Thanks for the reply. There are many such openings right now for people from specific cultures like the Russian female. They're also asking for Mandarin, Spanish, and Portuguese speakers. And also amputees. It seems they're definitely prepping for something.
I'm looking to start a new job this summer, so I've been perusing the job boards recently. There are several ads like this around my area and many more across the country looking for role players from various backgrounds. Many ads state that you must be willing to "die in place" as part of the acting job. Some of the company names are interesting, too, like Seventh Dimension. I find the timing interesting, though I realize this may be routine. Anyone know anything about it?
This is vile. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind participate in something like this or allow their children to even be in the same room? Oh, yeah. Because half the population today is deranged and/or under the control of demons.
I was lucky that I grew up in a family that was mostly very conservative and very distrustful of the government and the police. My grandfather was particularly vocal about it. He voted Republican, but he hated paying taxes and hated anyone who tried to flex their power over regular people. The government took his family's land, so he had his reasons. And I always had that as an example. My other grandparents were huge Kennedy fans.
I'm 44 now, and I remember voting Libertarian in all of my first few elections, including the Bush/Gore election of 2000. Then I started voting Constitution Party. It wasn't until Ron Paul ran in 2008 that I was willing to vote Republican. As people said back then, Ron Paul "cured my apathy." I love that man.
9/11 and Alex Jones opened my eyes to the real evil, though. People love to hate Alex, but he's responsible for a lot of people coming to their senses around that time. Some of those old documentaries he did back then were excellent. But I remember everyone crying on 9/11 and people saying that if you didn't cry, you didn't have any feelings. I never cried about it. My only feelings were disgust, skepticism, and fear. I just knew from the moment it happened that there was something truly dark afoot, far beyond what the news was pumping 24/7. And look where we are now.
It's true. Women need that social time more than men do, I think. Or at least in a different way. I never realized how true this is until recently. I have some female coworkers I get along with, but I'm a teacher, so most of them are pretty liberal. I don't even bother trying to develop a friendship with anyone at work because I know where that would go eventually.
And I pray this situation is coming to an end soon, too. It's getting very heavy for us all. God bless you and your wife.
Richmond is a mixed town. It used to be straight conservative until all the New Yorkers took it over when Capital One and other corporations moved in back during the 1990s. Now there are tons of hipster transplants and blacktivists trying to turn it into a little Portland or something. They want everyone to forget its claim to fame was previously being the Capital of the Confederacy and Tobacco Town USA.
But on the edges of Richmond, you find people like us. Eastern Henrico County and rural areas around there, and even some counties west of Richmond (but before you hit Charlottesville) are very red. My parents live west of Richmond and constantly volunteer to help raise money for conservative candidates. They raise a lot of money by selling Trump merchandise. If you ever do check out the Richmond area, avoid Chesterfield like the plague. It's where purple-haired commie moms live in gated communities.
I have never been more isolated than I am right now. I lost several friendships and connections between 2015 and 2020. I moved to a rural area of a new state shortly after the last presidential election and lost the few friends I had left. Half my family doesn't talk to me, my brother, or my parents because they know we support Trump and didn't get vaxxed. (And my brother's mother-in-law banned her own grandkids from visiting her because my brother wouldn't get them vaxxed. She sees them now but still won't speak to him.)
I've always been an introverted person, so not having friends isn't a huge problem for me. And my husband is my best friend, and I'm very grateful for that. But I do miss having a girlfriend to chat with sometimes. I've been working on just accepting that this is the dividing time, a time of confusion and deception when everyone will choose the side they think is best. I've chosen mine. And I guess I am at peace feeling lonely over here. And I truly am grateful for the new things in my life. It's just very different.
I started visiting churches a few months ago, so maybe I'll make a friend at one eventually. But mostly I'm just trying to get to know the Lord. That's the most important thing anyway.
Same. I lost two cats to cancer, one in 2017 and one in 2020. It was so painful to lose two of my greatest companions in such a terrible way. I still cry when I think of them.
Praying for all the pets of all anons everywhere. God loves our animals, too.
About 16 years ago, I belonged to a UU church. The church was right down the road from me and I was looking for a place to meet people. I didn't realize when I joined that it's basically a political group operating under the guise of a church. Most of the people there were atheists, "humanists," or self-described pagans, and every sermon was about some leftist agenda. When Obama won the election in 2008, they all wore political hats and buttons to the Sunday service. Needless to say, I didn't last long there. Even as a young person in my twenties, I couldn't deal with them. I remember they had an actual Satanist come and speak about his beliefs one week.
The UU church originally started as a Christian movement but quickly devolved into something else entirely. It needs to be dismantled, in my opinion, or at least they should be forced to call themselves what they actually are. A political activism group.
Demons will tell you to hate yourself and berate yourself and that God doesn't love you. You may be under attack. I know because I still go through this from time to time. Remind yourself that it's not true and that Christ loves us all and holds us all close. Surround yourself with uplifting Bible passages and music. Pray about it and ask your guardian angel to protect you from darkness. You will be okay.
I teach high school in the Southeast. I've noticed a major increase in Spanish speakers at my school over the last couple of months. And it is a federal law that school systems cannot question the immigration status of any student, so they sign up and can get all the free services they want.
I'm very sorry to hear about your family members. May God protect them all.
This morning, I woke up to about 20 text messages from a work group chat. One of my favorite coworkers had a heart attack last night. She has talked about staying up-to-date with her vaccines. She's a good person, but she believes in "the science," and now...this. I can't prove that's why she went down, but I know she's had all her boosters and flu shots. She's been vocal about it. Out of our whole department, she's the fittest and most active in general, so it was pretty shocking. It's all so upsetting.
That's just the story. The pictures in the article are from 2023. The article states that no one got a picture of Kate while she was allegedly out and about today. Do they really think anyone believes this? Every time they tell a lie, it makes the entire situation sound crazier. She's either dead, divorcing William, or had such heinous plastic surgery that she can't leave home.