Ahhhh thank you
Wtf does this mean ??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Ding ding ding 🛎🛎🛎🛎
I totally hear you buddy. I have to believe it's going to get better, because of it doesn't; then we were done from the start. On which case why did i spend hours on q decodes and put in so many hours just to get our boy trump here when all I needed to do was just show up on election day. It has to or it was all for nothing
Like him or not. I think Johnson was the correct person to deliver this msg to congress. Trump was pur middle finger and the politicians are now getting in line
Ummmmm... 👀
No the Carter funeral will be used for the white envelopes 2.0 and might be the red wedding event to capture all the conspirators who plotted the overthrow of the 2020 election ... I can dream can't i
When you have dual citizenship you cannot have loyalty by definition. Loyalty (a strong feeling of support or allegiance) cannot be devided between 2 entities. And when that happens you have no loyalty at all
I mean I guess this is a good thing. Like the bar is soooo low that I'm actually impressed this happened
Can't wait for Schifty shit to stand trial for treason
If he comes around on the h1b visa then I'll call him based again
Cool who cares, as long as we got the chips out of there is all good
Hey i don't know about you guys but I'm ready to occupy Mexico and legally exclude them from being deemed human if this happens. Like if you're Mexican in Mexico, USA or Canada you cannot be viewed as human in the eyes of the law. We've had far too many American lose their life and way of life because of all those assholes. If they go through with this there needs to be earthshattering consequences for this
I did a spit take reading this fren 🤣🤣🤣
I'm petty sure i made a post about bout Havana syndrome being this exact thing years ago here
Like i sympathize with the palestinian ppl as they're being genocided, but this isn't Palestine. Plus the protesting in our country is just ridiculous
Hey at least he showed us what he is now
Source please. Need for reference because he had a ton of tweets. Honestly was hard to keep up with because of how rapid he was shooting out the tweets
I'm petty sure he was being sarcastic. Like that line is literally from tropic thunder les grossman. By getting us all mad we've literally forced the mainstream media to talk about this topic. We basically haven't heard from the trump team all holiday season which imo paved the way for then to finally bring this issue to the forefront
Why is those even a debate? We didn't vote to keep hb1 visas.
Ehhhhhhh I don't think so
So this guy's a closet fag boi... got it
Good. Pornhub can go FUCK THEIR OWN FACES. **** But in all seriousness the whole porn industry is so bad.