What were the words? Missed it today, bummed!
“Actually now it’s tomorrow, so yesterday’s today is now yesterday”. - Kamala
We all know Schwarzenegger is a sexual pervert, he couldn’t even control himself around his dog faced housekeeper.
I wonder what happened?
What that’s silly, only Americans will not be covered! They will always make sure taxpayers funds the healthcare of illegals.
Calm down, we already have apple! Kek!
Been with Trump since the first debating 2015
I want to know why now too!
Is it my phone or did that game get smaller?
Got it!!! so the pope made a clear mistake?
I’m stuck on the fourth word!!
I liked the, “And I thought he was doing so well.” It’s funny because it’s true that no matter how great he does, some (haters) people will still think the worst!
I enjoyed that.
lol love it!
Girl didn’t even work at Micky D!
That’s what I was thinking too.
OK, my understanding is that they print your ballot based on what your address is. Because different neighborhoods will be voting for different things in one same county. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
I have the answers for you!
Todays was good!
Good idea!
You know that’s something maybe we need to change in the laws; we should be able to take a picture of our ballot.
Oh I didn’t realize that!
So you can’t bring in chairs for actual event .So get there early and tailgate. An hour before they let you in take all your stuff and leave it in your car. They won’t allow flags or signs inside. They may limit the size of purses. Check the website for rules.