sillysausage 0 points ago +2 / -2

This is thus far the funniest theory I've seen , and thus the one I will now champion.

sillysausage 0 points ago +2 / -2

This is hilarious, because the meme format implies Trump does not want to say this, and afterwards will feel like a shill pretending to be a version of himself that was never truly real.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yeah, that's what I was getting at. He takes some real liberties, and his films should always be seen as entertainment first and education only tangentially, but it can be hard to argue with his sense of pacing. Except for W, but I almost forgive that since the film was itself about floundering into lame duck mediocrity. Almost.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

So there's the movie by the guy who made "JFK", I think it's just called "Snowden", which if you want the easy, candy-coated Hollywoodified version to start off with, isn't terrible. Some people diss on the practice, but I think it's fine to use some candy to ease your brain into doing the independent research and the hard study on some big, complicated practice. You just have to actually move on to the main course and not make your entire meal candy.

I mention the movie JFK so you will be prepared for a slick production with some fun turns by recognized actors (the highlight is Nicolas Cage as a CompSci professor) that gives you a basic overview of the agreed upon facts, what happened, but then just kind of makes up the bit where the characters explain how it happened.

sillysausage 0 points ago +2 / -2

That secondary tweet and the lack of anyone else corroborating makes it not pass the sniff test for me.

Though if there is a Pence announcement coupled with a Trump endorsement, I will rethink this, but that's a possibility I just haven't seen many bandy about. Unless of course it's Pence running since Trump will be revealed to have actually served two terms?

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why would they want to? Why go through all this trouble of a long televised series of proceedings and all this, just to take the completely unprecedented and institution-breaking route of ARRESTING THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENT RIGHT BEFORE MIDTERMS? I mean, as we speak Trump received the subpoena about an hour ago. IT MAKES NO SENSE FOR ANYONE TO ARREST TRUMP NOW.

If nothing else, you must remember panem et circum, and the liberals (and to a much lesser extent the leftists) have been waiting for Trump to actually face questioning publicly and in a prescribed manner with actual rules that must be followed for ages. Why would TPTB take such a risk AND deny their base the entertainment they've been craving?

I'm not saying Trump won't be arrested. If he refuses the subpoena, it becomes a real possibility. But it's not going to happen before the subpoena date, which is after the midterms.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

They always are around with a lack of any home remedy suggestions? So it makes sense they got some OTC meds??

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

I mean, agreed that 25thing or a corpse is the only way for Dems to retain White House (this is generally agreed upon in leftist circles as well, who are really looking forward to Biden's death, even though they don't expect Harris to be much "better" in their terms) - that is, assuming by 2024 Trump hasn't either been banned from running or revealed that he was secretly President all along.

But I really think you are way off the mark on a reverse being in the works. The story on vaccines is not going to change, and I really don't get why so many here think the tide is turning. Y'all have got to remember that you are still on the fringe, and movement you see on your fringe, is still basically movement within the overall fringe. I mean, this place gets only 1.7 million monthly views. Like the communists, y'all are passionate but not as numerous as you think you are, and your logic is not as unassailable to the middle 70% as you hope.

I am not saying any of this as a diss or value judgement, but as a point of perspective. For public tide to turn, you will need mass deaths before TPTB abruptly reverse narrative. No way a single 80 year old croaking triggers that - there's no reason for them to. It's an illogical play and it's illogical to expect that play. And again, there's an entire bucket of extremely plausible reasons for that man to die before vaccines come up. It's incredibly deniable, so there's no reason to suddenly scrap all that hard work.

Moreover, you must remember that COVID was just the fifth or so, and the first Big One. Scientists have been saying since the 90's that anti-environmental practices like factory farming, deforestation, and a general encroachment on wildlife will lead to an increase in zoonotic diseases. SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and now COVID-19. We can argue about/speculate upon how naturally/intentionally this pattern rose, but the pattern is clear - COVID-19 will not be the last, and there does seem to be an escalation in ability and effectiveness with each new example. Changing the narrative on vaccines now would be like firing your defensive line during the third quarter.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1


PRISM is what you need to worry about, regarding protecting your online activity. I don't think Pyramid is a thing, I was just mixing up the similar P words.

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

This absolutely won't happen. Did you forget that they can just pull out the same celebrity autopsier (coroner?) they pulled out for Martin Luther King Jr. and Epstein? They'll just say he was old and the inevitable happened. Let's not pretend like Biden without any vax wouldn't still be very susceptible to heart attacks. He's basically an octogenarian with possibly the most stressful job on the planet, a dead son he actually liked, and a living son who is a constant, stressing disappointment. Not to mention the very possible dementia.

I really don't think the dam walls are buckling as much as you think they are.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Remember that a commercial VPN does not shield you from Pyramid.

sillysausage 0 points ago +2 / -2

Two things to note: the reported increasing cancers are specifically predominantly connected to the GI tract. Anyone know of a link between advertised and reported side effects of the vax and digestion issues?

Secondly, one of the twelve cancers identified, colorectal, had already shown an increase between 1988 and 2015. Of course, it should be remembered that an increase in testing plays a part (but also, colorectal cancer has not historically been one of the "sexy" cancers and until recently had basically no huge campaigns against it [unlike breast, skin, lung, and even testicle]), and that this is just one out of twelve.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

They went with "obesity, inactivity, diabetes, alcohol, smoking, environmental pollution and Western diets high in red meat and added sugars, not to mention shift work and lack of sleep", so global warming is obliquely mentioned, for sure.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't get how y'all can spend years making fun of "all those sheeple" who took lockdown seriously and avoided public events, and then act like there is no way that a Democratic candidate could have both low public event numbers and competitive levels of support.

by BQnita
sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

Imagine thinking small businesses are ever not going to be completely under the boot of mega-corporations ever again in America. I truly admire your optimism.

Your proposed solutions also require a hefty dose of that most magical ingredient, time. Would there ever be an economic scenario so bad that you would approve of a more direct, hands-on approach? Or is any of that always a step too far away from the free market?

Which Executive Orders are currently causing prices to be what they are?

As for your last question, you ever hear the phrase "You can't stand in the same river twice"? How about "Can't put that genie back in the bottle"? Trump inherited a very different economy in 2017 than a Republican Congress will inherit in 2023, and had access to tools his first two years that a Republican Congress under Biden will not have access to. And that's even if the Republicans do manage to get a veto-proof majority, which is not the likeliest scenario.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

...they were afraid they would have to go on a ventilator and you think it's "insane" that they turned to Mucinex?

Why on Earth would someone who is afraid they may have to endure an all but complete removal of autonomy go to the step of turning to an over the counter expectorant? It makes no sense!!

by BQnita
sillysausage 0 points ago +2 / -2

And how would a red Congress bring the price of bacon down to below 8 bucks, or gas back down to below 4? Not being facetious, asking for answers.

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