r00fus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Political violence? This is comedy gold. David Brennan got some splainin to do when his make believe world gets shattered into a million pieces. The good news is crap like this piece wakes more and more people up to the truth. Well done.

r00fus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also to add: The last link you provide with the video of Dr Sherry Tenpenny links to a Bitchute channel that promotes Flat Earth? You want to be taken seriously?

r00fus 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't know about all this. Just finished watching the video, I know Alex Jones ...anyway, why go to all the trouble of 'vaccines' for people? There are like a million ways to gain access to humans. Top of the list would be air, food and water. Why go to all the trouble of a jab when they could just put it in our food or water?

This is why I believe this is all part of 'the movie' to wake up humanity.

Take the so called Covid-19 virus. Right there, all over the world people being infected with Covid-19, but are they? I mean if they can indeed infect everyone on the planet with a Covid-19 virus then wouldn't they just infect us with their DNA witches brew through the very same mechanism?

The more I look, the more I'm convinced this is all somehow connected to scare the living shit out of everyone and waking everyone up. It appears to be working. A LOT of people are terrified of this information. Mission accomplished?

r00fus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh great. Gone and got myself in a real conundrum this time. Watched the video and thought to myself "who's more stupid, this racist retard or AOC?" Now I'm stuck in an infinite loop ...

r00fus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Use your loupe and add some moister or warm air and see if there is a way to activate. If nothing happens? No harm experimenting.

r00fus 3 points ago +3 / -0

If Biden had a son ...oh wait

r00fus 6 points ago +6 / -0

It is. Straight from the man himself.

r00fus 12 points ago +12 / -0

Up toot for you! Good stuff. That's exactly how to hurt them, one dollar at a time. Death of a thousand cuts. People often think 'what can I do?' THIS^^ is what you can do.

r00fus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah okay, whatever. The left are screwed and you know it. Look at the ratings, right across the board. At long last Americans ain't buying what you losers are selling. Each day those numbers grow. Pacified? Hardly. Millions upon millions of Americans are boycotting the Lefts major assets. The bullying techniques are falling on deaf ears. Attacks like 'racist' and so on are losing their power. People are waking up all over the world. Millions and millions of people are uniting. The Lefts divide and conquer strategy is failing. Shall I go on?

Its over.

r00fus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Flat Earth? Did you even listen to the whole thing before posting?

r00fus 4 points ago +5 / -1

If he shoots as good as he spells you should be okay.

r00fus 2 points ago +2 / -0

It will be revealed that the 'pandering to blacks' was completely necessary (and genuine) as the 'blacks' were an integral part of the deep state plan and the violence President Trump worked so hard to thwart. You think BLM was just a bunch of protestors? Its Marxist takeover 101. In the future it will be revealed what President Trump and those around him did, all will be amazed. You think those unmarked vans taking people off the street and whisking them away to the cries of their antifa comrades was for ...? They were planning for terrible bloodshed and mayhem. The burning and looting of cities was only part of the plan. It was supposed to be much much worse than that. Luckily President Trump and his team did was was needed to stop it. Part of that was 'pandering to blacks'

r00fus 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can find any information on 'Fernanda Fern' at all. Bait?

r00fus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Either way, right or wrong we're all going to know one way or the other soon. The globalist agenda ain't going away. Full steam ahead by the looks of it. Audits are taking place, and the 'clues' along the way are in such a way, there can still be the element of doubt lingering ...

ARGH!!!!!! xD

Isn't it exciting. The fate of the world hangs in the balance. Are we going to Nesara or Auschwitz? lol Oh how easy it would be to be plugged back into the Matrix ...be someone important ...

Did President Trump blow it? No. If you think a man like Donald Trump, New York real estate billionaire just woke up one morning and for shits and giggles decided to become President, you haven't done your homework. He's been talking about the Deep State Swamp as far back as the 1980s. He just didn't use those terms.

He knew (more than you and more than most) how the corrupt establishment operates. He was an insider to that cesspool remember? People think he walked into Washington without any political experience ...HA! and double HA! HA!

This has been a lifelong mission. The guy is a pure genius.

r00fus 2 points ago +2 / -0

fox can kiss my ass. best I can find is video without sound or sound only and have to splice them together. talk about desperate for clicks. I'll wait.

r00fus 14 points ago +14 / -0

So 60 minutes and the New York Times are doing a piece on the border?

r00fus 16 points ago +17 / -1

I don't know if you're paying too much attention. The real question is ...do you have enough popcorn?

r00fus 3 points ago +3 / -0

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9

r00fus 15 points ago +15 / -0

My interpretation of Q saying Israel Last has more to do with Biblical prophecy that Israel will be last. It started with Israel and it will end with Israel. Therefor Israel will be last. That's how I see it.

r00fus 3 points ago +3 / -0

New Years Eve 2018/19 and I was asked for my thoughts on what 2020 would offer. I stated it will be an election year, and not just any election but whether President Trump would be reelected, and I told everyone to brace for the worse as I believed all efforts will be used to stop President Trumps second term.

I was cut off speaking further by my wife who knew I'd kill the New Years celebrations :P

When the Covid news broke I wasn't surprised in the slightest, I expected it. Not Covid itself, I had no idea. But I immediately knew the Cabal had struck. What I didn't know was if this 'pandemic' was the real deal ie.1918 ...I was worried. Psychopaths have a tendency to kill millions when in power and not lose a wink of sleep over it.

r00fus 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. I'm saying aliens don't exists - period. Its man made technology. Always has been. When you piece together what the Nazis were actually up to, and what was really going on in WWII, and the 'space programs' that began after WWII ...foo fighters, the Washing incedent and so on, its always been man made tech. The entire 'alien' aspect of it was for the purpose of disinformation.

r00fus 3 points ago +3 / -0

As an avid fan of all things Zombie related, I find this information deliciously terrifying ...

r00fus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Use your search engine and simply look up UFO photographs from the 1950s. Notice anything? Do they look like 1950s tech? Look at the shape, materials used, design ...lumpy bumpy things they are. Now do 1970s or 80s. Notice anything? Can you see advances? Shape, materials used? Design? Looking a little sleeker huh?

So you mean to tell me 'aliens' from distant planets hundreds of millions of light years away, visiting our planet advanced their designs and materials used in the space of some 50 odd years?

People believe because they WANT to believe.

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