Sidney Powell has always talked a HUGE talk but never got any results from it. These hangers-on Trump lawyer have not been impressive in the I wouldn't get my hopes up here about an epic victory like she has promised so much in the past. It's great she supports Trump but she is a shit lawyer.
This is something I've never understood and something I fault Trump for - why didn't he go after the fraud before it happened? To me, arguments about optics are totally absurd. If there are crimes you go after them regardless of how powerful the individual is otherwise you are capitulating to them. He should've gotten the evidence out into the open before November 2nd rolled around. He had four years to fix this but didn't for whatever reason and now look what it got us. I don't think Biden's Presidency is fake at all in the sense that he's actually in the White House and signing legislation and executive orders. Either Trump, the team around him or both really fucked up on this one.
I don't know what to believe. His story sort of sounds plausible but at the same time the pedos always aggressively deny everything when the stories first break. In an effort to not support a potential pedophile or condemn someone who isn't, I'm going to withhold judgement until further info comes out.
It's not so much that they 'own' anything but they use VPNs and Tor. This isn't all that unusual for site admins at websites that have a tendency to attract trolls. You will get some very serious trolls who go well beyond just doing it for the lulz or trying to be a keyboard warrior and you have to IP ban these people. A small portion of those people go to VPN services and Tor to get around your IP ban. But with such services they can just get new IPs so you have to block the 'exit nodes' for these services.
The downside to this is that it's very time consuming in an area that already consumes a lot of time. And a super super super serious troll can just go from one VPN to another if they want. You're also potentially blocking the IPs of innocent people when you do these wide IP bans.
I've personally come to the conclusion before that it is simply not worth the effort. Eventually the person/people will get bored and move on. That seems to be what this admin has decided as well.
I wouldn't worry about it. What are the chances the ship that gets stuck is also on some DS shit? The odds of that are astronomically low. People here made a big deal about the 'evergreen' HRC shit but that company existed before HRC was even first lady and got that code name.
And it's both sides of the media. Liberal media and politicians whining about these facilities when Trump was President. Now Biden is President and it's conservative media and politicians who are whining about them. No one actually gives a shit about any of the people in there, it's all political bullshit. Cruz is just another shill trying to score points. I am throughly convinced all politicians are isubhuman scum.
He could've simply ignored the question. He would get literally thousands at a time on each of his posts. If he thought the earth was flat he would have either said so or just ignored the question entirely. And I don't agree with the premise that Q was worried about his MSM reputation anyway.
It was indeed before 2012. But I know for a fact that EVERYONE has guns in Venezuela still. I also know for a fact that Venezuela was becoming a shithole before 2012. The problems of Venezuela have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with ownership or non-ownership of guns. I imagine they banned guns because of rampant gun crime but it has done no good. The government doesn't have have control of vast swathes of the country. Regardless, the premise presented in the tweet is absolutely false.
The military totally betrayed Trump a number of times while Trump was still in office. The Joint Chiefs released a statement in support of Biden TWO DIFFERENT TIMES while Trump was still in office and talked about how they'd have no place in determining elections.
I've been dooming hard lately. I think Trump moved way too slowly BEFORE the election to secure it and then hired a terrible legal team afterwards to remedy it. Guys like Guiliani/Ellis/Powell are not election law lawyers. I still don't understand why he didn't hire the best election lawfirms in the country to fight it but instead got some figurehead lawyers who have zero expertise here. These lawyers were so incompetent that they didn't even get tech experts in to analyze things which is what good lawyers do when they come across something that isn't their speciality.
I think Trump should take cases back to the Supreme Court just on the grounds that he did not have competent representation because I don't think the military is going to do shit about the situation we are in. Beyond that, I think the only hope is to retake both the House and Senate in 2022 and ammend the Constitution to allow for Congress to seat Presidents and Vice Presidents in the event of fraud.
Erm, this tweet is at the very least only half true. It is 100% legal for citizens of Venezuela to own and posses guns. In fact there are TONS of guns in Venezuela, it might rival the US in this fashion as far as guns per citizen. Can't say about Cuba but the person who tweeted this obviously did zero research so I wouldn't trust that statement either
Source: I lived there for 3 years
I hope somethings actually comes of it this time around but at this point it's hard to get excited about news like this because I have no hope any action will be taken because of it. If Trump didn't get the word out well enough, why will Mike Lindell?
This idea is silly, you don't have to worship anything at all to be a good person or an altruistic person. You don't have to worship any particular god to be a good person either. Altruistic behavior even exists in other species.
Religion has done a lot of good for the world but also a lot of bad, Christianity included. So many wars and suffering. Deliberate crimes. Subjugation of vast populations. Political intrigue. Religions are full of the same failings of the non-religious because they are inhabited by human beings. And at the end of the day it is not religion that has advanced the species but dealings outside of it. For a large part of recorded history, humanity has advanced in spite of religious institutions.
Every lawsuit she filed in regards to the election. We can start with the infamous Kraken.