Hey dipshit potato maybe you haven't been paying attention but these last few years sales have been well...good. First off your plan will not work and even if by some miracle of bullshit it did it would be the equivalent of closing the barn door years after the horse left but whatever your stupid and I understand that.
Gee mark of the beast much there?
You knew as soon as clark and the state started it they would drag the rest of us along, Lyon county will not comply...
She's right...
Looks like it's Clark County as we have heard nothing about that here in the north (Carson City Area)
Updoot for Casablanca reference!
bullshit...pure bullshit...
Updoot for Paul Harvey reference!
Congratulations! 1 day at a time, slow and steady wins the race!
Lyon county has your back!
Lyon county demands an audit also, bring the cuffs and pack a lunch!
Threaten away...if there's one thing we are not afraid of is you commie cocksuckers, FAFO!
Even in Washoe the show of Trump support was overwhelming!
Lyon county NV here and we're gonna push like hell!
Trump = 99.999% Biden = Whatever is left over...
I see all but clark and washoe (naturally) getting in on this.
Time to get Lyon County on board, calling my commissioners now!
That's courage personified!
I saw that headline today and totally meant to warn you all that you were going to have a like a violent uprising and stuff but got distracted by and started following a hound who was chasing a butterfly and forgot...sorry about that...
Lyon County here and absolutely agree!
I know where to start, boots in asses...
I think it's cause we have a "d" controlled legislature (thanks dominion...) and they thought they could get away with it we would just roll over and take it... Thank you AZ patriots for lighting the fire under many states asses! It will be interesting to see how we get it to the table here in NV...
More govt. sanctioned violence of the worst kind...You evil cocksuckers...