Like I said, its a nice and "convincing" read. I'm simply pointing out my own perception and analysis. We all thought at the time that Barr stabbed Trump in the back by naming Durham a "special" investigator, but that now seems a move by Trump himself to at least have Durham finish the report. What remains to be seen is what happens when that happens. As much as I am hopeful that we'll see real names and actions, I am basing my read on the situation on the Horowitz report, which already named names, but then was swept under the rug, quickly. I am a realist, and as much as we all have hopes and beliefs, reality is a bitch sometimes.
They are all administered via 2 doses, 3 weeks apart. Stay awake.
No, not emotional. Analytical, and factual. And really tired of telling people they are full of shit, to only see them go into a non-stop circle jerk instead of actually educating themselves on a subject. Up your hormones level with your "you're emotional" crap.
Unless at the January 6 electoral vote you saw 2. I only saw 1.
Needs 60 in Senate to even get a listen. DOA.
Learn how Senate works. The filibuster rule. All show and no go.
SCOTUS judge Alto, literally a week PRIOR to Nov. 3 elections clearly ruled, in a published opinion, that ONLY the PA state legislature is able to mandate and/or change election rules and laws.
Please remind us how that, in any way, affected PA to piss on the ruling.
WI Supreme court invalidated 200,000 ballots a week PRIOR to Jan. 6 electoral vote count easily handing the state of WI to Trump. The ONLY thing WI state legislature did, with GOP majority mind you, is issue a letter promising they will deal with such issues in future elections. They did not recall their electors for Zhou Bai Den and let fraudulent numbers stand.
CA state judge ruled against Newsom and told him he has no LEGAL authority to force face muzzles and to order business and state closures. Remind me, did anything change?
Stop beleiving in fairy tales. Only because a judge says so, nothing save for serious prison time will stop libtards from doing things their way. You see anyone in prison yet?
We either start playing by the same rules they set, or this entire house of cards is quickly coming down, and hard. If Red Chyna and Russia are not great examples, then I am not sure how else to point out that "being reasonable" does not work for us.
2 issues with the above analysis.
Point 1, its true that being assigned a special prosecutor the only way such prosecutor can be dismissed is by a direct order from a sitting AG. No other way.
Point 2, and we've seen it already before. Durham report does not go directly to the public consumption, to us, the people, it goes to the sitting AG. And nowhere else. And it is up to the sitting AG to then provide a "general overview" of what AG thinks the report says (and not what the report could actually say). It is also up to the sitting AG and DoInjustice to either act on the report and its findings, or simply sit on them and sweep them under the rug. Horowitz report came out, can you recall anyone paying the price?
Don't forget that even though Mueller report indicated they found absolutely no factual data to prove Russia collusion, Mueller then STILL said to the Senate that he believes there was one. And paid no price for the open lie to the Senate under oath.
I want to believe what your Canadian guy says, but his analysis does not really align with how things really work. And as we've seen them work under Trump, with this abomination now in the WH all bets are way off, including Durham.
Its either something happens by March 4, or all of this talk of "Durham justice" will be just that, talk. Hunter and his uncle are now OPENLY SELLING OFF access and deals.
I stopped reminding people. The place was "destroyed" roughly 3 weeks ago after an influx of Fukbook "push Like button" and "check out this meme" hoards. Used to be a concise, fact and real info driven place, now its a mix of Fukbook and National Enquirer with way too many winners of Jeopardy who have absolutely no time to ever read anything factual, but have all the time in the world to share their thoughts on subjects they have little idea about.
The ONLY such improvement is that you used to pay organized crime for protection, now you pay directly to local cops. Their cops are the new millionaires and you must pay a good size bribe to join the ranks.
This last round of "improved" Constitution now fines you for using cuss words. 70% of the country is still using outhouses, no improved infrastructure. If you go to a hospital you are still expected to provide your own medicine. Yes, they will tell you which specific medicine, but its on you.
Milk products, you know, cheese, yogurt, state now that "50% of the product is using milk, who knows what the rest of ingredients are.
Such a great life...
I can go on and on and on... The place was a dump, and is a dump. The only thing he did improve is that instead of the country selling off its resources by whoever is able to put their hands on them, Putin now controls who is able to do so, his small cabal of friends. And outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg the life today is as it ever was, utter crap. Main reason entire population drinks to forget, they have nothing else to live for. What you read and what the reality is are hugely different things. Strange, and ironic, how so many (correctly) think that our news media openly lies to us, and then, somehow, you take anything coming out of the originators of news media lies as facts and truth.
Believe what you want, doesn't make it factual. Maybe you should move there since you love the place so much. Let's see how much you really like it. And how fast you will be crawling back on your knees and elbows to escape that "great place".
You prove brainwashing works, on grand scale. The only air "defense weapons proof" that exists is that they shut down their own Russian plane with 23 soldiers on board. So far, proven the crap they are, and so far NO ONE really has seen them work in real life. Between the Israelis and Turks they destroyed dozens of these hyped up batteries, with India and a few others cancelling orders soon after.
Like I said, keep reading and repeating utter shit, Russian propaganda. You are proof morons can be easily deceived.
And your utter anti-semitic views are in full display, BTW.
BYE, moron.
DO NOT TAKE THIS CRAP! It doesn't even fit any medical definition as vaccine. Listen to this pro, she explains it well and is more than qualified:
This is old news, days old by now.
The ONLY plan he broke in Syria is stopping gas and oil lines crossing through Syria into EU, thus killing the competition for his own oil and gas sold there. But keep repeating BS, doesn't matter what you believe. Always follow the money. Always.
CHYNA praised him for the speech. Think about that.
Can you name just one, ONE, thing that Putin has not done same exact way the cabal has the world over in the past few years? Save for not having LBGT and supporting religion. Covid shit, face muzzles, lock downs, vaccination, new Constitution that infringes on people right even more now, etc, etc, etc.
Name one thing. He is at Davos FOR A REASON. And its not what you think it is.
He wasn't the only one Jew to speak out. Recall Cory Feldman and is other friend Cory, they made a few movies together. Feldman openly said that they were pedoed by a number of people in Hollyweird, and promised to name names. His documentary should still be up, The Rape of Corys.
Wasn't news, at all. They decided to enact new, "improved" Constitution last year. Pretty much infringe on even more rights. Cut government pensions, again. Raised retirement age, again, to force people to work until the age when they cannot even collect on their pensions (average age in Russia is pretty low). You now can be fined for using cuss words (kid you not!). A bunch of other crap, all against people's rights. In order to do that they all "quit". But prior to "quitting" they also voted themselves much higher salaries (doh!). And once the new Constitution kicked in a week or 2 later, they ALL came to back to their prior political offices, no exceptions. ALL OF THEM. So, no one resigned, no one left, they all got nice fat pay raises in the process. Some "resignation".
Have no idea what all the lying shills are claiming.
I get my news at the source. Native Russian speaker, check on their deeds daily. Used to live in that hell hole, many moons ago.
That same Marshall report also claimed other gov shake ups, Poland, etc. All pure speculation and utter uneducated BS. The only reason 2 of Poland's guys "quit" was to assume better positions in the EU government since UK left those positions open, and both Poland and Hungary now are "moving up" in EU ranks, so to speak.
Estonia gov dd not quit, just the PM. After the only financial propping up of their economy, save for money laundering for most of the word, the only economy boost they had was doing business with Russia. Last year all Baltic ex-republics, now their own countries, decided to "punish" Russia and close all business ties with Russia. Guess what happened to their economies. All are dead now since they mean nothing to EU. Slitting their own throats. Putin said, Good riddance.
Same with Malaysia gov, they go through new one very often, so nothing to do with the cabal, or Vatican, or whatever. Normal occurence.
Absolutely nothing to do with the cabal. Have no idea who believes this utter garbage of a report. If the only "proof" of the report was posting utter LIES, then entire report is garbage.
You're absolutely right. He brain washed the entire country even on grander scale than here. People scream FOR face muzzles now. And they scream FOR vaccination. Same exact vaccine they are pushing here. He speaks at DAVOS, that in itself is a sign he is part of cabal.
Have no idea why so many are so lost. Sure, Russia doesn't like, nor want, LBGT. Sure, Russia supports religion now. Save for that, can someone list even one feature in Russia that is not a NWO one?
Not only that, but she claimed that governments of Russia and others resigned, most of that is utter BS. I posted reasons and facts in another thread days ago.
How's it over if Russia is following exact same BS the rest of the world is forced to? Their idiots are even more brainwashed than ours, they strongly believe in face muzzles and vaccination, I watch videos where people are literally forcefully thrown out of public transport when not wearing a mask, and attacked in stores.
They also somehow believe that their vaccine is so much better than ours, while not realizing/understanding the only vaccine they supposedly "developed" is exactly same one they stole fro Moderna. They had no time to test it, at all, they simply said "Here it is!" If we have roughly 50% brainwashed, they are closer to 95% from what I see and read (native speaker). They follow same protocols for business closures we do, no difference.
Don't care what Putin claims.
Wrong. Can be expelled with a 2/3 House vote.
What so many seem to miss is that once someone is elected to D.C. they become FEDERAL employees. A few years ago I tried to start a petition in Nevada to recall a libtard Senator. By NEVADA state Constitution it is clear as day that ANYONE elected by NEVADA citizens can then be removed/recalled by same NEVADA citizens. Right?
Spent a few days with the NV state AG office, climbing higher and higher, with each subsequent discussion ending with, "Yes, I see the Nevada state Constitution law you are referring to, but you cannot recall a Senator. Don't know why, but you cannot". Until. One day received an email, from AG himself, a staunch conservative, in a very irritated style, pointing me to an old, now almost forgotten law enacted back in 1939??? Back when House, Senate and POTUS were of same variety, the libtard kind. They voted to make any elected Senator /House member to D.C. a FEDERAL employee, which makes them shielded from RECALL by any state that elected them in the first place. Though each having capability to expel members, impeachment for POTUS and 2/3 vote for not.
Need to find the email, but can dig around to find the law. Commiegress protecting and shielding itself.
Don't you think that citizens of WY would not recall Cheney witch right now if they had the means? Instead of only censuring her, their only means of doing anything while awaiting the next election cycle?
Libtards need 2/3 of the House to expel. Not happening.
I keep telling people and some are still not paying attention. When the facts are staring one in the face.
Vaccines, in simple terms, work by injecting very minute amount of an isolated virus strain, and force your immune system to first, fight it off, and second, learn how it fought next time it encounters same enemy and react in same way.
In this case, there is ZERO, NONE of the supposed isolated virus of any sort in the shots they administer, this injection simply modifies how your cells work with protein. So, yes, a DNA modification. By eventually turning your own cells to attack your own organs such as lungs, liver, etc. Basically, turning your own immune system against yourself. And no one else, as of now, even knows if this will be passed along to children in the mother's womb. The assumption is that it will. And will turn some women, at the last, to be sterile. So, works in different ways, yes.
What we were told about covid virus was all a pretense. Its not the virus itself that is the issue, since it is just another strain of flu we always have issues with each and every year, and actually way less deadly as it turned out. But by conditioning the world over the "bad virus" they convinced all the weak minded that they must take the shot, beg for it (people even paying $20K bribes now to get to the head of line).
Mass voluntary compliance. Trade mark of any communist brain washing, and it took very little effort.
DoJ should have been charging and prosecuting a huge number of cases by now. Your point?