sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mica is a European regulation, so who cares.

Tether has much bigger problems than that. They need to prove they are solvent.

That being said, they have passed their audits, they have proved the actual money exists.

So for the time being, there’s nothing wrong with tether.

What makes tether scary is that at any time they could go rogue and cause some real chaos… but they would likely not be able to get away with it because their entire leadership is well known now and the doj would be on them in a big way.

It is important to not call BTC a currency, because it ISNT a currency, it’s a commodity if anything.

The same reason you don’t call gold a currency.

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bitcoin cash and bitcoin sv are frauds.

Be VERY weary of Craig Wright.

I promise you he is a fraud.

Yes, the real Bitcoin has slightly deviated from satoshi’s original whitepaper, but the deviations were not just co-opted and changed by big bankers…. The miners themselves are the only ones who can vote on and make a change to the protocol.

These are done through BIP “Bitcoin improvement proposal”

If an improvement is good, and the miners agree it is good, they can effectively trigger this change on the network to take place by directing their mining power to do that.

In the early days of bitcoin, the mining hashpower was so evenly distributed to individuals, there was not these huge mining pools back then… so it was impossible to have enough hashpower to force a vote to pass when the majority of people voted against it, and vice versa.

What BCH did was simply a money grab, they forked the blockchain and created their own coin just to get a 1:1 copy of their BTC, but on BCH.

What BSV did was basically just Craig Dumbfuck Wright’s narcissist plight to assume the role as Satoshi Nakamoto. Until he proves he owns the genesis wallet, he is a fraud.

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you give me a link to this? Because I’ve never heard that.

All I’ve ever heard is that the NSA knows who Satoshi is.

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is very simple now compared to in the past.

Wait for Trump to be back in office and to drive electricity prices down again.

If you pay under $0.10 per kWh then you very likely can mine for profit.

The company who produces the most efficient and reliable miners for purchase is called Bitmain, they are a Chinese company but have a large factory in the U.S.

There are many other companies too, just none have devices that are as long running as Bitmain’s.

Anyway, there’s a nice website: https://whattomine.com

This website lets you check current profitability for all mineable crypto coins. For Bitcoin, you want to go to the “ASICS” section, since that coin is mined with “asic” miners.

There are coins you can mine with CPU’s, GPU’s, and ASIC’s.

I’ve been mining since 2017. It was much more profitable in the past than it is currently; but that can easily swing back the other way if our electrical costs reduce significantly.

For a long while, ethereum was far more profitable to mine than Bitcoin was, but Ethereum went woke (green) and changed their consensus model to disable Proof of Work mining in favor of a Proof of Stake model.

sillBag 1 point ago +2 / -1

There is actually ZERO evidence of this.

There is evidence that implies Satoshi was likely of British descent, but living in America (west coast).

That being said, if Putin is part of the white hats and the plan, then Putin is in some way “behind” Bitcoin. I guess my point is that there’s no evidence to suggest that anyone from Russia was part of the original development team for Bitcoin.

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve been saying this for years… Bitcoin is PART of the plan.

So yes, I believe fully that the white hats created this. You have to also look at WHEN it was created…

It was created when Obama was doing obvious treasonous things that would put the world and America into a massive monetary collapse.

Bitcoin countered their plan in a massive way, it quite possibly prevented our extinction and we just don’t even realize it.

The moment there was an unstoppable way for the people to transact without need for bank or any middleman, was the moment the monetary collapse plan was cancelled. They knew the people would just switch to the new system, and the world would continue.

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand that, and I actually think it is why most here are sooo against it. Because they are at that age where they just don’t want to learn something new.

That being said, anyone who has investments already, are really hurting themselves by not migrating some of it into bitcoin.

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you put your hands on stocks for any Fortune 500? No, all you get at best is a piece of paper that states you own XXXXX amount of said stock.

Bitcoin and crypto is no different in that aspect.

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don’t want to be that guy

Could you explain ELI5 what is fuckery about this clip?

I believe you just had a few beers and want more context haha

sillBag 6 points ago +7 / -1

Cenk and Ana have been slowly converting for the past 6 months.

They are very close to “done” with the left.

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t have time to search for pictures of stossel’s ears lol.

Yes, the hair line etc do match up, but those are features that match on many many many people.

The ears, are something that is more unique and will reveal the truth… that it is Stossel.

Unless he’s had some sort of plastic surgery on his ears, like Joe had.

sillBag 4 points ago +4 / -0

How old was he? Very sorry for your loss

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do you post here if you lost internet…. Lol

sillBag 4 points ago +4 / -0

The reason the max total supply is shrinking is because there is a burn on transfers I believe.

It means every transfer of those tokens, some small amount of them get burned forever. Reducing the total supply.

It’s a deflationary token.

sillBag 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live in Idaho, and do landscaping on the side. Just yesterday I had to leave a job before finishing because I broke out in a very very bad allergic reaction. My neck, eyes and face got puffy.

I've never had an allergic reaction like that, in my entire life.

I also don't think I got bit or stung by anything, at least nothing that I felt or can visibly see.

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is they cannot buy enough bitcoin to truly crash the value… without first making everyone who already has bitcoin extremely wealthy.

This is why I’ve been saving for the past 3 years… repeatedly… and with much backlash… to get SOME bitcoin. Even just small percentage of one’s total investments… it doesn’t have to be a large risky amount to protect yourself from this.

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

The odds of it happening after that conversation were 1:4900 still.

That being said, it’s still remarkable.

sillBag 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure BTC can fork and has twice before at least.

The thing is, the miners stayed mining the true BTC.

And if anyone tries to fork to a “new” BTC that has a higher supply… the miners won’t adopt it.

This is why it is so great. It is a truly decentralized, and actually democratic system.

No single person can decide to do anything.

And I’m only talking about bitcoin here, not eth. Obviously eth has no max supply… :)

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bitcoin cannot be printed from thin air. That’s why it’s more valuable than a fed reserve note.

Gold backed dollar doesn’t destroy the fed. They CAN STILL print new dollars. Yes this will inflate gold value but what happened last time??? Gold was confiscated by the populace.

The beast system can be implemented with any currency.

sillBag 2 points ago +2 / -0

The other question I have in mind is:

If miners have to pay a 30% tax equal to 30% of the electrical cost... Does that negate the tax they already pay on their gross profits from mining itself?

Because if it does... then it actually will have almost no negative impact, might even make mining more profitable in America than it is today.

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