montominco 11 points ago +11 / -0

I think if anybody is injured or killed during a "non knock raid" that the enforcement agency should be on the hook for restitution, should be considered liable for knowingly creating a dangerous situation, especially to non-charged individuals in the area.

montominco 4 points ago +4 / -0

The crime of shooting or throwing a deadly missile is a felony. An example of this offense would be throwing a rock through a window or shooting a gun during a "drive by" shooting.

montominco 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not sure why it works on these engineered coronavirus strains. It seems we need to create a parallel health care system that treats people as well as possible, as natural as possible, with the least side effects, and not be concerned with profits or sterilizing people.

montominco 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems to me that in order to make a voluntary vax passport system stick, there has to be some significant die off - either from the vaxxed or another engineered KungFlu virus. They bragged they had 200 gain of function viruses.

montominco 3 points ago +3 / -0

Excellent point. Our target area is closer to famiily and is a small rural place I grew up. Maybe the Almighty wants us there. Unless we hear from Him where to go, that should be considered as potentially a divinely providential location.

montominco 1 point ago +1 / -0

update They pulled through allright. Some lingering crud to work out. The doctors and nurses credited NAC, quercitin, zinc and vitamin D intake for lowest symptoms in their age range. But the doctors know and still aren't pushing NAC, quercetin and others. Its hard for me to believe the doctors are that un-able to think for themselves. PS they are super stoked about having natural immunity, they say their fears are melting away and resistant to vax mandate is peaking

montominco 1 point ago +1 / -0

Both husband and wife are now positive for KungFlu. They are not willing to use the horseradish sauce,even though i laid it all out there including dosage instructions. But it sounds like monoclonal antibody treatment is what they're going to do.

montominco 1 point ago +1 / -0

My family member still has a lower fever and it hasn't gotten worse. Still haven't pushed local doctors for prescription. They won't do the horse paste. Their doctor said Ivermectin is hard on your liver because he's a commie sympathizing pussy and won't give it to them.

montominco 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will try to get things going in the AM locally for them. I hate that they tested positive, because some hospitals will then stick you in the "no treatment for virus with no cure" protocol. If you don't have a positive test hospitals will do all sorts of treatment to help you get better, but tell you a vent is the only thing if your positive. Its like your femoral artery is cut and the doctors are about to stitch it together when a nurse comes in and yells "he's got the KungFlu!" and they stop sewing it up and say, "good luck, hope your body can handle it, no curing the WuFlu." At least right now their symptoms are just fever, but not a real high fever. They will hunt doctors prescriptions in the morning. I will update everybody here.

montominco 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doesn't seem to be any NoDak or eastern montana docs on the list. There are a lot of tractor supply stores though.

montominco 1 point ago +1 / -0

A 79 year old in my family was just diagnosed, no sense of taste either. Has anybody went through frontline doctors to get perscription for ivermectin. Trying to get it for them 700 miles away and their first doctor is not cooperative.

montominco 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some internet went down. Its an M-class (medium size) solar flare. The juice started arriving today, will still be coming tomorrow - then be done. The solar explosions magnetic impulse can also trigger eartquakes and volcanos - which it did. Systems for satellites and communications have some redundancy - so an earth directed Xclass solar flare is probably what you want to root for.

montominco 19 points ago +19 / -0

September of 2015 the Q box was there. Found on facebook page of fire department. It was also there in less detail in a picture from earlier in the year. If anybody is in the area I bet its still there. https://scontent-den4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/11894479_1161533690539984_266652771099955756_o.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=973b4a&_nc_ohc=GPQeujfi_BYAX-UZ1XA&_nc_ht=scontent-den4-1.xx&oh=19553687e6fb630b6d431f88611895e5&oe=6164FE35

montominco 3 points ago +3 / -0

My comment to them, for what its worth: These vaccines are untested, experimental drugs that have no list of ingredients that is made available to the public. The ingredients we do know about are intended to get your body to produce dangerous spike proteins for perhaps the rest of your life. This change to your body may be very harmful, even fatal for some, nobody even knows the long term side effects. These vaccines do not make you immune or keep you from spreading the virus. If you can still spread the virus there is no public health reason to require or even encourage them for control of the virus. The countries with the highest vaccination rates have the highest rate of spread, which points to the data showing the vaccines will actually multiply the spread of the virus. This vaccine will not only accelerate the coronavirus, but other viruses as well, not slow it. Do not require these vaccines, they are not doing any real good and may very well prove to worse than the disease.

montominco 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't forget to check the clock throughout. There's usually wierd symbolism when you see a clock with hands, especially if they move.

montominco -1 points ago +1 / -2

The number of blod clots is pretty low out of millions of shots given. There have been thousands of deaths due to Moderno and Pfizer. My thought is that the powers that be want people to get the MRNA vaccine and are trying to shut down J&J. The standard style vaccine is not the trojan horse MRNA vaccine. They don't like people "getting out of jail" without getting the trojan horse.

by skanon
montominco 1 point ago +1 / -0

the mary sue seems to be an anti-q, anti-trump outfit. Also the writer of this article is a self-described practicing witch (I found in another article of hers). Although I have understood there weren't snakes in Ireland even when Patrick was there (besides the druid warlocks and witches).

montominco 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is the Jessie Smollett bit if you missed it. And remember, he was photographed at many events with Kamala Devi Harris - race baiter extraordinaire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZXoErL2124 don't forget to also search for "MAGA country Nigerian" they always are cutting the ending. NETFLIX paid Chappelle 60 million to red pill America.

montominco 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dave Chappelle also had a rumored break with sanity, only to come back and expose pedophilia and kinky elite sex stuff and false flag events in comedy. And of course don't forget the legendary Juicy Smollet bit.

montominco 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is a zoom out video at the bottom of the web page. It zooms out from Max Plank's Institute for Quantum Optics in Munich, Germany.

montominco 1 point ago +1 / -0

Drop 3231 Marker [1] The watch reads 4:50 4:50 was when he started speaking at CPAC?

montominco 3 points ago +3 / -0

They just can't let go of the Orange Man Bad. They want him to take over the capital and dominatrix them so the can go reeeeeeeee harder than ever.

montominco 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pam just gave me 21 hopium blunts to save for later in my Hopium Humidor.

montominco 14 points ago +14 / -0

LORD help us pedes to stay pure and be ready to share the truth, may you give us confidence that you have always had our back and remind us that we know where we are ultimately going. Give us your Spirit that we may stay strong with the pedes and expose and defeat all the devil's schemes. And may your light shine into and pierce the darkness. May your power go with us in all we do. Amen

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