be a psyop.

magavoices 0 points ago +2 / -2

This Q post is exactly why Ron (and every other named influencer) shouldn't attempt to speak on behalf of anons.


We are all typecast by Ron because he hadn't figured out that being anon means people don't know what your name is.

magavoices 1 point ago +2 / -1

Your statement is ridiculous.

Who promised what 20+ years ago to whom?

magavoices 0 points ago +1 / -1

You know when you see one,

Like i said, vague.

You're here to change the world. You're here to convince everyone of muh Khazarian Mafia. Where to you send them to learn more info?

Which of the 5, maybe 10 small, untrafficked personal blogs on the entire internet will you send people to that speak of this mysterious group?

Where to embark on this 2000 years of research available for them to learn who the bad guys are?

Nah, no training needed. You'll just "know them when you see them".

I asked you to provide the name of a cabal member that Q followers weren't already aware of, who was only made known because KM identified them. Such a simple task, failed.

You insist we have to be aware of the KM or else we can't identify the bad guys, yet you can't name a single cabalist we weren't already aware of.

magavoices 0 points ago +1 / -1

by the way I haven't seen you say anything against SOROS just sayin'

I'm not the one making the ridiculous claim that the cabal only consists of a small subset of the actual bad players.

What is their final agenda? Globalism

And who is "their"? Muh Khazarian Mafia.

You obfuscate who the bad guys are. Who is KM?

Can you tell just by looking at them? Not really. How about their last names? Not really. How about where they're from? Not really.

I've listened to the KM shuffle for years now, starting back from the days of Voat. Nobody there cared that they might be banned and so every other post, every other comment was muh Jews.


I have slowly been red pilling a few family members and a friend by telling them how worried I am about the "Khazarian Mafia." Of course they have no idea what Khazaria is but listen to all my stories of how horrible these people are... I simply say it's an ancient country near Russia... I never mention "jew." I am hoping once they are hooked and start to research further they will make the connection to the jews... seems to be working but will have to see.

KM is a vague rebranding of Jews so Jew haters can rant about them on GAW without getting banned.

So I am wondering how did you get all of your Q info and get so militant about it.

Always the same MO. Will I ever find someone who has been fed hook, line and sinker on the existence of muh Khazarian Mafia who isn't also, simultaneously, anti-Q?

I've yet to see it. Odd how it works that way.

My point is that if you don't know who is behind the whole agenda, then how is it going to get fixed?

You got to be kidding me. Tell me one single name identified by those who push KM who wasn't already on Q's radar.

KM doesn't bring anything new to the table. We already identified the Rothschilds, Soros, all the banking families, all the politicians who send funds abroad to have it siphoned back into their own pockets.

All KM does is highlight the ethnicity of a small subset of the cabal, and shift to that ethnicity as a means to identify the bad guys.


Muh Khazarian Mafia wasn't even a thing until the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election.

Why, if KM is supposedly this ongoing thing for the last 2000 years, has it barely been mentioned prior to Trump running for office? (Because its a psyop).

and get so militant about it

I didn't dislike people who whine about KM from the beginning. I had to be taught to dislike them. While back on Voat, your team invaded every other thread, every other comment, posting the most unhinged pro-Nazi crap in an attempt to conflate Naziism with Q, to taint us all by association.

And they would be doing the same here if they could get away with it.

magavoices -1 points ago +1 / -2

I suppose Cardinal Vigano is the tooth fairy?

Catholicism is a highly flawed religion. Vigano is, at best, a practitioner of a highly flawed religion who is attempting to make it less flawed.

Normally, I don't go out of my way to call out Catholics on a Q forum. We don't need factors causing division here. Yet, when someone comes to GAW attempting to conflate Catholicism with following Q, the distinction needs to be made.

Q has pointed out multiple issues with the Catholic church. For instance, the auditorium in the Vatican shaped as a serpent.

If Vigano wants to point out the flaws in Catholicism and the pope, more power to him. But when he says we must repeat the Rosary in order to rid the world of the cabal, protestants take issue with the vain repetition (among the other dozens of huge issues with Catholicism).

Vigano, as a good little cardinal, should believe in papal infallibility. But he doesn't -- he calls out the pope's many flaws. Meanwhile, he's also getting upset that Francis hasn't taken on the title of Vicar of Christ. He sounds very confused.

Perhaps soon, if he's a good Christian, he'll realize all these protests he's having with the Catholic church qualifies him to convert into becoming a protestant.

I will tell you their genetics it is globalism, test that?

So let me see if I understand you properly.

You think Obama is the Khazarian Mafia? Or do you downplay him as nothing more than a pawn.

What about China? Just pawns? The 2 million China spies, are they members of the Khazarian Mafia? Or they pawns of a pawn of a pawn?

What about the Muslim brotherhood? Are they Khazarian Mafia? Or are they written off as merely pawns?

What about the house of Saud? Are they Khazarian Mafia or pawns?

What about BLM? Were those rioters Khazarian Mafia or just pawns?

Would any normie you walk up to on the street know who you're talking about if you mentioned Khazarian Mafia? No, they won't know.

So the end result of the Khazarian Mafiatards pushing their agenda is 99% of the visible cabal members are actually not Jewish, who get written off as mere pawns, and the remaining 1% are described so vaguely that the apparent intended result is to have people storm their local synagogue and start beating them up in order to stop the cabal.

Dude the khazarians have been around for about 2000 years.

In other words, normies couldn't possibly begin to comprehend who the bad guys are unless they're willing to dig deep, so deep they read every single one of the 5 to 10 personal blog sites on the internet that explain who muh Khazarians are, with maximum vagueness and a healthy dose of "trust me bro" slathered on top.

Then, and only then, will they be well equipped to start using their knowledge in real every-day settings by identifying the bad guys today, based on shit they've researched their ancestors to have engaged in 2000 years ago.

Complete and utter bullshit, I take it back KM is far worse than flat eartherism.

The Khazarian Mafia is not a psyop meant to make the Q people look like Nazis, or any other such agenda Prove it.

If you're going to push Khazarian Mafiatardism, you need to look to your left and right. As a movement, the KM has been defined by those on your team as looking like Jews.

You somehow cannot make the connection between Nazis singling out Jews and KM singling out those who are described as looking like Jews? Really?

We are creatures of pattern recognition. Certainly if you dig deep down within yourself, you can see the connection.

magavoices -1 points ago +2 / -3

Use common sense. Imagine the headlines if Trump refused.

Seems odd to pin an article that serves as a dinner bell for the Jew hater demographic.

magavoices 0 points ago +1 / -1

The Khazarian Mafia psyop was more poorly thought out than flat earth. The mere notion that the worldwide cabal can be distilled into people from one ethnicity and geo location is just mind bogglingly ridiculous. And like FE, pointing out the glaring plot holes in that lazy narrative is met with the same level of sheer obtuseness.

It's a functionally useless theory. Even if you could convince every single follower of Q that muh Khazarian Mafia is behind everything, then what? What's the step after that? Test everyone for their genetics and punish everyone based on how they score? Or just skip the testing phase and go by nose size?

The psyop exists for only one purpose, to resemble Nazi-style genetic purity standard testing in an attempt to taint Q as Naziism by association.

magavoices 6 points ago +7 / -1

Project Veritas is completely 100% compromised.

Whatever they're shining a spotlight on isn't out of benevolence.

magavoices 2 points ago +3 / -1

And one more thing, to all those who claim his writing is spectacular.

Understand what I'm saying here. Read it carefully. Don't just jump to react.

The implication is that you wouldn't understand what he's saying, so he's asking you to make a special effort.

The implication is that you have to read it carefully, his assumption is you wouldn't without being asked.

The implication is that you will carelessly jump to react, and he has to take extra steps to make certain you won't do it, like a nanny or schoolmarm instructing children.

He writes like he thinks we're all fucking idiots. His tone is full blown overboard condescension. This type of writing influences no one, in fact it does the exact opposite. It makes people take the contrarian view if for no other than he's being a condescending dick.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's a feature, not a flaw.

magavoices 11 points ago +12 / -1

And now that he's come 'round, we hold that against him?

Because he's not anon, but now portraying himself as speaking on behalf of Q followers, he quite literally made himself a "Qanon Influencer".

That's not how it's supposed to work. Q, in their wisdom, had us all be anon.

And it was very wise of them -- none of us can become a focal point to be held up and scrutinized and all of our fellow anons mocked because of our own personal flaws.

And he has flaws.

  • on food stamps and a newspaper delivery boy prior to 2019
  • absolutely hated Q, despised Q followers, prior to 2021
  • wasn't even on board with Q while Q was actually posting for 4 years
  • called Q followers domestic terrorists

He is personally the source of unlimited material the cabal could publish that would convincingly weaken the Q movement.

"Look, the biggest Qanon influencer didn't even believe Q when Q still posted!"

"Look, the biggest Qanon influencer thought Q followers were domestic terrorists until two years ago!"

"Look, the biggest Qanon influencer is a disheveled hot mess on food stamps, a newspaper delivery boy who despised Qanons until recently!"

I do not want Brian Cates speaking on behalf of anons for these reasons. He's not doing us any favors by speaking on our behalf.

Furthermore, all he does is rattle back to us things we've already known for years, in a condescending tone scolding us for not actually having already known these things for years.

He's vulnerable to being bought. We can all easily imagine the scenario where someone so poor, needing a gofundme to help himself write full time, could be easily bought off by Mossad. It wouldn't be that hard to buy off a previous NeverTrumper who already thought Q was domestic terrorism.

magavoices 3 points ago +4 / -1

"This kind of brain."

The brain of Brian Cates had him on food stamps and a newspaper delivery route prior to 2019.

The brain of Brian Cates thought you were a terrorist back in 2021.

Keep in mind this was AFTER Trump had stood up for Q followers, saying they're mainly against pedophiles. Trump said that and Brian still called Q followers terrorists.

And it's not because he didn't have access to information about Q.

He actively swatted away all Q proofs that were continually posted to his social media threads where he was ranting about how fake Q was.

I allow for the fact that Cates might have had a "come to Jesus" moment about Q and changed his mind. But I'll be damned if I'm going to let someone that dense to crawl to the top of the anon movement and pretend to speak for us all when he was so obtuse the first 4 years of Q posting.

magavoices 10 points ago +11 / -1

Brian Cates, less than 2 years ago, called Q followers "terrorists".


Brian Cates @[email protected] Mar 5, 2021

60 Minutes gave an interview to the QAnon shaman idiot.

So when I checked Twitter this morning, "QAnonCult" and "QAnon Shaman" were both trending.

Twitter user had a great point: focusing on the QAnon stupidity allows MSM to avoid having to talk about thousands of nursing home deaths.

Kurt Schlichter is right: the only people still babbling about QAnon these days are the people using it to paint all of MAGA as domestic terrorists.

People link to Brian Cates like he's some inspired bastion of wisdom about all things Q, but the truth is that for the first four years of the Q movement, Cates called it "Qanon stupidity". He thought (probably still thinks) we're all stupid. His claim was that our sole purpose was for the MSM to paint MAGA chads like himself as domestic terrorists.

I'm not looking up the sauce now, but Cates was also a Never Trumper at one point.

magavoices 1 point ago +3 / -2

I don't see anyone talking about the most probable reality of what is happening.

Most people here would agree with the general premise that we're watching a movie. That movie is being orchestrated by white hats.

In what universe controlled by democrats does cocaine found in a democrat-controlled white house even make the democrat-controlled news? Just like news of voter fraud and CP on Hunter's laptop, they would have simply not talk about it.

So why are they discussing it now?

Juan's theory -- whether you agree with his assessment or not -- leaves no room for it being a movie controlled by white hats. He sounds as though this whole thing is about Democrats positioning themselves for replacing Biden.

The reality is probably very different.

The reality is probably that the democrats at the top are following the script given to them. Biden is probably either fake or controlled. Every blunder, from Afghanistan to constantly tripping, to confessing they have a large vote cheating operation, etc., is part of the movie designed to wake the public up to how corrupt politicians are.

Democrats in the white house are either in the loop doing what they're told, or out of the loop and blundering around aimlessly trying to appear they have things under control while everything is scripted to crumble around them.

IMO the cocaine in the white house is part of the movie, designed to get the nation talking about how out of control Biden's white house is, and how corrupt the democrat administration is. That's the only reason you're seeing it on the news, we know the MSM would otherwise never report on it willingly.

magavoices 9 points ago +9 / -0

FACT: The supposed imminent collapse of the US economy is nothing but a bunch of personal blog websites circle jerking each other, knee-jerk shared by economic illiterates who hate the US.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

and ended up being disproven aka 'debunked' by the anon collective, if I recall correctly


The above article is an extremely accurate accounting of everything that happened, including those who argued against it.

Regardless of what is really happening behind the scenes, Q labeled the guy as being bad. That being the case, for all intents and purposes he is bad.

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