trapvonn 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Strike API may be another to include in this. In the effort to setup parallel institutions, the need for interoperability and transactions may be required.


trapvonn 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is healthy and I like it. Irish, in effect you're raising the EBS signal further by playing the pragmatist. Whether Lin knows anything or not about EBS, I do think he's pretty knowledgeable of media / signal-noise theory and has observed its effects on the flow of information over several years.

He's fundamentally narrative inflating, and that's only bad if folks rely on him or anyone as a source of truth. We're outside the domain of truth now. We're purely in the domain of signal and noise, and the game is to pick and choose what signals to amplify and which to let wash away into the noise.

trapvonn 2 points ago +4 / -2

I think you make an important point about Lin echoing the Q zeitgeist. Regardless of whether he knows anymore than the collective "edge-knowledge" of this board and its network counterparts across the chans, it's having a galvanization effect that's not on the whole negative.

I agree with you that people shouldn't be looking to Lin for their epistemological increase, but rather to realize that the name of the game right now is to echo and amplify. Pour fuel on fires, it's not about waiting for instruction. It's about recognizing how to win an information war.

trapvonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not as up to speed on mod behavior here, but I think you're exactly right to suggest depriving the inflationary posts of energy.

Amplyify/echo that which chains the narrative in productive ways (the signal), ignore the noise. Deprive it of energy and it falls to the wayside. Engage it, the negative feedback loops are strengthened.

trapvonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Welcome fren. All we can really do right now is amplify or echo certain messages to drive research and information collection in positive ways.

We can also increase awareness of the responsibility we have "on the edge" to help others begin to develop a chain of truth along the data stream.

trapvonn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well said fren. Only one thing I might add related to this kind of comment:

This isn't new

It's low effort and doesn't communicate anything other than a psychic downgrading on the material presented. If it's "old," is it upstream or downstream in the record of everyone's experience on the edge of the information wave?

trapvonn 3 points ago +3 / -0

It really is that simple. Which is part of the fracture we've been observing as global society becomes more and more complex, proceeding from just a few simple rules.

As a power grab, I somewhat empathize with the cause, but narrative reconstruction and its externalities isn't well thought out. It's on the whole incompatible with our advancement as a species.

by ckreon
trapvonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's a QRD of the happenings on 4chan and abroad. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/301261440/

QRD for those jumping in with us:

  1. Lin Wood provides a password for Kappy's deadman switch
  2. We find that kappy tweet the hash to that password in 2018 and work was done on the boards to find the file (unsure if they found it)
  3. they couldn't crack it because they had to convert the hash into the password to be used in whatever encrypted archive it's in
  4. the password was also hidden as the first letter to every line in the papacy article
  5. we don't know where the files are
  6. we're off in a tangent hoping we can find the files if we log into his Keybase account
  7. others are trying to download and see if the password works for any of the wikileak cablegate archives

Other important shit: cultstate's twitter sees us.

In perfect unison, there's a firestorm of us anons trying to figure this out and dig up the dirt. Surely, somebody out there will notice and be drawn out of the woodwork, yes? :)

by ckreon
trapvonn 3 points ago +3 / -0

CS has become active on Twitter in the past 24h specifically about this and has given some more context. Starting with... https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/240501973/#240520825

(Effectively saying Kappy was spooking the existing networks).

And then resulting in some continuation of this spooking with a like to this Telegram chat with "Follow." > https://t.me/forKappy

To say the least, it's definitely a continuation and it appears that either wittingly or unwittingly, Lin Wood and others have started to amplify/echo this "honeypot" of sorts.

In other words, it appears more and more that the "dead man's switch" is a concerted effort by a few core parties (CS being one, "Not Jimmy" on the For Kappy channel being another - or potentially one and the same). In fact, at this time, I'm pretty sure "Not Jimmy" = "The Leper" from the Slack screenshots.

btw, CS also indicated who "Slater" is -- Kevin Cordova, the driver of Milo Yiannopoulos.

trapvonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could be fren, Cultstate (aka Patrick Ryan) mentions the name above in his correspondence via the ibb link in LastCali's post

trapvonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, Q is another thing entirely. I'm more apt to consider its beginnings to have emerged from IARPA.

trapvonn 1 point ago +1 / -0

update from CS 17min ago on twitter:

Guidance https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/240501973/#240520825

trapvonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

godspeed fren

trapvonn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why's he "guiding" the person to the right up the stairs?

trapvonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hm, any notion about the 3rd column w/in the WL files? First thought to consider length in terms of bytes, indicating file size.

88GB = 94489280512B (94,489,280,512 bytes [11]) or, 88GB = 92274688KB (92,274,688 kilobytes [8])

Doesn't quite pan out tho.

edit: there is one w/ 11 characters --> berats-box.7z

trapvonn 3 points ago +3 / -0

He also mentions the last line of the article:

"racial or ashen" is an anagram, and it's a name.

C a r o l i n e Sarah

trapvonn 2 points ago +2 / -0

CS directly mentions the last line in the article within the link you posted:

racial or ashen = Caroline Sarah

trapvonn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Check it out fren: https://i.maga.host/PRVwYYF.png

h/t user NessInOnett for posting a bit ago

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