Here's my logic: that might be the case if the spiral triangle were only seen in one place--only kid's cartoons, or only restaurant logos, or only the Pope's garb, etc. But since it is seen in ALL of these disparate/unrelated places, it's more likely an original pedo symbol & pedos are inserting it in those places. I guess one other possibility is if the spiral triangle is actually some generic symbol that's been universally known for years, e.g. a Biblical symbol. But I don't think this is the case(??)
Hang on. She appeared today in a House Speaker Weekly Briefing ( Does that count as "acting in her capacity as Speaker"?
Hang on. She appeared today in a House Speaker Weekly Briefing ( Does that count as "acting in her capacity as Speaker"?
Brings up a larger point: with all the COVID maskery going on, it's much easier for the DS to use body doubles. Who knows, maybe half of Congress is in a military prison by now, & we're just seeing a bunch of dupes. TBH I don't know much about it, since I tend to watch his videos reposted on YT etc. But but from what IK says in his videos, Periscope seemed to be one of his social medias of choice.
More IK info, for those interested:
Type in either "Isaac Kappy" or "Brackets and Jackets" on YT & you'll find a ton of videos where he drops these & other names. Several of his videos have been posted here & on . The "Brackets and Jackets--Epstein Island version" is both revealing & entertaining.
The article actually links to a twitter post where Shirkey says these things on video. Of course the corrupt media immediately did their usual damage control:
Not sure who pressured him to walk his comments back afterward, but at least the truth got out there.
^^^THIS. For anyone having major issues since Nov 3, the two biggest consolations are (1) God is in control & (2) the majority of the country is on our side, with numbers growing each day. Granted there are still a number of influencers in the media/academia/etc who remain deceived by globalist dogma, but among rank & file Americans, the post-election chaos is generating a ton of Walkaway's. And those folks will never look back.
I've been using the term "fraud denier" for weeks now in my YT comments. I also like to tell people "the debate is over" on whether there was election fraud. Turning the Left's climate change rhetoric around on them!
Thanks for having the courage to post such inspiring words. The globalist powers that be who coordinated all the evil events of 2020--along with assistance from their minions in our corrupt gov't, Big Tech, & MSM--want to attack believers & erode their faith. But I think the opposite is occurring. Praise God for that!
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