what are you talking about? The OP is recommending any random antiparasitic as a substitute for ivermectin. I'm saying it might not be a wise for someone to use some random antiparasitic herb that might not have the same effect as ivermectin. but thinking it does because they read this post.
Under 50 and healthy, either one is fine, but early treatment is necessary because you are trying to slow down the viral replication phase. Do this in combination with zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin d3. You can follow the zelenko protocol for that at vladimirzelenkomd.com. He actually advocates the use of both for treatment. If you are treating someone who is older or has 1 or more comorbidity, a good plan is necessary. Take a listen to this podcast where Dr. Peter McCullough lays it out: https://www.americaoutloud.com/vaccinated-or-not-acute-covid-19-in-high-risk-patients-demands-early-treatment/
Yes, it is, but the reason why ivermectin works is because it acts as a zinc ionophore to facilitate zinc uptake into the cells, and also has the added benefit of binding to the spike proteins to inhibit them from entering into the cells. That's not to say other antiparasitics wouldn't have that function, but doesn't necessarily mean that you can use any antiparasitic. They may not work the same.
Are you sure they work the same way? I'm not sure it's the anti-parasitic properties that make ivermectin work on covid.
Fantastic! Thanks for the link and recommendation.
Do you have a recommendation on brand?
I follow a guy on youtube who has stage 4 cancer and is using alternative methods to combat it. One of the things he mentioned that helps him take the edge off is megadosing vitamin C through infusions. He was off the I.V. for a while and tried to take high doses of oral vitamin C and he said he lost all energy and could barely walk. When he went back on the I.V. megadose, it was like night and day. Even Dr. Pierre Kory (of ivermectin fame) says that your body has a hard time absorbing vitamin C through pills and is better through infusion. I don't know if this is a cure, but it may help. You can also look up Linus Pauling, who was a 2x Nobel Prize winner who promoted megadosing vitamin C as a cure for cancer, and was laughed off by the establishment.
Dumb money grab. It annoyed me having to read through it to find out it was nothing more than that.
The CDC whistleblower in the Alabama lawsuit filed by the America's Frontline Doctors stated that deaths were under-reported in the VAERS system. They argue there are at least 45,000 deaths as of July 9, 2021. This does not include the European reporting system. I don't recall the number of deaths in the European system, but I do remember that 1.8 million adverse reactions were reported a month or two ago. Dr. Zelenko publicly stated that some of his colleagues were unable to report to VAERS and that some were even scrubbed from the system. He also referenced a Harvard study from 2015 that hypothesized only 1% of actual deaths are recorded in VAERS.
I wouldn't worry too much about exaggeration, and really I don't think people should be concerned about playing the right politics when your "hair-on-fire" warnings to friends and relatives may save their lives. The only risk is that you may look crazy, but who cares in clown world. Prominent people such as former Chief Scientist of Pfizer, Michael Yeadon says that the vaccines are designed for mass depopulation.
Rats in a cage. Shocked people pick the wrong targets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqjIfwCYS1g
And we haven't even hit the flu season yet. If all the talk about Antibody Dependent Enhancement and micro blood clots causing irreparable damage to the heart, brain, and lungs takes place, I don't know how we would even get out of this mess. Some figures estimate 62% up to 90% of deaths within a few years and this does not include the collateral deaths from halts in services, suicides, etc.. I'm getting sick to my stomach from all the stress this is inducing.
https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2021/08/dr-zev-zelenko-slays-globalists-exposes-global-genocidal-event/ Around 14:00 is where they discuss possible solution for ADE
So do you guys have hazmat suits as he suggested? What kind should we get? The painter's stuff at Home Depot ok? What about masks/respirators, off the shelf stuff ok for the scenario he mentioned?
Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) will kill the organism with an overactive immune response. Follow the Zelenko Protocol as prophylaxis and immediate treatment if sick. Treat the vaccinated patient if he were a 95-year old. This might be a solution for the ADE coming in the Fall/Winter, but this graphene oxide revelation makes future prospects appear grim. Do what you can to help anyone you care about, but also prepare/harden yourself for what may come to pass. Zelenko Protocol: https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/ Information source: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/08/dr-zev-zelenko-slays-globalists-exposes-global-genocidal-event/ skip to about 14:00 for ADE solution.
Alternate Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/JWK7kGeH9qVE/
The Epoch Times article states that Martinez and O'Farrell proposed this motion last week and that the LA City Council voted unanimously 2 days ago to prepare this ordinance. So it looks like it's happening, but not sure when.
You know the truth. Do whatever it takes. My thoughts are with you, stay strong my friend and God Bless.
The midwit iq meme is real...
Do you know how they will enforce this? Will the military do random checks when you are outside, or is this mostly public stores and buildings that will be checked?
I understand the race thing is working in our favor on this issue, but it's not important at all. The entire non-elitist class is being oppressed right now. Today it's vaccine mandates; tomorrow is all wrongthink. Even the megavaxxed, double-masker will be aware of their oppression one day.
Coming to a city near you. I'm so tired of it all
Just listened to that one this morning and that part stuck with me the whole day. What a freaking mess. Just found out about this podcast after watching an interview and wanted to spread the word since it seems fairly new.
yea, i'm getting an error message saying "the media could not be loaded, ..."
You're welcome. Small error on my part, Dr. Kory says in the tweet to follow the "early outpatient" protocol at first sign of symptoms, but I think doing the preventative is recommended as well.
what are you talking about? I'm not trying to swing dicks here. You made a post that might actually be harmful to some people because you are recommending them to get ANY antiparastic herb as a substitute for ivermectin when some antiparasitics may not function in the same way. I was only pointing out that ivermectin works in a SPECIFIC way that fights Covid, which may not be the case with every antiparasitic.