nobscraig 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's really amazing how Main St Media continues to outright lie about almost everything... and especially without a care in the World about the real truth.

nobscraig 1 point ago +1 / -0

I heard he is already at GITMO awaiting trial... haha! Wishful thinking!

nobscraig 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope I'm wrong but she does have that deep state - cabal - rino with the frown-like-smirk on her face...

nobscraig 6 points ago +6 / -0

And today is the 23rd and that was 12 days ago and I haven't heard it even on main street media. But not that I listen to them. Has anyone else? Either way, main street media our fake news and a bunch of scum any ways!

nobscraig 1 point ago +1 / -0

purkiss80 I sent you a question below that I hit reply to QdaPeeps that was meant to go to you and if you have time it would be appreciated but if not I certainly understand. But thanks either way.

nobscraig 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can I ask you a question? As with a lot of us on here we've lost connection with family and friends. I haven't spoken to one of our daughters or one of my brothers for over 2 yrs and while I do email or text my mother and speak with her a couple times a year. She's such a Trump hater that can't see what's going on in the real World. A couple years ago I used to send here articles or video's once a week. And know it's with limited info may be once a month or two. And in those days despite my beliefs on what's happening I was still questioning things and she nor the others wanted to discuss things as they just thought I was brain-washed and part of some Trump cult. And that's where the division started and even though she is starting to see the World falling apart yet sees it as being all Trumps fault. And while I've explained from the start I don't understand this division because it's so different than in the past when we disagreed on things and voted for different Presidents we still communicated our differences, accepted them and moved on with our lives as usual. But not this time and while I will send documented info or studies or information she would always say it was just fake but would never send anything to me to support here beliefs. Probably, because it was only what she heard was from main street media or Facebook. And if wasn't my mother I'd probably just walk away and never look back. But today she sent me this short video (https://youtu.be/xOi2cYz5nXE?si=beh5HZNwfeMxftCu) and while I know its just a bunch of propaganda, her email said the following: "You send me a lot of things so please listen to this." Mom... And while I don't know or remember a lot about the "Lincoln Project" how might you respond? And not so much as a reaction but more so factual as I don't have a lot of knowledge about this project. And I also realize your busy so it's ok if you don't have enough time to comment.

nobscraig 1 point ago +1 / -0

That sad part is, there would be a much larger percentage believing it, maybe 25%? That in itself would be unbelieveable.

nobscraig 2 points ago +2 / -0

Almost like Swatting? That really would be funny!

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