I think that would be a nice request especially if he honors it. If Obama or Biden signed the accommodation I would request one from Trump. Just to get the response. It will probably be the auto-pen signature. I wouldn't want anything signed by Obama or Biden as they hated the military and our country. My discharge papers were signed by Richard Nixon, now I know he may not have been legitimate either.
First of all, anything done by a criminal enterprise is a crime. These passed laws can not stand, if passed by criminals-so if the Biden/Harris team want to pass all these laws, congress starts them, the House passes them then the senate okays what is before them, the president then signs them-Biden (in spite of recent friendship with Trump, is still an enemy of the US) so they should be ruled illegal. Our congress has never been so busy.
At least I hope I am right. Barry was an illegitimate president, so everything he did should be wiped out including, especially, the Affordable Care Act!
This is sad, and probably criminal in nature. When was this guy hired? Has been there for a while? They needed to be weeded out, kind of like a garden-get rid of things that are bad, they can definitely affect the culture of the entire organization.
That is funny. But after Ukraine has gotten so much from us, we propped up their pensions and other things (I'm still not certain most of the money goes back to Dems/Commies after being laundered, but no audit has been completed, as far as I know).
I don't know if she has seen RFK's workout routine, probably not. But he appears to be a very healthy person. She on the other hand might be mad that he may give her better choices in her life and she is satisfied with her largess!
I, and probably many others, do not believe the first part of Nadler's statement. Gaetz will not use his office to "get even with people" he will use it to prosecute criminals like the 2nd part of Nadler's statement. So who doesn't want criminals to be prosecuted?? Speak up, we can't hear you!!