solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

One where Joe Biden is in the White House. Life is a results oriented business.

solmoratlis 10 points ago +10 / -0

You are incorrect in attributing this to an ethnicity. This is a cultural issue. Rednecks from heavy meth zones present the same lack of skills. I understand the disgust and anger, but refocus. It's a cultural (and to the religious, spiritual) war, not an ethnic problem.

In fact, attributing it to an ethnicity allows the true problems to be neglected under the shield of racism.

Now, biologically, both of the example demographics do often present low functioning intelligence in children, but this is a nurture issue related to poor parenting/neglect and very frequently, drug/alcohol use while pregnant. It is the tolerance, acceptance and praise of this type of culture that is problematic.

And I will tell you, as a Yankee that moved deep South, there are parts of the country where drug abusing redneck is just as culturally hot as inner city street criminal. In fact, I've lived in places where those were the primary two breeding demographics in males, no matter the cultural background of the females, and has been for generations.

You know what you get? People of all colors, living like animals. And proud to be. And every single mom wondering why daddy didn't stay, why he couldn't stay out of prison, why every man they date beats them, etc etc. Anything to not look in the mirror and realize it's that they're choosing animals. The conditioning is that strong, they can't even begin to comprehend their own lives.

It's a problem that's so far beyond the focus you are giving to it. It's a cultural structure on the brink of collapse.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

And yet they still succeeded. Thus, close enough to rig. Was it to the very extent of their fraud capabilities? Yes. Did it require complicit media? Sure. But it still succeeded. However anyone may feel about that, it's the reality of the situation.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many facets can an operation have? Ha. But in all seriousness, I think there's too much faith in what Q seems to be on the surface.

Very clearly, there's extensive inside information. But I think, just as clearly, that either a lot of it was misinformation... Or not all points of the plan went as expected. My thoughts are that it was a comms channel. And some of the players had fun with it. Not in a bad way, in a trying to change the world kind of way, but ultimately they promised more than they could deliver.

The curveball that seemed to derail everything was how much no one cared about all the horrible things Hunter Biden was up to, the proof of it all, and the complicity of his father. I think that was supposed to be the magic bullet. It was built up through the entire operation, it's connected to every spoke of the wheel of corruption, and it fell on its face because it was simply too much. Too horrible to believe.

From there, the election was close enough to rig. Transparently rig, sure...but not a lot of elections hold up to scrutiny. Fair elections are like Santa; everyone knows there's no Santa, but they keep the myth alive for those who need it. You only defeat the rigging by out gaining the chosen candidate by a margin they lack the ability to cover. Thus the move to mail in voting, because they needed more volume.

It's great to hope. It's great to keep fighting for change and to be inspired by a cause you believe in. But it's not great to sit around hoping that the movement that inspired you was meant to be on prescient three year deltas.

The real world is out there, and it's falling apart. If hoping for some super secret looking glass operation inspires you, then more power to you. We all have something like that, I think. But let it inspire you to make the most of your day and your life, and not to sit around scouring the internet for reasons to believe in a savior.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk about fallen angels and all that. But you have a point on the tech. I learned of a tech 20 yrs ago from a very qualified inside source that has still not come close to reaching the public. And no, I won't disclose it. It would almost inevitably point to the source for anyone aware of it. But it is one reason why I've watched the Q story from the beginning.

In fact, when I think about capabilities needed for this tech, my primary question comes back to fabrication. I don't believe currently known methods could fabricate this tech. Most likely it would be on a quantum tech development chain. 20 yrs ago. So yes, I certainly question where the tech is now. And knowing what it was used for then...I don't care of you're off the grid, whatever extreme measures you think you take...if the wrong people want to know every single thing about you and what you're doing at any given moment...they do.

One thing I would put out there: I'm not certain how much this tech is spread. I have a hunch that not all tech is shared between departments or even within departments, depending on it's nature. Rather than a monolithic deep state, or perhaps as well as a monolithic deep state, I would wager on countless inner factions.

Coincidentally, that's why I think trump wasn't more successful than he was. We heard stories of cleaning the house of bugs and so on, but I don't believe any conventional methods--or possibly any methods--can eliminate surveillance. Not when you're POTUS.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm an observer here, not often to chime in and pretty Q skeptical. Not that the phenomenon doesn't have real resources behind it, it clearly does. Just that I'm not convinced that it's what most people here believe.

That being said, if you're still reading...I have read a lot of these threads on Trump pushing the vaccines. I'm sure someone else has said this, but I haven't seen it yet, which means it's not being said enough: we know that there is data suggesting that only certain batches of vaccine cause major issues (outside of people who may have risk factors, like a family history of heart issues). Does anyone think that Trump is coming out behind the vaccines because the bad batches were no accident, but now the forces behind them have been removed from the pool of available shots? Essentially a case of him saying they are safe NOW?

I still don't think the vaccines are worth it, as their efficacy just isn't there. But this could be a signal that they're at least safe now, and compliance with a mandate is no longer a death sentence or a hill to die on.

by gamepwn
solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have no idea how much I agree with you. I have 10-30 seconds for an article no matter what's up. I don't usually have several minutes for someone to babble and self-promote as they meander towards the point.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is. But you accomplish it by building yourself and your self-confidence. Focusing on finding someone is focusing on the problem. Once I realized this, I went from never dating to having the option of dating about 30% of the single women I met. And I'm tall and okay looking, but I'm also over 40 and a bit overweight. So if I can do it, so can you.

I still don't date much. Most women have never developed themselves beyond being sex objects, unfortunately, and I am too busy being my best to waste time on empty vessels. But there are still amazing women out there, too. Just requires a little patience.

by BQnita
solmoratlis 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think what they really mean is that the truth is 'conservative' and makes them feel oppressed. Despite the sad state of intelligent thought in the world, truth still tends to bubble up. Gotta purge that to maintain their clown world fantasy bubble.

solmoratlis 12 points ago +12 / -0

I would find a new doctor. That one clearly places politics and theater ahead of medicine. That's dangerous.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

While this is well-meaning, it's impractical. I would be unemployed in under 24 hours if I were to send such a letter to my employer.

Fyi, in 'dress code states' where companies can enforce dress code as a condition for employment without providing or justifying it, masks are being enforced as a dress code issue and employees are subject to termination for violating the dress code, not a health related mask mandate. It is important that people reading this understand that fact before they sacrifice their employment for nothing.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

While I'm a neutral observer and not a believer, I think the world needs more posts like this. Forget the Q aspect; when did journalists become so arrogant? Much like Acosta with Trump, any journalist with so little integrity or respect for others should not be employed. This little weasel is a disgusting human being.

Why is it so difficult for them to interview? Instead they only try to beat down opposition to their mandated reality. Who watches this still?

As for Rand...I think he means well. I think he's an honorable person. But I think his experience watching his father be marginalized for being too blunt and contrary has made him too timid at times. He's not ready to be the leader, but he's a decent ally when willing. Not everyone is going to stand in the line of fire, but they can still be field support. I think too often people here forget that, and it's part of why traffic is falling off here again, and part of what makes Q people easier to marginalize.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can respect that belief, and that it comes from a good and noble heart.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's no time wasted in observing a movement that has been as far reaching and powerful as the Q movement. There's a great deal to learn from it. You'd have to let go of ignorance, fear, and hate, however.

Whether or not you agree with the people of the Q movement, they have shown themselves to be people of true hearts and deep frustration with the corruption in our nation. These are respectable attributes, whether or not you agree with their specific perspectives.

solmoratlis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or perhaps that the entire government is a corrupt nest of parasites, and you appear to be spreading their infestation.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with that sentiment. That leans more into the religious aspect. Nothing wrong with that, just an observation. It is very interesting how much Q has resonated with the truly faithful of this nation. I must say that, no matter the veracity of Q, says more about the sad, corrupt state of our government than anything else ever could.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I'd love to see justice for all criminals with malice in their hearts. No matter who they are. Big and small. Ethics matter to me.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want to add...I began following this movement early on, courtesy of a friend. A troubled friend that was searching for a reason to live, a reason to believe and fight against their personal demons. A friend that now is in a crisis of belief, from what I can tell. So while I am asking questions based off of my own curiosity, I am also hoping I might find points to share with this friend.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do find that interesting. But I expect some sort of quick filling to introduce certain evidence before Biden can fire him, perhaps with the goal of a special counsel to impede some of the incoming administrations insanity.

solmoratlis 0 points ago +1 / -1

"Trump's people" were installed in SCOTUS. His admin appointed an incredible number of judges. Neither of those points made a difference.

He also seemed to expect Pence, his person, to act. And Pence essentially made a mockery of that faith.

I see your point, but several times Trump has waited for others to act when he put them in position to, and each time they have not. I suspect the same is true of the election itself and the failure to prevent the fraud.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm aware of the differences. Just do not see what makes anyone here believe they will take action. Q has suggested so, and I get that believing Q is kind of the starting point here. But is it a point of reaching into a quasi religious faith? Believing in things hoped for but not seen?

I can accept and respect all of you if it is so. I do not believe that we all need homogenous group think. In fact, I think conspiracy thinking, both correct and incorrect, are a vital resource in a few society. I am only looking for further insight as we await a definitive resolution. Right or wrong, I don't think I can get that feedback tomorrow without events, or a lack thereof, coloring the responses.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not certain of that. I'm not certain there could be proof and they still have it, given opsec. I can accept that as a possibility, but it doesn't explain to me the great faith I see here. If that makes sense?

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's great to hope on the military, and Trump created some avenues for them. But aside from their presence, what reason is there to think they're going to do anything? I'd be more inclined to expect them to be the first wave of bidens lockdown than saviors of freedom.

Soldiers follow orders. Trump has given no indication that he will order anything, only that he will open the door.

solmoratlis 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is exactly what I'm looking for. You say not all of reality... Then what contradicts? Q knew some movements ahead of time. I do not have an explanation for that, other than it necessitates that they have a very inside source. Which I do not disagree with. But when has knowing those movements actually translated into anything more?

What else is there? Pompeo has had some interesting things to say, but I feel like he's on a different channel. Fighting the good fight and likely a good man, but in a different arena. Like he's trying to shift the political pillars of the world on his way out the door, hoping to offset the treason of the incoming administration. Honorable, but not going to really change much in the long run.

Saying there's things to point to is great-- point to them and make me believe!

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