rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's close to my mom's. People are pissed. I really think they are doing this to get communities to become desperate and start civil war and attack immigrants and politicians.

rupedoggydawg 4 points ago +4 / -0

We have it all. I wonder what is going to be the one thing that allows for it to all come out? I feel like the closer we get, it's going to be another obvious steal. Then all gloves are off.

rupedoggydawg 6 points ago +6 / -0

So the media is going around saying that Trump has recently admited that he "Lost by a whisker". They are beating it like a drum saying how he owes Maga an apology and Jan 6rs and apology for stringing them along. Like everything Trump does, he must have a meaning for it. Looking up whisker in computer terms " A box and whisker chart shows distribution of data into quartiles, highlighting the mean and outliers. The boxes may have lines extending vertically called “whiskers”. These lines indicate variability outside the upper and lower quartiles, and any point outside those lines or whiskers is considered an outlier." I think he's hinting that he has all the data he needs...a wink and nod to us.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not real proud of this, but back in the day some of my old buddies would go "hogging". The person who brought the largest sow home would win the cash pot. I never won, but this German piggy would have won me some good money. It was always hard to beat Kowalski, The Polish Pig Fucker...

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Many may have left, and this site is not what it used to be, but it still serves a valuable purpose. When I see something of importance on here, I share it with friends and family who were/are tentative about the whole Q op. Now a lot of them are really open to it and see things they couldn't or wouldn't before. They are in turn sharing this info to their groups and their social media. I tend to share a lot of Q proofs with them and sometimes they think it's manipulated until I show them the old PDFs and paper copies from years ago proving it's truth.

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope they all start popping them like Chiclets.

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The San Francisco Steamer! Everyone's doing it now!

rupedoggydawg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you not? I don't trust what they say.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

My concern would be public restrooms. Not sure my little Lysol bottle is gonna cut it. I'm gonna have to do the hover method when I deuce it up.

rupedoggydawg 1 point ago +1 / -0

The video of the media showed of the counter sniper was from one of the snipers on the building adjacent to Trump, from what I remember. I don't recall seeing any other sniper take a shot. Every picture and video reporting on it showed the Sniper with the police vest taking the shot as the one that killed Crooks. I may be wrong, but that's all the info I've come up with.

rupedoggydawg 10 points ago +11 / -1

Is it me or does Trump sound different? Sounds like he has trouble pronouncing S. Like Sylvester the cat. On the X feed. My buddy thinks so as well.

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wasn't Tupac a homosexual and propped up by the CIA? Of course she likes him.

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't see this happening now. He'll continue to be in control behind the scenes. The way he likes it. And in truth he's a puppet of another master as well.

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The more I research it, I'm starting to think this again. At first it felt so off I thought it was a white hat operation. Then the impossibility of it all led me to conclude it was not. Now after a few weeks I'm more convinced it was part of the plan. I don't think Trump will or is supposed to win the election, in fact I'm leaning on that there won't even be one. When the credits roll on this movie it's gonna be amazing.

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Has Joe been seen since the Covid announcement?

rupedoggydawg 4 points ago +4 / -0

August is going to be hot!

rupedoggydawg 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm half Hispanic, and a majority of my relatives voted for Trump and will do it again. The dems want people to believe that they own the Hispanic population. Christianity is prevalent in the community, Machismo men are prevalent in the community, Latinx and the pronouns bull shit does not fly because the whole language is based off male and female, family is are huge of the culture so the anit nuclear shit does not sit well.

rupedoggydawg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amen. Same to you and God Bless.

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