test_pattern 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah, that's too bad. there are dedicated people who have been working in every state reporting today. it's like trying to unravel a Gordian Knot.

test_pattern 1 point ago +1 / -0

he does get a lot of air time but the meat is the State of the States report which Mike Lindell is not moderating. as much as we already know, listening to each state report of what they have discovered, the legal battles, the obstruction -- it is still jaw dropping.

individual state reports are posted so you can find yours without having to wade through the full 50 state review.

test_pattern 1 point ago +1 / -0

One of the feeds on FrankSpeech just went down.

test_pattern 7 points ago +7 / -0

I know we’re all fatigued but there is good detailed info being discussed, and there will be a panel of constitutional sheriffs on tomorrow to discuss action items.

test_pattern 1 point ago +1 / -0

Byrne glows but CI? He did not have access to Mar-a-Lago.

test_pattern 6 points ago +6 / -0

The digs anons have been doing in just the last week show it’s not just “the criminals” it’s the system that has been constructed within the law that enables the criminal syndicate.

From Federal laws signed over decades to NGOs to corporations and universities, an insidious network functions to fulfill the commands of a shadowy elite. Yes, these dark overlords must be dealt with, but their little mafiosos and cartels will fill the void.

Cleaning up voter rolls is one front in the war that exposes the vast criminal enterprise.

test_pattern 4 points ago +4 / -0

We are winning. Millions of Marxist infiltrators serving the global technocrats quietly took over every institution over several decades. Now they are being outed on a near hourly basis. Exposed for all the world to see. And the only thing they have left is stoke violence, chaos, and point fingers to keep people from looking at their crimes. It’s glorious.

The best thing for patriots to do is “storm the midterms” — meaning overwhelming vote-in-person and election scrutiny to overcome the fixed cheat.

Turn evil into good at every chance. Work in teams.

test_pattern 4 points ago +4 / -0

“Our movement is to REPLACE a failed and corrupt system...”

test_pattern 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wasn’t possible. Trump supporters were temporarily disabled from laughing so hard our sides hurt.

To be clear for shills, we would not laugh at the terrible loss of an innocent woman, but terrible irony of the shooter becoming his own meme.

test_pattern 3 points ago +3 / -0

we also have to see who went in to Mar-a-Lago. only agents can take evidence. in the last several years, supervisors have been reorganizing field teams to incorporate all kinds of support personnel. if any one these guys or girls collected evidence, that's not lawful.

test_pattern 3 points ago +3 / -0

we all await the Marc Dice report.

test_pattern 2 points ago +2 / -0

The value of a public ‘safety net’ is that it maintains stability in communities. But when the ‘safety net’ becomes the community itself (greater than 10%) it becomes the system. That is suicidal.

Exceeding a 10% threshold should only happen in times of national catastrophe (think Dustbowl), but its unsustainable levels are due primarily to illegal immigration and government using public monies as a slush fund.

Those two factors far outweigh the fraud of people really not qualified abusing the system, or even the intransigent acceptance of a poverty class of citizenry.

If we dealt with illegal immigration — which is really foreign occupation, and cut off the spigot of unchecked government spending, our medicaid and food stamp program could be contained and managed as intended.

test_pattern 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q also referred to the ‘only branch of Military that is not corrupt.’

I’ve been long convinced that any “plan” we can figure out is not The Plan.

As the veil comes down, we see that total corruption is not merely the shadowy figures infiltrating everywhere, but woven into detailed processes and procedures at every level in every institution. It is literally how we think.

What does ‘clean and swift’ mean? Cutting the head off the snake? Just to change the head of the snake?

We are the body of the snake. We are being forced to shed our skin, to evolve to a higher order of being.

That is why Flynn is ordering patriots to get into the weeds of civic life. Occupy any and every role where you can influence decision making. The team has to be on the field to receive the ball.

I don’t believe we are going to see any domestic military operation. The “military” is too woke, it’s against Posse Comitatus, and it doesn’t solve the problem.

test_pattern 10 points ago +10 / -0

Was there any doubt that Sam Harris is a cabal-agenda agent to promote atheism worldwide? It doesn’t mean he is on their payroll or conscious of his role. But how do you think he got a lucrative career making vacuous, disingenuous arguments? Legitimate book sales?

His cultivated status as an “intellectual” is about as organic as Kim Kardashian’s ass, and just as useful.

test_pattern 1 point ago +1 / -0

not defending the awful looking video but it's pretty common to veer from the textbook if the situation calls for it. it's not cutting corners but juggling priorities.

test_pattern 3 points ago +3 / -0

yes, it bothers me not to see them throwing Os on as soon as they were clear of the fire zone. but it's hard to judge the priorities not seeing what they were up against. if she was talking to them that means she has an airway.

her skin is roasted, that you can see from far away. the hair looked matted, could be singed?

blunt head trauma in a car wreck is common. the bleeding is internal. the firefighters are likely dual-trained, so those guys were likely medics, but with that many rigs on scene you'd expect a few more would be be helping with the patient.

you should not see bystanders within a city block. police and fire would have immediately barricaded the area for safety.

what is weird is 60 response rigs. for one vehicle. and that long extrication. it does sort of have a lady Di vibe.

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