tassiepede 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'd say Tas is more like the south... We are often mocked for inbreeding, the fact we are convict descendants, etc. Some of that is at least partially true. Essentially we are an island of rednecks, or bogans as they are known here. I used to be ashamed of this, back when i was a young lefty. Now I'm redneck and proud.

by gamepwn
tassiepede 0 points ago +1 / -1

you're wrong, brother, very wrong. God never spoke to me through the bible. And Jesus never said the way to heaven was through scripture.

tassiepede 0 points ago +1 / -1

this is what gives us a bad reputation, people like this. 'Terrain theory' proponents, that haven't thought through their fruity little theory properly, or are too brain damaged to realise how dumb it is.

tassiepede 1 point ago +2 / -1

we're really not that commie in Tas. Hobart is, a bit, with its university student population. Most are apathetic, slightly right of centre.

tassiepede 9 points ago +10 / -1

that's unrealistic. I'm an anarchist at heart, but realistically, the best you can hope for is minimal government. We're not ready to self govern.

tassiepede 8 points ago +14 / -6

no one outside of pro trump circles is paying attention, and the DC jury pool is looking unlikely to convict. Sorry to say due but that's straight up how it is.

tassiepede 0 points ago +1 / -1

no, because every living thing must consume to survive. In your example, plants take nutrients that come from decaying bio material in the soil. Life temporarily resists entropy.

by BQnita
tassiepede 0 points ago +1 / -1

I can't get behind it. My partner and I had an abortion at 4 weeks. It was a terribly hard decision but we are both disabled and unemployed, the child would have grown up in poverty. I don't support late term abortion but sometimes early abortion is the lesser of two evils. This will only make it harder for people in difficult situations.

by BQnita
tassiepede 1 point ago +2 / -1

right, exactly. Even if they can't legally pull it off, it won't stop them from trying and many people going along with it.

by BQnita
tassiepede 5 points ago +6 / -1

I mean that is true, but it won't stop them from trying. They did it with masks and vaccines, even if it was eventually overturned or revised in different ways. They can absolutely try to get away with it

tassiepede 2 points ago +3 / -1

How bad is the corruption? FBI (past/present) #1 #1 #2 +29 (16) DOJ (past/present) #1 #1 #2 +18 STATE (past/present) #1 #1 +41 Removal is the least of their problems. Projection. Russia>D/HRC Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political SLANT BIDEN / CHINA. BIG DEVELOPMENT. TRAITORS EVERYWHERE. AMERICA FOR SALE. FLYNN. Targeted. Why? Who knows where the bodies are buried? CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES. TRUMP ADMIN v2? Election theft. Last hope. Congressional focus. Impeach. They think you are STUPID. They think you will FOLLOW THE STARS. They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE. THERE WILL COME A TIME NONE OF THEM WILL BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET. BIGGEST FEAR. PUBLIC AWAKENING. Q

This relates directly to what is happening right now, even though it was posted in march 2018. Twitter bots, biden scandals, WHO treaty, stolen election, depp vs heard and UFOs while sussman trial is happening...

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