by Restore
patriot365247 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the military is in control and they're being forced to take the shots, we must conclude that the shots are not deadly.

However, if the military no longer has control or an unknown factor with the "vaccine", maybe even human error, caused people to start dropping dead in a year or two, we are all fucked.

patriot365247 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now it makes sense to you all why Trump gave Kodak a $765m loan for "pharmaceutical ingredients", right? It came out of the defense budget.

patriot365247 24 points ago +24 / -0

I called this out a while back! Please see this post. If all paper is sourced from the US Printing Service it makes even more sense now!

patriot365247 2 points ago +2 / -0

you're right! I purchased my older aunts and uncles an Amazon Fire tablet on Prime Day for only $45/each. Installed RSBN and some other things on there and showed them how to use it so that they can watch the real news!

patriot365247 5 points ago +5 / -0

The CDC says, "Experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID19". So, if they do not have that answer, why are they telling people who've had COVID to get the vax! Why put yourself at unneccesary risk when you could have life-long natural immunity and you don't even need the shot!

patriot365247 8 points ago +8 / -0

Some may ask, "Out of all people, why is Mike Lindell in this position of exposing the election fraud info? Shouldn't there be an expert doing this?"

Well, Mike Lindell IS the expert! Ask around, and 99% of Americans will say they've heard of "My Pillow" or seen an ad for it. Trump appointed Lindell because he is the man for the job. He is an expert at advertising and getting the word out. One thing about Trump... he doesn't care about who you are or your history, if you're the best person for the job, then the job is yours! If not, you're fired!

patriot365247 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden was late because he was busy taking his afternoon nap.

patriot365247 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Supreme Court is between a rock and a hard place if they deny reviewing this case and evidence. If they deny the case, the next logical step would be to post the PCAP data online so that hundreds of independent cyber forensic professionals can review it and come to the same conclusion!

patriot365247 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is very disturbing. Facebook can use this to literally control an entire narrative on any subject in the future. By hiding comments that don't fit their decided narrative, they could make it appear that 90% or more people agree on a particular topic, meanwhile it is the complete opposite. Facebook has way too much power.

patriot365247 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dson, can you click my user name and then select Posts and upvote my recent post about this? I don't know why, but I am attempting to post this info on the board but it does not show up!

patriot365247 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you remember on July 27, 2020, Trump did a speech where he announced that his administration was giving Kodak a $765m loan for "pharmaceutical ingredients". Yes, Kodak, the printing company. Well, that made hardly any sense and I think it was a cover story to justify the spend for a secret project.

If you notice, it is Q drop #765 that says "Watch the water." Coincidence? There are no coincidences!

If you do some research into Kodak, you will find that a few years back, they filed for a patent for a new technology that enables them to use chemically marked fibers within paper as a traceable watermark, including on ballot paper.

The ballots are individually procured by each state through companies such as ES&S, which, according to their website collaborates closely with the DHS. I believe this $765m loan to Kodak is linked to a secret watermark on the ballots. Even though ballots are printed/ordered by states individually, the paper could be marked using this technology. I do believe the paper used by ES&S and other vendors is procured via the federal government (need someone to help verify this).

Regarding the blockchain technology that has been discussed, it is my belief that every piece of ballot paper has been watermarked using this microfiber chemical marker technology and every ballot's chemical signature from these watermarks has been captured and stored using a blockchain. The military knows exactly where each real ballot was sent based on this. After the election fraud is found in AZ, the National Guard will be deployed to perform a full audit state by state, where they will verify ballot authenticity using this secret technology.

Link to Kodak announcement:

Link to info article about the Kodak patent:

Link to detailed patent info:

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