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You know what. Maybe everyone is Deep State. Maybe we're alone
Picking up Trump to go on holidays abroad
Anyone know how the rest of the family will be leaving the city? I imagine they would need almost as much protection if Biden is prevented the presidency
Hello Trump, From Trump
Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood never bailed - get deported
Lol wtf?
He may do so while on AF1 and as military begin taking action.
Not much hopium admittedly but it reinforces the idea that Trump will surprise EVERYONE today.
Aussie here. 7news is another garbage propaganda machine.
Has there been any clues as to when Prez Trump is expected to board AF1 tomorrow?
It's been a stressful journey. Looking forward to some good sleep.
Never bet with money you don't have
What's with shills obsession with getting others to concede?
I dislike Obama too but let's not forget the role of the Federal Reserve in markets reaching today's ridiculous levels.
Lin posted today: "Mike Adams is a truth-giver and a Patriot. When Mike speaks, listen carefully."
Honestly, some context or source or just anything would really help.
We The People. Maybe Trump was urging THE PEOPLE to take DS down.
Let's be honest, this could've been reduced a single paragraph without the "STILL WITH ME?" bs
Ah.. Was hoping we wouldn't need to stoop this level of hopium...
I actually think they've been infiltrated by the left propaganda machine. I've never seen them doom so hard and so desperately.
brief explanation would go a long way
Sounding pretty desperate
Another validation of Q. If he's not real, why even bother? We are winning folks.
You know what. Maybe everyone is Deep State. Maybe we're alone