Incredible. Thank goodness the fight against this is gaining popularity.
I'm holding crypto so whatevz
You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about
Shut the fuck up faggot
I just use my own Playlist which us equivalent to watch later instead of official one
We should be the 'Good Guy' Party or the 'Freedom' Party. WHAT ARE YOU AGAINST FREEDOM MAN? YOU DON'T LIKE FREEDOM THAT'S WHY YOU HATE US!
We should take a page out of Black Lives Matter and Antifa and make the name non attackable.
I would prefer if Pence wasn't a traitor to be honest. I will be very disappointed if he is one. Heres hoping.
Well handshake that is sure something to think about.
Another thing that is interesting to think about is how confused Pence was to receive that coin. It was handed off to him in secret and he deliberately opened his palm and looked at it. The guy that gave it to him looked horrified.
sources familiar with another source of a source. Okay sure. AKA a lie.
He's the President guys. Are you telling me his people didn't immediately tell him there were antifa trying to storm capitol? I'm sure he has an ear piece. It explained why he seemed so down. Something was bothering him. He tried to play it off but it was obvious in his tone.
It's not black and white dude. Some new accounts are shills and some are not. Takes time to gather data.
you were literally just destroyed in the argument you presented and he has no idea what he's talking about? Get fucked clown.
when you buy from exchanges yes it's reported to IRS but bitcoin transactions themselves have no way to be traced back to the payer or payee.
Crypto bank. LMFAO! Please learn about the topic before you talk of it.
Why are you here? They control voting machines. No one votes these people in. Btw you have no idea how the economy works or inflation.
There definitely wasn't 25k troops at Trumps inauguration
this needs to be shown to as many people as possible
545k so far
So cloudfare is refusing to find the domain manually?
What must it be like to have literally ZERO fucking principles? Do you hate the military. GREAT. Stick to that. Fucking wishy washy cry baby idiot retards.
I would hate to live life just bending to wherever the wind blows. I can't imagine how they sleep at night. A fucking head full of bees and white noise.
This is not related to Q at all. Remove it.
Welcome home!
This is not the website for that. Remove your account or go back to patriots.