It's a broadcast query, as the IP address settings are not known at the time.
Basically, the for a DHCP request (which is how both PXE and assigning your laptop an IP address over DHCP work), the computer yells to everything that will listen "Hey, I'm here, give me an IP address." (The actual message is called DHCPDISCOVER).
The computer will accept the first DHCPOFFER it hears back.
The PXE boot settings are optional additional fields that can be set on the DHCP server.
To clarify, broadcast basically sends a message to the IP address (an IP address where every bit is 1). Everything on the network that sees the message has the opportunity to respond to this.
Right, the stupid food pyramid says to eat more bread and pasta. Better carbs can be had from fiberous vegetables.
I've done very well on Keto -- when I started I dropped from 190 to 158 in 4 months. And kept it off on a lighter low carb diet for a few years since, until surgery recovery made me sedentary for a few months, weight came back, now it's going down.
Lifestyle may be more important.
Reminds me of South Park blaming Canada.
He's also a general purpose piece of shit:
New York?
I observed New Jersey and Massachusetts seeming to be kind red lately. New York I think is so overpowered by New York City, and the City's demographic changes in the last 20 years... I think the state is actually blue, but maybe the only one.
Second debate, 2016.
If you search for a picture of "Bill Clinton Second Debate 2016", there's a picture of a stunned Bill sitting next to Chelsea when he noticed her presence.
(I remember it well, I watched from Trump's hotel bar in Vegas, in good company)
Noticed too. She confirmed it by mentioning
According to Matt Gaetz, Florida is also good at emergencies because we have one every third day. (Random news interview from early 2020, but I'd agree with that assessment).
In his CPAC 2021 speech, he said "Every day, I'm a Florida Man!"
In that case... they missed.
It's a small storm that will only hit the west coast of the state. It'll just be a rainy day (if that) on the east coast.
Better to use the National Hurricane Center site directly than the Weather Channel bobos:
Yeah, bad case of "not made here syndrome". This causes reinventing the wheel, only the new made here wheel is 3 times as expensive and half as performant as normal wheels available on the public market.
Microsoft used to have this badly, it's gotten better.
Technically, a US national that is not a citizen is a thing - this happens to people born in American Samoa, as congress did not pass a law stating people born in that territory receive full citizenship (whereas in other territories, such as Puerto Rico, anyone born there becomes a citizen at birth).
A US National can have a normal US passport, and has almost every right of a citizen, but they cannot vote in national elections, issue passports, or hold jobs explicitly requiring citizenship for some reason. They do have the right to work anywhere in the United States, DC, or territories like regular citizens.
They can become naturalized citizens by going through the same process as anyone else who is legally allowed in the country.
However, this situation does not apply to the people on I-95.
EE background, I agree 100%.
I remember seeing some fairly...uh... vintage cable boxes there (boxes from the early 2000s still in use by long time subscribers who never moved)