ozrifles 6 points ago +6 / -0

Didnt the last few people that tried to :

  • Introduce metals based currency (libya / gold dinar)
  • Sell oil & gas in other than USD (Iraq)
  • Talk about using their own crypto to bypass the system

didnt they all get viciously attacked and smashed ?

And here we have Russia managing to mix up all 3 at the same time.

Man, its getting interesting

ozrifles 1 point ago +1 / -0


He definitely gets around !

Seems to know exactly where to be, before things really heat up

ozrifles 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, the red part is the Poland- partitioned area in the West of Ukraine.

For reference - see this partition map from WW2 that shows where the division of land goes from the "Ribbentrop - Molotov" pact 1939


ozrifles 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I was a mad despot in charge of the operation, I would try this :

  • Offer Poland Lvov (basically as per the map)
  • Carve off a bit for Hungary / Romania
  • Give Koenigsberg back to Germany

.. on the condition that Poland / Hungary / Romania / Germany sign on to join some Pan-Eurasian Co-Prospertity Sphere and Mutual Defence type of thing, and get a discount on their energy bills.

ozrifles 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you go linux, install kdenlive for video editing. It's sweet.

ozrifles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Build your own from parts. It's quite simple these days.

Get a mid range AMD Ryzen or new i5. These entry level chips offer more speed and power than you will likely ever need.

Buy the best mech keyboard you can afford.

Buy a decent monitor.

Run linux on it (just a vanilla ubuntu LTS will do). Or if you know what you are doing, FreeBSD 13, or OpenBSD.

Download every compiler and language you can find, and learn them all.

ozrifles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Best response so far...


I have no idea about who the idiot is that posted that, but hovering over their profile link, every single flag you can imagine comes up, from BLM, to LBGTQPI+ to Ukraine, etc

ozrifles 1 point ago +1 / -0


Print this out, and try using some Russian DNS servers instead, if US DNS servers get cooked

ozrifles 5 points ago +5 / -0


And the Australian Police in each state are registered with ABNs

ABN = Australian Business Number ... its a thing that all for-profit enterprises need to have in order to issue invoices and make an income.


Gotta love the AFP (Austrailan Federal Police - Fed level, above state level) .. trades under names such as "Asia Pacific Group"

You can lookup ABNs on this official government site here for example


ozrifles 2 points ago +2 / -0

How are they going to explain this stuff ?

(retweets - lots of nasty video shorts of Ukrianian citizens taped to posts and getting abused by other Ukrainians)


ozrifles 23 points ago +23 / -0

Do you remember when Al-Qaeda was a thing ?

Every week, they would announce that : "The Leader of Al-Qaeda has finally been eliminated in a surprise midnight raid by members of secret Drone Force Number 9"

Then the next week :

"The Leader of Al-Qaeda has finally been eliminated in a surprise dawn raid by Dolphin Squad 7"

and the next week :

"The Leader of Al-Qaeda has finally been eliminated by the most feared sniper of all time, who's name remains a mystery"

ozrifles 17 points ago +17 / -0

They can (and will) get away with it - because their viewers will nod in agreement without question with everything they say ... and completely forget what they were nodding in agreement with the just day before.

Not one of their viewers will even remember that Ukraine was "winning"

Then tomorrow the news will tell us that Russia has developed a Biosonic Death Ray of Horror or some such shit.

ozrifles 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ask her if she knows what the flag of Libya looks like ?

Or Yemen ?

Or Donbass ?

If not, why not ?

ozrifles 18 points ago +18 / -0

NATO troops on the ground, embedded with the Ukrainian army.

That's why they are publically encouraging "volunteers" to head over, so when the piles of bodies are sorted out, they can deny responsibility and claim them all as awol.

No war pensions for you

ozrifles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im still looking for the source link for this map ... but its interesting in that its telling a different story to most of the other maps going around.

It does correlate with the Saker map, which also shows that everything East of the Dniepr is being penetrated and divided into pockets.

Note the region labelled "KPR?" in the south - Kherson Peoples Republic ?

ozrifles 5 points ago +5 / -0

That image is pretty much 100% how AOC remembers Jan 6th

ozrifles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not suggesting this map is more or less accurate than any other map. This source is known to be heavily pro-Ukraine.

Agree that the Saker map gives a more accurate picture of whats going on.

Point of the post is to highlight that the amount of activity on this map, today, is way above normal levels.

Its only ever had a few dots covering major reports of activity. Today, the whole front is lit up, and that in itself is unusual.

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