She "Echo" Q,
Note all the Q phrasing when the other works before Doge is much different.
Her job is to record this moment for future generations and has one about the 1776 report.
The mask is that She's a Q 'fan', but what are the odds she also has access to Q. There reference to "a senior official" who knows when it all "unravels" when everyone else is named.
k retard, as Billy G vaccinate our meat supplies, and parasites is found in major cities water supplies, and electric everything about to cause a dark age, you try to sound smarter than you are and waste my time.
Secure the essentials of civilization then talk. The good news: we have the guns.
Disagree, Lovely story though. Imho children are smarter and stronger than what bullshit story says. Think middle east.
There's no use hiding sins when it's all over the internet and especially Tik Tok. It's a shame really. But when was the first porno mags you've seen (not owned). Young age right? sad.
Have you seen comic book costumes?
Children are enslaved mentally starting from day 1 of Kindergarten in major cities. Try visiting a few, try not as a parent but fellow teacher. Sad.
Don your children with the armor of God too. Wish it wasn't so.
Bruh you give me the impression of a smart retard.
So pretty much a normie, so idgaf what you think!
death by covid cement lungs real data = remdisivir
k, next dummy.
debunk? so you think some of our brightest mind can't figure out the waters and covid correlates?
Do you how much water there is all over the world? and to poison it all would be very inconvenient and leave a time trail. Dilution is a huge problem too, and there are fuckers that test their waters all the time. Look up amazon for drinking water test kits.
k, next dummy
Shill mad? Made my day. Religion shills mad too!!
Even if (big) you are right, it's retarded to start a new subject now in the middle of all these happenings.
Also I heard it's snake oil that's the really real problem!
I think there's a lot of 'manipulated opposition' which is not as bad as controlled op, which implies they are bought and paid for.
Remember what Q said we vastly outnumber them. The asleep and manipulated aren't actually against us!
He probably made a "good deal" with the Satanists then the White Hats, and they just let him be as long as he works for them.
Definitely EM is/was a good engineer forced to do shady things. He's definitely legit smart and his humor is not forced.
Follow the wives, look at what happen after Putin divorce, Elon divorce?
Do everything but one step short of shooting the pedo enabler principle/HR in the face?
But we already know If people aren't willing to give up their livelihood, they sure as hell isn't going to give up their lives!
So does the world churns!
you got scammed, like the sheeple got covid scammed.
Now you can double down, like the sheeple taking the vax, turn blinders on and continue down devtardlution lane or turn back and use critical thinking again.
Just because the shadow looks like something, doesn't mean that's what it is.
Puzzle pieces makes for great fiction. Q did not give us a puzzle, but proofs so assets can act accordingly. It was COMNS! clear as day if you needed to know!
It's only a puzzle to those not supposed to know.
Smart people can afford to be honest!
devolution was retarded from the first min, but if you say anything against it, you'll get downvoted out.
You never move to a more inefficient state of management if you can help it. States power was simply more efficient back in the days before instant communication!
Untangling the webs of corruption may look like devolution at some angles, but the whole concept is utter garbage.
How do I put this?
It's similar to saying the economy(research) is run by the middle class(Joes ++)?
Its more the economy require the middle class to cooperate.
But if you actually consider all angles, can both white and black hats agree on some things?
What about are evolutionary pressures are necessary?
Can portions of the mass, genetically selected over hundreds of years for obedience, be capable of independent thoughts and veer off expected behaviors?
If no and independent thinkers are needed for the health of mankind how do you promote it?
the chans are full of degenerates and a waste of my time. I knew for a long time how things were so bad, and only wander on the chan to know wtf are they finally doing about it.
So no, your field is meaningless, and most people are in your field are blind stooges, or we wouldn't be here today.
Stop acting like you are smart so you can actually become really smart.
They only did the 'anon' research stuff to make us feel we aren't being 'fed'. it's called bread crumbs for a reason.
We Were Being Lead!
bakers only put the crumbs together!
Crumbs are important so we can verify authenticity ourselves because 80% of the stuff revealed is unbelievable otherwise.
But don't think Anons = above average Joes.
I think the part of getting a unknowing crew to go along through a crisis is spot on!
This was alluded to with walk through darkness before light also.
But it's an over simplification, and I'd recommend you to view things as they are if you have the interest and time.
Off target.
Q operation is in stages, and follow the popular information spread models.
Think tech marketing/ads.
Autism is a convenient cover. But the IC hangs out on 4chan already. And IC knows how to find people.
IC do not get to speak and mess with each other freely, but human nature compels us to.
This is why Trump said most of IC is "good" only the leadership is rotten. He's been in contact with most of them through/with Q!
The shit about autists and shit about above average joes doing stuff is disinformation, simply to make morons feels safe spilling their beans.
Would you spill classified information on a site viewed by Every FUCKING Gov agencies WW? Q explicitly said the world is watching!! How do you know they weren't already there before?
Don't let your e peen get too out of control or it's gonna hurt real bad soon. The Stage when they wanted to speak to more of the 'mass' the operation moved to 8chn and Q brought up Christian themes a lot more. Because probably they are the most easy to convince about the truth without telling them the truth.
Does NOT sound like Putin in the least.
what song was that 2nd before the end?
hyper inflation fucks debt and give reason for new currency, which of course causes hyper inflation.
Trumps and White Hats also solved America's Obesity problem.
The ending is INDEED NOT for fatties. (im jk k?)
Give them the 9 pages of Pfizer side effects and # of deaths in like 3 months?
Just say seems risky given the fact they want it sealed for 75 years, you think this is a coverup?
Money really is the root of all evil isn't it?
religious expression= let atheists be idiots, dgaf like the wise sheriff.
Telling someone to stfu= not as wise as the wise sheriff, bible pusher were also vax pushers let me remind you.
"The best way to love thy neighbors is to get vax_xinated" -yuck.
I had my share of organized religious bullshit. I wanna see the other Religious In Name Only, also get jail time or worse for misleading their congregation to VAIDs deaths.
if you hear an echo of my conversation am I talking to you? no