take 1hr of Reddit daily and if it persists cut out GAW viewing to only Hot Posts, no more NEW refreshing.
I think its largely getting buried amongst the HB1 broohaha... https://patriots.win/p/19A17TEjuj/everyone-should-read-this-book-a/
Just watching that clown fiddle with the wrinkly flags and make them even worse is pretty offensive!
He and his Sisters will be far better off not going to a Commie School.
MORE FLAGS, MORE FLAGS, MORE FLAGS People... those are just rookie numbers of flags....
This 3rd Video on the crazy number of Vaxx Deaths of Young New Zealanders under 40 seems to have really kicked the hornets nest...
Download and save before they disappear...
Courageous New Zealander Liz Gunn was threatened by NZ law firm Simpson & Grierson with imprisonment over the revelations exposed in this video. Download this video and share widely before it gets banned.
Part 1 is here:
Wheres Jena??? Oh yes forgot, ... packing her bags out back.
Its more likely to do with the Social security pension payout tidal wave of boomers reaching retirement age and the coffers being empty.
The same ones that ordered the Wellington Capital lockdown/mandate protest to be broken up using imported South African "police recruits".
It does if the NZ Government receives a monetary or social security insurance kick-back from deaths associated with their jab program
The NZ Ministry of Health are not denying the dataset is real. In fact they are prosecuting the Whistleblower for unauthorized use and dissemination. Chudov has only so far analyzed the batches 1 and 7 as far as I can see and has concerns.
Chudov has major concerns with the numbers presented on screen in the whistle blower video regards the 118 batches in the dataset. Batch 1 and 7 in the dataset he was given didn't correlate with the figures shown by the whislteblower. His data showed an increase in numbers vaxxed in these two batches with a corresponding number of more deaths but at a lower overall percent death rate that the figures shown on the video.
He mentioned that he had had a 'near-death' experience recently and was 'at peace' with whatever happened as a result of his whistleblowing.
NZ Health vaxxinator payments database included : • age of vaccinee, • batch number, • vaccination centre, • date and dose number, and • number of days to death if that person died during the 2-year period following last vax.
you mean the Biden Regime welshed on the deal... Shocking! I say. Shocking!
Amen. He needed to be on a plane off to South America like many in Australia & NZ who exposed the lies and tyranny of their "FREE DEMOCRACIES".
Steve Kirsh has doubled down on the soundness of the data set he received. Let's see what plays out. NZ POLICE Bully-boy tactics signals that someone is sweating bullets. Ex PM Chris Hipkins - Minister of COVID Response perhaps?
"Auntie Helen", as she is known in NZ, is #3 at the One-World-Government/UN
You may well be right re strawman...real name = Barry Young. Seems there are unexplained holes in the data - enough discrepancies to point to possible psyop.
NZ Ministry of Health is panicking Big Time with this Data Drop of its own statistics showing enormous increases in death rates following Pfzier Jabs across New Zealand.
and why would that make a difference to the facts provided? His name is most likely going to come out as they have done a horrible job trying to hide it... NZ is a small place.
If you look into this more thoroughly you will find this guy wasn't a doctor but, most likely, a contractor to the New Zealand Ministry of Health contracted to build the database tracking system of payments to those organizations that vaxxed people. He had a legitimate access to the database and was horrified by what he saw and was brave enough to show statistically that the vaxx had killed people.
This is from page 466 of "the Real Anthony Fauci"... BBC’s heartbreaking 2004 documentary, Guinea Pig Kids, chronicles the savage barbarity of Dr. Fauci’s science projects from the perspective of the affected children. That year, BBC hired investigative reporter Celia Farber to conduct field research for the film, which exposes the dark underside of Big Pharma’s stampede to develop lucrative new AIDS remedies.
“I found the mass grave at Gate of Heaven cemetery in Hawthorne, New York,” she told me. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a very large pit with AstroTurf thrown over it, which you could actually lift up. Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins, haphazardly stacked. There may have been 100 of them. I learned there was more than one child’s body in each. Around the pit was a semi-circle of several large tombstones on which upward of one thousand children’s names had been engraved. I wrote down every name. I’m still wondering who the rest of those kids were. As far as I know, nobody has ever asked Dr. Fauci that haunting question.
“I remember the teddy bears and hearts in piles around the pit and I recall the flies buzzing around. The job of recording all those names took all day. NIAID, New York, and all the hospital PIs were stonewalling us. We couldn’t get any accurate estimate of the number of children who died in the NIAID experiments, or who they were.
I went to check the gravestone names against death certificates at the NYC Department of Health, which you could still do at that time. BBC wanted to match these coffins to the names of children who were known to have been at ICC. It was a very slow, byzantine project with tremendous institutional resistance, but we did turn up a few names.
We learned the story of a father who had come out of prison looking for his son. He was told his son had died at ICC of AIDS and there were no medical records, as they’d all been ‘lost in a fire.’ He was devastated.
This story ran in the NY Post, believe it or not. But one after the other, every media outlet that touched this story got cold feet. Even then, the medical cartel had this power to kill this kind of story.