Interesting that it's 1917. Remember how Trump kept referring to that terrible time, and people joked that he messed up because the epidemic was in 1918? This is from an article [here]: ("This “deadly scourge” that crept up on him and disrupted a golden age of prosperity for America is “something the world has not seen for a long, long time,” as Trump put it on Monday, in one of his by now familiar riffs. “You could probably go back to 1917, where it was a terrible period of time,” he added. “You all know what happened in 1917.” On Tuesday, he returned once again to the theme of his once-in-a-century bad luck. “Even if you go back into 1917,” Trump said at a White House event for small-business leaders, “that was the worst of all time, but it was also not as bad as here. It was very bad, it was very rough. It was a bad one, but it wasn’t quite like what we’re going through right now.”
So, he's been talking about this horrible infiltration... it makes total sense.
We've been homeschooling for 12 years, and I can't speak highly enough of Shormann Math. It's based off of Saxon math.. but as the story goes, Shormann was teaching Saxon math, and put his own twist on it with his students. Then, before he created Dive Into Math, he got in touch with Mr. Saxon and asked him if it would be okay to teach his style of Saxon math. Mr. Saxon was more than happy to let him do so. So as a parent who used Saxon Math for our kids, then switched to Shormann's online program... I couldn't recommend it more. I give it 17 stars! ;)
Right, remember the conference was supposed to be earlier in the week, like on Monday, but it got pushed out a few days. So B & O had set their symposiums and had to go through with them before, instead of after his scheduled announcement! Such a smooth move!
I copied out the transcript from the youtube video that eagle-eyes2020 gave, and dropped it into Google Translate:
[Applause] please listen to me when the thief enters my house or in the house of the lords we call the police we don't call the mayor We call the deputy We don't call the senator we called the police and you listen to this they looted the Brazilian nation We do need the presence of only permanent institution it's the police because you are dear Brazil [Song] that my voice in the ear of your son and grandchildren because apparently you still don't understand what is happening in the Brazil is very easy for you to stay with this neighbor instead of thinking about the side of the People you would be everything here today inside this bed on the People's side you are not that you want to continue defending political crime in this one our children are being indoctrinated contaminated
These crowds are definitely in response to the election being stolen from Bolsonaro. I'm down in Santa Catarina, where there were peaceful demonstrations going on all day for the past 3 days. I watched the voting results slowly tick down for Bolsonaro with every 20 second update of the voting results. It was terrible. And everyone knows the results were not real. One of the best channels I follow for live updates of these demonstrations and from patriots around Brasil is Tupi Report on Telegram. Just scroll through and see for yourself allllll the people standing up. It's so cool! / tupireport (no spaces around the slash)
Wow, part-way down the wikipedia page, you get this statement:
"Quinine is a flavor component of tonic water and bitter lemon drink mixers. On the soda gun behind many bars, tonic water is designated by the letter "Q" representing quinine."
That bitchute video is his 100th video... you should watch the 99th as well, as he did them at the same time and has ton of Law of War Manual proofs in that one too. h/t to MelQ on telegram for this link:
SO true! enter textHere's an example from just a couple days ago.
OH! Thank goodness! I never knew what that meant! I actually lost sleep over it because I can't stand all that PC crap! I swear, I can't speak with my 19 year old daughter without her picking a fight or getting offended by the way I say things. It's like she is just waiting for me to say something that will rub her the wrong way. Such a sad way to go through life.
Whoa! Just now from on Telegram:
"JUST IN - Major trading platforms reported offline or glitching."
I have Telegram going all day. It's the best source I've found for tons of Q proofs, hopium, and breaking news. These are the people/groups I've joined:
2021 Updates:
Q-Tip (awesome stuff here all day long):
Lin Wood and Sidney Powell:
I'll throw my theory into the ring...
If a group of 200 generals got together after JFK was shot, then that team would have had TONS of intel going on for all these years as they worked on this great awakening plan. There's no way they didn't know exactly what Hillary was planning and acted accordingly.
Yes... whoa: #177
Keywords: Confirm. Green. Sky. Why were keywords added in the stringer? What was the purpose? What was previously stated? To who specifically? ++ Who countered? Learn to read the map. Missing critical items. Graphic is key. Ordering is critical. Q
We can already see that the crazy hashtags really stand out... so this post does seem quite relevant. But we're missing critical items, and this graphic is the key. I'm not so great with decoding all these images, but it's just uncanny how this post seems relevant to the tweet.
Well, here's where I found the 30 day thing: and that no part of an EO may direct the agencies to conduct illegal or unconstitutional activities.
I will say this much... all of this has certainly made me much more interested in reading both the Bible and the Constitution. For years I've had my head in the sand.. frustrated, but unable to do anything about it. Can I do anything now? Being part of Flynn's "Digital Army" is at least something. And if my resolution to never give up on Trump and the military gives someone here resolve to not give up and to wake up just one more blind person... then I have helped. This is why we need to be strong, gather up the proofs (of which there are a crazy amount now!) and wake people up. It's coming. Nothing can stop it. We know that down deep, past the hope... past the fear. It's coming.
If he's already been inaugurated as the 19th President, we need to hold the line until the end of March - the end if Q1. Trump and the military's plan to get us back into the Gold Standard needs to happen prior to the end of the first Quarter.
They show now:
However, I read that they won't go into effect until 30 days after they are signed.
Because on Dec 30 or 31, Gen Flynn tweeted out a quote by George Washington to his troop. "Give me 30 days" So, in order to keep hopium high, we move the goal posts out to Jan 30th. And... if you're really looking for the "10 days of darkness"... I'd say Jan 20-30 are going to be pretty dark. So, sure... I'll go with the 30th but if it doesn't happen then, then my faith won't falter. WE are the ones setting these dates. WE are the ones saying "oh, I'll give Trump 3 more days... if nothing happens, then I'm out." People, go back and re-read posts 1-30 if you need strength. Everything is laid out, and there are SO many proofs hitting daily, there's NO WAY anyone can possibly lose faith. Things take time, it's a balancing act with many moving pieces all over the world. Things are happening if you just keep your ears and eyes open. Read the Wins of the Day posts EVERY day if you need to. It's happening. It's going to happen. Let it happen. Have faith!
This proof got bigger with the news that Maersk lost 750 containers en route from China to Los Angeles... which port? Long Beach Port perhaps?
But the significance of the Maersk ship incident is bigger than I see anyone suggesting. It's proof there's still some heavy duty action going on.
If you go listen to the Health Ranger Report, at the 36 minute mark he talks about intel he got, and that these containers are armed with missile firing capabilities... AND there are tons of containers located on ships and on the ground in the US (in Walmart parking lots, etc).
Then I went searching for some more photos of these containers, and see that there was a twitter post image with some good text on it. But when you try to go to view the post... looks like the account has been disabled. Interesting. Over the mark?
This was proven to be false. The explosives were fake. (