I would love if someone had a recorded that 10 minute window right before the Q&A ended, when Mike came back on, and the little bit while he was on stage alone before his guests.
Here, someone posted it: https://youtu.be/HsDyVdMo_AA?t=25067
one of my favorites. I mean, come on..... pepe and cookies. Can't go wrong. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/073/355/13b.png
2:20pm EST
Release Date: August 9, 2021 WASHINGTON -- FEMA and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will test the nation’s public alert and warning systems at 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday. FEMA regularly tests the public alert and warning systems to assess the operational readiness of the supporting infrastructure. The tests also help identify any needed technological and administrative improvements to the systems.
More at link: https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20210809/fema-fcc-conducting-system-tests-public-alert-and-warning-infrastructures
(Just a song. Your thread reminded me of it.)
Smile! You're on Covid Camera. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq4mlDc6Kv0
(episode was from Sept. 2014)
btw, I like your idea. That would actually be great if we all did just that.
Yeah, I've had that thought as well. ANYTHING is possible, the moment you stop considering all possibilities is the moment that they TRULY have you.
Voicing these thoughts, some people will call you a troll. But the real troll is the moron who never considers all angles.
I don't THINK it's a distraction. But I keep that possiblity open. The same way I don't THINK Trump is actually evil, but I keep that possibility open. Think of it, what if Trump came out and back-stabbed all of us basically, in some way or another that was HUGE. (Like no question he was evil, kind of huge). That would be a real morale crusher, wouldn't it? Be honest. It would. It would wreak havoc. But if you've already thought of that scenario, then it won't have as big of an effect, at least you thought about it, and weren't taken by surprise.
Now before people start freaking out, do I think that's the case? no. I don't. But you always have to look many moves ahead and look at all possibilities no matter how slim they may be. It's what you are supposed to do.
People don't normally post pictures of themselves here. This isn't facebook. No offense, but when people post pics of themselves, I immediately think they're either a shill trying to dox someone, or they're someone who is into social media who doesn't really know any better. Again, no offense. But this post is a big red flag.
OP, why did you say that Rand Paul was behind the Trump access hollywood incident? Why did you say that and then delete it?
If you think Rand is a fake... then I don't know what to tell ya. Other then, you must be new here.
This is great. On the other hand, does this just mean that the good people are going to be left unemployed and the hospitals are completely saturated with nothing but leftists or those too afraid to stand up for what is right? Is this what is happening, everywhere? In all levels of government, healthcare, police, military, etc?
Push out all of those who think for themselves. So every single person in any sort of authority no matter how small or how big is just a "I was just following orders" person or worse?
(and no, I'm not saying don't fight. I'm just wondering how this is all going to end up playing out.)
You're right... interesting.