Carl Cameron? Yeah, I'll never forget that jackass:
There was no indication that they were forcing the vaccination on him from what I heard. I heard "we need to do a work up on you".... which sounds more like maybe they were trying to draw blood for bloodwork? Or maybe they were trying to give him a shot of something else (like a sedative, I have no idea.) I don't know what the real situation was, but it sounded horrible. The dude sounded totally cognizant and I don't know why that doctor told him that he was judged to be unable to make his own medical decisions or whatever. But there is nothing in this that indicates it was the Covid Vaccine.
This video is most definitely alarming, I just don't see proof it was vaccination. If you have more info, please share it.
Hell yeah. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Just noticed the top comment:
"Foreign aid is poor people in America giving money to rich people overseas" -Ron Paul
Comments are good. Good to see a lot of people who are seeing reality.
So, those who can't be helped (the most stubborn, heels dug in people, don't want to be proved wrong no matter what) those people... it will be their own fault. While those who finally opened their eyes and accepted the fact that they were wrong and misled, will be saved. And people will finally start to be united.
Now THAT sounds like a movie. lol. Pretty interesting theory, actually.
Here's what I could make out (on the screen) -
Fight against corona
the number of new infections continues to rise
Family Minister Giffey resigns after allegations of plagiarism on doctoral degree Federal government agency
Giffey resigned back in May, so this was from a few months ago? But then I found the video and the video was posted back in November 2020?
What the heck...? I have no idea. Some sort of time-traveling crash test dummies are messing with our heads.
Well, even too much water can kill you. But back to aspartame,I don't eat or drink anything with aspartame or any other crap sweetener. I'm just not into that kind of food. I used to be. Not for a long time though, now. The healthier you eat, fruits and vegetables etc. the more your taste buds seem to adapt. When you eat anything with weird sweeteners or just anything that's some sort of "junk" food, it tastes pretty bizarre. Overly saturated with salt or sugar or whatnot. I try to keep it simple, these days.
Had a family member suddenly start having major hyperthyroid symptoms. Went to the doctor, he told us he needed to have his thyroid removed and put on medication for the rest of his life. We, of COURSE, said "yeah, no thanks" walked out and did our own damn research, and found the root cause: ASPARTAME. He had been chewing lots of an aspartame-laden gum for months. Like everyday, just became a habit. Combined with a lot of strenuous exercise at work, etc. BOOM! some sort of eventual acute hyperthyroid issue. He cut out the aspartame and after he detoxed from that, he went right back to normal. That was about 10 years ago. His thyroid has not had a single issue since then.
Moral of the story: DO NOT LISTEN TO ANY DOCTOR without doing your due dilligence. Do your own exhaustive RESEARCH. The doctors care about MONEY. The doctors do NOT care about you. Nobody Cares. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. No one else has your best interests at heart.
Dealing with a loss of a loved one is hard enough without the added grief and anger. I fully understand. Been there. Vent away. And also, just a sidenote, when you get a chance, try to write down all of the things you loved about your uncle, all your inside jokes, quirks, whatever comes to mind, stupid stuff, doesn't matter.. write them down. So one day you can read it over again and it will bring you comfort. I'm sure you know, but sometimes a loss has a way of messing with your memory. Don't lose your memories of him. Peace.
Read this and thought, "yeah it is nice that it's pretty clean here..." and at the same moment just realized my last post was me calling someone a jackass. (It was a very well deserved "jackass", though.)