Same here.. and it's my biggest issue with Q. It creates this sentiment of "kick back and trust the plan. Q has this all planned out!" instead of "stand up and take action". If you're enjoying anything about this administration, you're on the wrong side.
Unless you're ordering highly suspicious amounts, the worst that will happen is you'll get a letter from customs letting you know your contents have been confiscated and will be destroyed after x days without an appeal. If that happens, just reach out to the seller and they will usually reship for free or for the cost of shipping. I've ordered several things from them without interception or any other problems. I'd recommend having some doxycycline, azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin in your personal health care kit.
t. Not my first rodeo.
You can order pharma grade Ivermectin from a few places. It'll take a few weeks to arrive, but it's worth having the real deal when you need it. These guys also have HCQ.
Fuck the FDA, fuck the CDC, and fuck the NIH.
Swiss Policy Research has some great studies and scientific evidence masks so barely anything They've got a great collection of studies and research for COVID and the vaccine as well.
Yea. You hit the nail on the head here. One other thing I'd like to add is Q has basically become a religion to some people. However, I don't believe in false prophets.. And I don't believe in waiting around for false prophets to fix everything while we sit around on our asses "enjoying the show". I'm not enjoying this show. I'm not enjoying watching the greatest country on earth rapidly slip into a woke tranny bolshevik revolution.
So go ahead and kick back and enjoy OwNiNg Da LiBs until you realize how fucking far they've already destroyed this country. Compare today with 20 years ago.
While you giggle at dumb shit our brain dead tyrant leader says, patriots are suffering in a hole in DC jails. ARE THEY ENJOYING THE SHOW?