This doesn’t mean anything. Jeff Younger of SaveJames, fighting for his son James not to be Luna against James’s will can tell you that. A Texas judge still gave him over to his mentally ill not even birth mom to begin transitioning. I have no idea why Texas is still holding out on this
This is great! My church in Snohomish is getting together all the business owners etc to try to match the fired from mandates with new jobs. See if you can get your church leadership to pray about doing something like that too. In fact, everybody should. Our churches should be standing up and we should be taking care of our own. That’s the way we’ll be able to beat this. I said a prayer for you that God will provide for you and guard your heart with his peace. The same as I’m praying for ourselves because our mandate deadline is fast approaching too. I would end with something about Inslee, but it wouldn’t sound very Christian. Lol
We live in the next county over where our based elected sheriff protects us some, so it’s not as bad. But even so, we need to sell our house and get out of here as fast as we can. Especially since my husband’s rightful religious exemption probably won’t be accepted, and they seem to be making sure that anyone who doesn’t get the shot won’t be able to get a job anywhere. I remember though when I used to go Downtown to kill time, one of my favorite places to be. I loved Seattle so much, friends would say I should be a tourguide. Now it’s a depressing and scary place that I don’t dare go to. It makes me so angry seeing what they did, remembering how amazing it once was.
And then afterwards, they protested by looting stores and burning down things. Oh wait, no they didn’t. They went and volunteered, feeding the homeless. Imagine that. Such amazing leaders now gone.
The last of the good people are being taken out, and our whole state is being plunged into Communist hell. My husband is mandated too, and we’re trying to leave as soon as we can. Mixed feelings of good riddance and grief. I’m struggling to say goodbye to the city I once loved above any other and called home, but the truth is it doesn’t exist anymore.
Is there a way to find out if it’s actually his channel and not a LARPer? Has it been confirmed somewhere else? The channel sounds like Q
My child has special needs that make some of the online courses too rigid so I think we’re going to be using Easy Peasy All in One Homeschool along with supplementation from others (I have to finalize this weekend). Does anyone here know this curriculum and have any input to give either positive or negative? The whole thing is completely free online and found here:
My answer: When we believe too much in “American Exceptionalism” we will believe America is special and untouchable, therefore unable to fail. Rather than being able to step back and learn from all the other empires and influential cultures that have fallen by the exact same playbook or similar, we will ignore the warnings that our founders warned us about, and innocently undo the safeguards they set up to protect us. We will take liberty for granted, and fail to protect it. We will let division turn us against each other, forgetting the reasons we should stand united, as we let manipulators twist our understanding of our history. That can continue little by little until we become a nation exactly opposite of everything we once believed, and eventually be no more.
The one my family has just started going to is. Snohomish, WA. Just a regular church meeting in a gym but having a huge impact because they refuse to back down. Artur Pawlowski was there as a guest last week.
There are churches out there. They are few and far between though. Hopefully more will wake up.
A twisted version in name only unless it’s changed since I went there. I spent a month there for a missions trip. In the town we were in, they had mass on Sunday, and the same priest became the voodoo priest Friday night. You could hear wild chanting until after 2 am. It was eerie. Everywhere we went around the island, things were the same. Shamans have HUGE power over there. And I was shocked how open people are. It’s not, “we worship the spirits of the air, it’s “we worship the devil because he gave us our freedom, and he owns our country.” (they apparently signed it over in blood and that was renewed, I believe during when Bill Clinton was president)
Thank you for posting this. I didn’t know about this event. It’s so toxic here, that it gets discouraging. This was so great to see.
Yikes this should be removed; it’s vital to verify everything so they can’t use anything against us. The App Store has the same rating for all social media apps including Twitter.