swoft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wil Wheaton got a cameo in the last episode of S2, surely his payment for his absolutely insufferable shilling for the show on The Ready Room.

swoft 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's just extremely bad TV written by woketards. There was some heavy handed moralizing regarding liberal views on immigration and global warming, but mostly the plot was just random shit that made no sense, almost like a Family Guy episode.

The quip about "vaccination chips", if I remember correctly, was that people of 2024 would detect them and thus realize the intrepid time traveling crew does not belong since vax chips are apparently part of our glorious Federation future, not that such things already existed by 2024. See, they were worried about messing up the timeline and wanted to be low key.

They then spent the rest of the season getting in police chases, blowing shit up, massacring hoards of Borg in plain sight, and otherwise fucking up the timeline as much as possible without giving it a second thought.

Really the only good reason to watch this show is for the RLM reviews.

swoft 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's Unix Epoch Time. Unix based systems keep time by storing the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch began, which is defined (arbitrarily) as Jan 1st 1970. This is why you will often see the glitched date Dec 31st 1969, which represents the number -1, usually a sign of missing datetime data.

There's a Y2K for Epoch time called the 2038 problem. This is the year when the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch began exceeds the maximum storage space many older systems allocate to time tracking. This being a 32-bit integer or 2^31 − 1 (2,147,483,647). The exact time this will happen is 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038.

The fix is to use a 64-bit integer to store time, in which case you should not have any issue for the next 300 billion years.

swoft 9 points ago +9 / -0

Make The Bering Strait Great Again

swoft 6 points ago +6 / -0

lol how is this picture not a meme already.

swoft 2 points ago +2 / -0

So Picard season 2 is set in 2024 and has Q and Guinan cast? That's gonna be....quite the shitshow huh.

swoft 9 points ago +9 / -0

and the things that Ron Paul said, kinda blew me away

I still remember hearing him speak for the first time at some televised primary debate I saw at a local YMCA I had a membership to, in 2007. He was spitting straight up truth like I'd never even heard before. No one talks economic liberty like Ron, not even his son.

Me and the then-girlfriend (now wife) participated in some meetups supporting him in our college. It was during one of these that we realized most of the other people there did not seem to care much about taxes, or the Fed, instead being there to ride the anti-war, and anti-drug-war train.

Granted, we were certainly against foreign military intervention and the war on drugs, but we saw these things as merely side-effects of our authoritarian, confiscatory government, not a political end-goal in itself.

Ron understood this but a lot of his fans at the time did not seem to. That's why I was not at all surprised to see so many Ron Paul supporters in 08/12 become Bernie Bros in 16.

A politician with Ron's brain and Trump's mouth would get elected in a landslide and lead to a thousand year It's Happening/Heaven on Earth.

swoft 10 points ago +10 / -0

My God that thread is wild. So many stories of absolutely horrifying vaccine reactions; a lot of the boosted are reporting swollen lymph nodes in their armpits?? This one guy's heart was beating so fast that his ear started bleeding.

I don't know how any human could take a vaccine ever again after reading some of these accounts....but for most of these people -- the same people reporting symptoms of death after each shot -- the best they can muster is "well I'm okay with a yearly shot but every 6 months is too far (unless it's super necessary)".

This sustained mass delusion is both frightening and fascinating.