by gamepwn
racial_maddow -1 points ago +2 / -3

Stop and frisk is not what kept the city safer, give me a fucking break.

by gamepwn
racial_maddow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting approach. I like.

racial_maddow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Source that fact.

racial_maddow 6 points ago +6 / -0

What makes you trust Ivermectin but not the mRNA vaccine?

I routinely use Ivermectin on my animals. Have for years.

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

One of the comments is spot on, in my opinion:

Everything is planned. They expected riots, and they will introduce countermeasures. Take more rights away from us, and introduce police state. Of course I know we can win this, but bad times are coming, we've seen nothing so far.

Does anyone recall the cover of the Economist with all the people coming out and marching?

The Establishment expects reactions from people and will use that to their advantage, but they will also push and push if the people are complacent. The NWO wants a federalized police force. I hope they aren't planning to use peoples resistance to roll out a federalized police force.

racial_maddow 6 points ago +6 / -0

My problem with the X22 report, is that he's basically been saying the same thing for 4 straight years.


racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe someday you'll live in a neighborhood where everything is the way you already want it

I cannot force people to change. They want the NWO and it isn't my job to throw pearls before swine. My job is to raise my children.

What's deliciously ironic is that the entire thread was started by me asking WHAT TO DO about a specific problem in my locale and instead of providing constructive feedback, you chose to demean me. Brilliant!

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did ask you. I asked you lots of things that matter because those are the obstacles I deal with. I wouldn't bark up the tree of the local child care for not DOOOOOOOING ANYTHING. I'm raising a lot of children, my husband works. Thats why I asked what YOU DO because I'm trying to figure out how you have time to work and organize all of these things. Who raises your children? My children are very small. I'm not going to put them in daycare and stick them on formula so that I can organize a patriot movement in my cabal-controlled city. We've been threatened before by gang members on public school grounds for speaking out even slightly. It's not like my fears are completely unfounded. They are grounded in reality and experiences we've dealt with. I understand that isn't the case for you and that you have the resources to somehow work AND have time to raise a family well AND keep your house in order AND organize patriotic endeavors. I asked you how and asked specific questions because again, these are the details I have to work out in order to move forward and do something other than what we already do. No one is saying "poor me" at all. I'm not even remotely interested in "making a change" in a community that doesn't want to change. I'm fine to be at home raising my children right so the day we can get out of this neighborhood, we can be an effective force for good in a neighborhood that WANTS to be sufficient and patriotic. I can't change the demanor of the people I live around so what is the point? It sounds like you live near a lot of people who hold similar values to you. I do not, therefore I spend my time raising my family right and teaching them how to be self sufficient. That's the best use of my time.

How do you work and find time to raise a family and do all those amazing things you listed AND have time to stalk strangers on the internet and demean them all day? HOW DO YA DO IT?

I smell...a liar.

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you have the time...what's the takeaway message from that movie?

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have you seen the one Rothschild made about himself? - - The Man Who Saved Europe/Black Pilled (Devon Stack)

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

How in the world would the information I asked for dox you?

I'm wondering how you have the time to do any of that and if you live in the area you were raised? How does a person even network like that? What sort of resources are you working with? These things make a difference.

Do you homeschool your children? How do you have the time to prepare three meals and day, take care of livestock and garden, homeschool, keep the house in order, breastfeed, AND do all the things you listed? I'm a systems person so I try to streamline every process we do here and yet I couldn't find time to do any of the things you listed without compromising raising my children right and our food quality, etc. I guess I could feed my children less homemade food, stop breastfeeding and use formula, send them to daycare and spend my day networking with patriots? Obviously I do more than what I have written down here but that's just the basics. I'm curious if you have less children than I do, more money than I do, live where you were raised, etc. because all of these would make a difference in the amount of TIME available during the day.

You seem to have a huge chip on your shoulder and have me made out to be something I am not. I don't take it personal though, your responses say a lot more about your character than they do anything else.

For someone making the accusation of narcissist, your responses scream it. Also, how many sock puppet accounts do you have and can you prove any of the things you have previously listed? Are any of those efforts accomplishing anything? Do you have anything to show for it? For all I know you're full of hot air.

By all means, if you can give me some pointers on how to save time and network, I'm happy to listen and learn but I suspect none of the things you're going to say will make a difference. I'm a realist and I live in an area that is highly controlled by people who toe the NWO line.

edit: also, do you have family around to help? What's the crime like in your neighborhood? Are the school board meetings where you're at online only? If they were, what would you do? They don't give people a chance to voice concerns and the people who manage to make a fuss, well their children are targetdc at school and youth camps. How would you deal with that? What's the situation with gangs like MS-13 like where you are?

racial_maddow 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it's funny that dems and libs always assume I'm one of them because of the color of my skin. Ain't that racism?


racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let us know how it turns out! Godspeed!

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Heyyyyyyy, cryptorchid is a real thing, ya know!

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh they're sick but it's all the processed flour they eat.

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I'm the only one who can see the Judeo-Masonic connection to all of this. It's not like Q mentioned anything like that or anything.

without ever setting foot in your real community

What do you do in your community?

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Big brother? You Mormon?

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