I miss VOAT very much. I cried when it went dead. I'm glad at least some of us are here. Merry Christmas everyone.
Still awake ?
I was looking after my dad's beagle/basset hound mix. Had her checked out by a vet who said she was in great shape even though she was 12 years old. He talked me into a rabies shot. ( I NEVER get any of my dogs vaccines) Within 30 days she started getting cancer tumors. On her front leg then inside of her mouth and then on her face. She couldn't eat and then was in pain so I had to have her put down. I decided to look up rabies shot and cancer and I found studies that said the shot can cause cancer. I wish I had known about Febrendisol (sp) maybe I could have saved her. I wish I had never let the vet give her the shot. It will NEVER happen again.
Well....he DID give the media 600 million dollars.... AND he is using the loopholes in the Charter to enslave people so....
"Anyone can watch it right now" Where?
"Anyone can watch it right now" Where?
have the video?
Sounds like they are saying, "Byron"
I wish I could upvote this a million times.
Sorry about your Christmas, weareone, and your fam too. I think I remember your name from VOAT. I was pretty upset when the site ended last Christmas. Felt lost. This Christmas is pretty bleak here too. No Christmas decorations. No presents. Everyone in my house has had their jobs taken away due to the shots. Wondering when Turdo will be rounding us up for the camps. The Premier here even said grocery stores can refuse to sell us food. I REALLY hope something good happens soon for both of us (and others too). Your family will see the light at some point. Maybe a Christmas miracle?
My brother's appendix burst when he was 9. That was in 1975. Things like that happened before these shots.
Yes but I know someone who got Bells Palsy after getting the H1N1 shot too.
If I knew how, I would.
Don't know what comment you are reading. I NEVER said the shit doesn't kill ! I also never said the shots are "on God's side". I just said he calls Trump a "fat satanic penguin". I see people are upset/ angry with Trump. I am too. Part of me though is hoping we don't have the full picture of what is going on. I would NOT call him a fat satanic penguin. I haven't seen anyone here say that either. I guess you did?
It's Live at 5:30 CP 24 NEWS. Tedros says Countries are giving boosters to the young to KILL children.
Actually I DON'T either. A friend does though and I use theirs to TRY to wake people up. When I started NO ONE was posting any truth about the shots. Now MANY are. It's spreading. Someone posted a VERY important thing and I quickly put it here because it's important.
Except he's saying, "Trump is a fat satanic penguin".
Well.... HOPEFULLY. The director of the WHO just said the shots are KILLING CHILDREN. But I guess NOT clicking on fb is MORE important. Crazy.
I saw it on there. It IS important. Put it on here because of that! Watch it or don't. It is VERY short.
WOW quite the BIOWEAPON! Millions (if not more) spent on gain of function to produce a bio weapon that escaped or was released from a lab is cured with milk and/or benadryl ..... I can't believe people STILL think the 'virus' is real, even on here. But....but....I know someone who died with it! NO! People have died of the FLU for a LONG time AND people are ALSO dying from what the 'doctors and nurses' are doing TO them OR NOT doing FOR them! " But.... but... I couldn't smell or taste" .... 20 to 30 percent of people who get the flu can't smell or taste!
WOW YOU GUYS! I can't believe the comments on here! It's facebook ya but it's important! WHO just said they are killing children! I hate facebook but Q said to stay on the battlefield until the war is done.THIS is a Q site. THIS IS important! Stop acting like children.
The guy that tried to convince people he was Q also worked for Craig sawyer. The guy named Austin Steinbart.
Hey! Good to see ya CanuckGop ! Great video, I feel terrible about what's happening in Australia. I've also been saying that people made a big outcry about the native children but are saying nothing about this. Shows you that the majority only get upset when the MSM tells them to. I live in New Brunswick where they can now refuse us access to groceries, They've already taken our jobs and can't get another one because jabs are required. Anyway, you are a good man, wish to meet ya someday. Keep up the good work. God Bless.
People who DON'T believe in God, do as thy wilt. They are selfish and have no empathy or conscience. They believe there is NO negative consequences to doing evil. The Bible was NOT written by satanists. It was written by Hebrews. The New Testament was written by Christians. Q refers to God and quotes from the Bible various times. guess you think Q is wrong too. So why are you on a Q centered board?
I cried last Christmas when VOAT ended. I was on until the last second. Felt like a friend died. I was thinking there was going to be a repeat shut down here a couple days ago when the server was down for hours. Scary. I wonder where the other Goats went?