sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

Go to a different church, don't be a snowflake

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Change is the fundamental nature of the universe. Life could not exist without change.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

implying that trotskyists are radicals is a huge red flag

sillysausage 5 points ago +5 / -0

People are constantly dying, and many of the largest, wealthiest societies have, due to numerous factors, had declining birth rates. You also have to remember that there was a worldwide population drop, followed by a massive birthing boom... about one average human lifespan ago. No American generation since the boomers has been as large, China limited its births, Japan is starting to reach the limits of what an island can provide while still holding to Shinto beliefs.... it's just numbers.

More people are dying than being born.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh my god, dude, yes, that is precisely what they believe - that gender is a social construct. They would absolutely agree that the genders of transgender people are social constructs. That's the whole point - it's social and not biological, so despite their biological sex, they may change social genders as easily as you change clothing.

I think where you're getting tripped up is thinking "X is a social construct" is an insult or pejorative. It's not - social constructs are not inherently bad, nor are they inherently less real. In a community-focused organism like humans, social health is extremely important to the other factors of health, so social constructs have a great deal of impact on people. For example - race. Race in America is empirically a social construct, because who counts as "White" has changed over the 250 years. The biology of people with Irish heritage and German heritage and Russian heritage and Scottish and et cetera and so forth didn't change, the definition expanded to include them.

To be clear, not that various non-English peoples were seen as Black or Brown or "people of color" or whatever the fuck, just that Irishmen were seen as racially distinct from White people. Just check out early Irish slavery in the Americas.

So, race is a social construct, but that doesn't mean it isn't heavily influenced by a physical aspect, in this case biology, and that doesn't mean race isn't a powerful social force, or that the distinctions provided by the social construct of race are fake or without use.

The same is true of gender. After all, if it weren't, our society would have a built-in gender for intersex people (like some societies had), instead of historically being given transition treatment without their consent (or even knowledge) from birth. If your system of gender has less possibilities than possibilities for biological sex, that's a tacit admission by your society that gender is a social construct.

Which is okay! Gender being a social construct is just a statement of sociological fact. It doesn't imply anything moral. Gender can be a social construct, and you can still be against things that break social cohesion and norms, in the same way that you are against murder and theft. Just because there are human societies with multiple genders or that allow for changing of genders doesn't mean you have to want that for your society. Just means that what's true of your society is not inherently universal for the whole species, that's all.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Students get moved to schools that had previously been closed and scheduled for remodeling or demolition all the time. These are always very long projects, and sometimes the money fizzles and you gotta house the kids somewhere, so you reopen the school you told everyone you were closing because it was unsafe. This happens a lot with the schools built with lead pipes, asbestos, radon, etc.

If that's the best you have, you have nothing.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

So what you're saying is that there is a biological sex, and then a social gender informed not by biology but by presentation and action?

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I find it interesting that in your post you differentiate between sex and gender.

sillysausage 4 points ago +5 / -1

E-coli is deadly, which is why they make a big deal about it when there's an outbreak in the water supply

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Road maintenance is one of the few things the newly neutered board has access to/is responsible for. If they fail to maintain those roads they open themselves up for lawsuits, especially from some Disney-friendly company that delivers goods there.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

England continues to have no jurisdiction over America. In America, contracts cannot be made in perpetuity, there must be some sort of end date. But the end date doesn't have to be a specific date, it could be based on a variable, such as when someone has died. After all, wills operate on the same principle for when they begin to go into effect - so other types of contracts can use similar equations for their expiration dates.

However, because our legal system was created before the internet and really mass media of any type, there are clauses about notability. You can't make a contract that expires when your pal Frank dies, because in the 19th century that would be a very difficult thing to prove, or even hear about in the first place. This is where the Royal clause comes in, because Royals are someone everyone was aware of (and if not, that information was easily accessed by lawyers), and their death constituted a change in government. So, something big and noticable that everyone can agree upon.

Also, our law system is directly cribbed from the English system, and is very precedent-heavy, so you get weird shit like this baked-in.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

I mean, if they get their rule in first, yeah it does. I'll make it simple.

  1. DeSantis announces his plans to take Reedy Creek
  2. The Reedy Creek board on their last day of Disnependence publicly change what the Reedy Creek board has access to, giving a bunch back to Disney and barring the board's use of Disney iconography going forward
  3. DeSantis doesn't notice and takes control of the Reedy Creek board anyway, which now has vastly diminished power.
  4. If there had been enough, or even one person at the public meeting the day before the DeSantis signing there on DeSantis' behalf who objected to the changes, they could have at least stalled the board's process for 24 hours until Ronny took control. But for whatever reason, he didn't have someone dedicated to watching every movement Disney made, so he missed it.
  5. Disney gets to keep doing their thing at least for however long the legal challenges take (years), and dominate a news cycle by leaning on their flair for the dramatic and royal.
sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

They didn't eclipse state powers, they held a public meeting where they announced what they were gonna do and then did it, banking on DeSantis not actually paying close enough attention. Even if the new contract doesn't hold up in court, it'll take months if not years to figure out. It was a solid and amusing piece of legal judo. Flashy and maybe not entirely substantial, but it did what it needed to - buy time while making DeSantis look like he doesn't know what's happening in his own state. Even if the "surprise" board agreements aren't ultimately effective, they are entertaining. Which is of course the real goal. Make some theatre in the news that will entertain and endear.

The lesson is, if you think you've cornered a massive entertainment corporation and they've stopped fighting back... LOOK BEHIND YOU

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

Dude is just bad at his job. Disney's "trick" was just doing something quietly and assuming he was too incompetent to put just one person watching their town halls. That's all it would have taken.

sillysausage -4 points ago +1 / -5

This is why advocating for second amendment rights is silly. Game was over after our government got the bomb, game was double over once drones entered the picture. If the US government wants you dead, you dead. But no, dead schoolchildren becoming common place is worth letting people pretend they could do anything against a government crackdown. Fantasies are nice!

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Both are people saying they exist and their own lives matter, which a lot of people get upset about, you are right about that

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

It is not legal to rape a sex worker.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our kids should be taught gender pronouns. You don't want to send a kid out into the world only knowing "my", "you", etc, and not knowing "he", "she", "his", "her", etc

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