So if they have collected over 1000 body bags full of bodies. Were they not identified at all?
All I know is there are 265 school aged children missing from one small town in Western NC according to Mark Robinson.
I also watched a video where a woman spoke of 30 to 40 people of all ages sheltering in a church in a town and that church washed out with all the people inside it. Not one of them has been found to date.
There were dead bodies in trees. Including a mother and her young infant in the back seat of a car. workers from Samaritan’s Purse reported finding this woman and child and a number of other bodies they found just hung up in the trees.
They are not reporting these deaths bc many are buried under tons of mud. But even those found if they haven’t been identified I doubt they will report them. Bc there is no way to refrigerate these bodies they may never be identified.
I live in a river community that flooded during Hurricane Flo. We had 6 feet in our driveway in 2018 where when we built the property we were told wasn’t in a flood zone. Hurricane Flo was the highest flood ever here in SE NC.
We decided after rebuilding that a generator here would be worthless in another flood unless they were raised up. And being on a corner lot we would have a tough time shielding it from the road according to our HOA. But also, when it flooded in this development those that weren’t flooded couldn’t use their gas generators anyway bc the gas company turned off all the gas in the development.
We have an outlet for a generator but we would only use a portable gas powered one if there were a massive power outage for another reason.
I have to vote early. I’m a poll worker in a different precinct on Election Day.
Rest assured if you live in my county in NC your vote will count! We have good people here running out elections. It’s what happens to that days on the state level that bothers me.
I worked the polls in my Eastern NC county yesterday and had a displaced Western NC voter show up on the first day to vote also. We were able to get her a provisional ballot so she could vote, too.