Monkey Werx mentioned on his last video that project loon stopped being an internet service and was spun off as an observation/spying service. Not sure what the source is for that statement but it wouldn't surprise me. Also wouldn't surprise me if project loon was a cover to get people used to surveillance balloons similar to life log becoming Facebook.
I really like your statement in all caps at the end. It's true, and ultimately, we don't need to sweat the small stuff because God has already won. We just need to do our part to help bring love, compassion, and everything else that Jesus taught us, into this world to accelerate the coming of a new world in line with God's principles.
I recently discovered The Bible Project and Tim Mackie does a great job of distilling down what the bible is trying to teach us. His insight has made so many things come into focus that I never saw because I couldn't see the forest for the trees. Highly recommend this intro to the bible from Tim Mackie.
Interesting that one of the Masonic police members had ties to Kamala Harris
Why is he in the driver's seat?
Thank you. I've tried to get my family to watch it but none of them had the patience to make it more than an hour. ?
Makes me want to research Mark Twain more now that I know he was a free mason. He once said truth is stranger than fiction. I used to think that was just an interesting observation that rings true. Now I'm thinking he was being very literal and has probably said a lot of things that when viewed from a free mason perspective, gives a peek behind the curtain.
It occurred to me later that Indiana was considering constitutional carry so that's probably why they wanted a mass shooting.
So this passed yesterday and there's a mass shooting within hours of it passing. Probably nothing but I wouldn't put it past the cronies to do something like that to distract from the fact that the governor's dictatorship is being challenged.
My favorite line: "Are we the land of the free and brave? Or the land of the sheep and slaves?"
And who says the creator doesn't have a sense of humor. Lol
The revolution won't be televised :)
Thanks for consistently doing these daily wrap-ups. I always send this to my awoken friends and family to keep their eye on the ball and not be dooming. Things are clearly happening that wouldn't be happening if the cabal was in control. I've lived through 3 cabal presidencies and all the crimes and shenanigans were buried and nothing happened. That's not what is happening now. The wheels of justice are turning slowly but they are turning.
This is ridiculous! The parents should be ashamed of themselves for participating in this torture/medical experiment.
Divorce court and dealing with DCS woke me up quite a bit. Logic and common sense don't exist in those venues.
Wtf? So the emoji for july is a calendar ?️ with a 17 but when I type in every other month into the emoji search, either nothing comes up or it's not a calendar icon. Interesting...
Excellent work! A nice digestible red pill for the normies. :)
It reads like a Patriot's wet dream. Kinda doubt it is real.
Thanks for posting the sauce! :)
Hillary Eats Babies
I use Ubiquity Unifi APs. Each one can have up to 4 SSIDs at a time. I use 3 of the SSIDs for legitimate purposes and have been changing the 4th one periodically. Thanks for the reminder :). It has been broadcasting Trump Won for the last 3 weeks. Now it says Biden is a Pedo
That's fantastic! I ordered a pillow from them on January 6th and got it a week later so this delay on their part is very recent. I'm glad there's so many patriots willing to step up and support the people putting their neck out for the little people.
This secretary dude is an elitist through and through. Complaining about the little guy doing the exact same crap as the big guys but it's a risk to the market when "unsophisticated" investors do it. No comment on if it's equally risky when the "sophisticated" investors do the same crap.
I'm so excited! I'm relatively new to the Q stuff but all the boxes are being checked for the big plan. ???? The military option is looking very real and I believe we're in good hands. I started my day very down but the more I've seen today the more I believe Trump and patriots in the military and intelligence community have us covered. I'm parking my butt right here and staying away TDW cuz they're dooming like crazy and being retarded.
Preach it! The dooming and misinfo is getting ridiculous there.
Sailboats can sail faster than the wind if they're sailed at an angle to the wind. But if the wind is directly behind the boat, it can't go faster than the wind. This guy's invention makes his test vehicle go faster than the wind when the wind is directly behind it.