swimkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

So it probably needs to said that government always overreaches. Sometime in the future a good teaming out will need to be done once again.

swimkin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apparently the deep state has ruined some fun times with their nefariousness.

FWIW your church isn’t replicating their evil deeds. They are just providing a fun time for the kids.

swimkin 4 points ago +4 / -0

First off, I don’t believe everyone who took the jab will be dead in 5 years. More likely they have shortened their life. I would believe they have more likely wrecked their immune system. So will get sick more often, will more likely get infections that will turn into sepsis, more susceptible to get shingles/herpes and even cancer.

I agree with the article that the jab has affected individual fertility. My niece (a state police officer) was triple jabbed. Got married last Dec and sadly had a miscarriage this spring.

swimkin 14 points ago +14 / -0

I can’t wait to see Kash in action!

swimkin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well they do set their own salaries. But I believe they make the most from inside trading and other kickbacks. I have no links for that. He’ll have to research it.

Also don’t forget they have better healthcare than us citizens. And money set aside in Congress that will pay off anyone they have sexually abused.

Here’s a chart of their salary increases over time:

swimkin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wonder whose kid is in the background

swimkin 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm a ham operator, I don't have a hand held radio that works in this current area. So I will have to rely on an old windup local emergency radio. Or smoke signals.. LOL

swimkin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually as a poll worker here in NC I can attest to the stupidity of many of the Dems here.

Although, we do not have ballots here where you can just vote all one party you still need to read each candidates name and check to see their party. We have Dems who need cheat sheets from the Dems who sit outside to hand out who to vote for.

It amazes me how many of them have to double check they are voting for these Dems when all they need to do is find Dem under their name.

swimkin 16 points ago +16 / -0

It also happened with a State House Republican Seat. It prevents the House from having a Super Majority to override the newly elected Democrat Governor next year. So they have lost their override of the Governor's vetos

This is a pattern we have been seeing over the past few vote cycles since the Dems have taken over the Governorship, AG, Sec of State and State Auditor position in the past. These specific seats of NC Government control the state elections.

We the entire state council go Dem down ballot in spite of Trump winning the election here exept for the State Auditor.

As of last Tuesday our current Super Majority House and Senate passed a bill to hand over all future elections to the State Auditor. Cooper can veto the bill but it will be passed before they lose their Super Majority in the State.

No longer will the Governor of the state be able to appoint all Dems to head up the County elections.

Hopefully, this will change future elections for the better.

swimkin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Then why do you have a penis?

swimkin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Another way around the ban for sure. EPIC WIN!

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