GO TRUMP he is clearly going after the music INDUSTRY. By adding Celine to the mix he is EXPOSING all the BS. THINK nobody pays to attend a Trump rally. If I play my music list at the beach should the Artists be recompensed because 100 people heard the music. Trump should CHARGE these people for the FREE exposure he giving these mostly forgotten artists.
GOOD pick ( I think by the WHats ) but any which way this guy EPITOMISES the worst type of politician. Well spoken BS will never again cut it. We have the internet and we have independent Media that will REALLY fact check.
THANKYOU for posting this. It is encouraging but also expected that more are being added. It is still mind boggling to imagine, even with these Brigades how they will bring this many to Justice. BUT on further reflection many will fold easily ,they must already know they are targets.
The 80,s and helped raise enough truthers to KNOW there comes a time to give them meat instead of milk! PLUS I tend to only comment and the more savvy, like my comments, SO hopefully this site still caters for ALL even the more aware.
SERIOUSLY! We all know now that SOROS (DEAD) is only one part of this Globalist , Elite ,Cabal, Illuminati SHIT SHOW. OUR enemy is SO much bigger than one puny PUPPET of the cabal who is dead already. Yes his son is visible, so what. I know this site is meant to educate BUT if we put too much attention on 1 bogeyman in my view we are not helping to educate anyone.
I am HOPING that this was somehow a WHat operation to bring attention to how many time,s they have used plane crashes to take out people like this, and they are somehow safe.