tricycle 1 point ago +1 / -0

China’s Uyghur cotton slave farming could be a mock-up to Middle East poppy farming. The Uyghurs were never dissident enough to warrant such actions. The military equipments could be purposefully left behind to sweeten the deal. We’ve seen Nancy Pelosi trying to broker deal to sell fighter jet engine to China. It is the cabal’s motive to weaken the US militarily and prop up China. Therefore it’s more likely to be cabal than Trump.

tricycle 2 points ago +2 / -0

If Bale is molested as a child, then he is unlikely to be a Pedo. It could be he was in the fight against pedophilia but is now giving up the fight and showing deference since Trump lost. It could also be he is trying to infiltrate the Pedo ring.

tricycle 0 points ago +1 / -1

What you mean is that the superset of the Patriarchy as a whole is held accountable, which includes mostly Patriarchy subsets that are none evil like patriotic males and some unborn child who happens to be male, when those who should be held accountable is the intersectional subset of the Patriarchy with the Cabal. Instead, everyday Patriarchy subsets should the blame when it is perpetrated by a specific subset.

Suppose blame is quantifiable, what should have been is Cabal Patriarchy subset gets 1000 blame for each constituent, while general Patrarchy minus Cabal portion get 0 blame for each member. However, through treachery, now each Cabal Patriarchy member along with general Patriarchy member gets 10 blame each, when the everyday joe has done nothing. Through their prowess of virtue signaling and whatnot, each Cabal Patriarchy member is able to further reduce their blame to say 1 to 3, while an unmindful loud-mouthed but kind at heart guy gets his blame upped to 100 through bad public relation. In the case of Trump, by means of media smearing, blame is upped to 10000.

This is how wars and witchhunts get started. When you look at famous blood feuds like Hafields vs McCoy, there were only a few prime agitators on both sides, but everyone gets dragged in.

tricycle -1 points ago +1 / -2

Don’t like how he’s holding the baby, looks like baby’s not liking it too.

tricycle 4 points ago +4 / -0

The dam is about to break, the deep state is setting an example so the news people would hold the line, for the deep state that is.

tricycle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pence looks to have aged quite a bit over the past few months, while Trump seems to be getting younger.

ufos by ostof
tricycle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who's behind the UFOs? Good guys or bad guys?

tricycle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump will announce he is still president, and Biden has been taking orders from him.

tricycle 1 point ago +1 / -0

It feels like they are purposefully trying to run things over the cliff so people can finally wake up and rebuild.

tricycle 2 points ago +2 / -0

One fly, in a big room, and somehow it always lands on the one with the highest status, when he happens to be speaking. You'd think a fly shouldn't be attracted to motion, it can land on one of the bodyguards or audiences, it can land on some inanimate object where it's least threatened, but no, it always lands on that one person. There are no coincidences.

tricycle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel the flies are some military operation against the deep state. (serious, too often for it to happen regardless of weather)

tricycle 9 points ago +9 / -0

When Joe thanked John Kerry, Kerry looked the face of absolute dread and despair, like he wished to never have existed, then somehow he managed to thank Joe for his words.

tricycle 3 points ago +7 / -4

For those who don't know, the tunnels under DC are being pumped with water.

tricycle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought Netanyahu is Trump's friend? He moved embassy to Jerusalem, no?

tricycle 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's saying enjoy the "Show", note the extra #snow.

tricycle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Plea deal. It is entirely likely Biden has been on board since he broke his foot.

tricycle 2 points ago +2 / -0

As Michael was walking out during the inauguration, he reached out to a camera guy, seemed as though handing something off, but it dropped, and the camera guy was picking it up.