Deeper than that, matter IS a standing wave!
Time to fire up the comet pizza memes
The entire medical industry is geared around this concept. Spiritual problems induce medical issues.
The language is descended from Sumerian and later Egyptian. And probably Atlantis before that.
But these Welsh Indians talked of their ancient home in Wales, had a bible written in Welsh and were able to be understood by 18th century people who spoke Welsh.
.....that just happened to speak welsh
The past 500 years have been revenge for rogue HRE emperors and electors (Wettins and Hapsburgs) choosing to turn their back on the papacy.
These papists are the same nasty little group of people that chose to murder Julius Caesar.
They are the same group of people that shit their pants over England signing the Magna Carta into law. They also weren't fond of the US Constitution.
They are control freaks.
Mein Kampf was ghostwritten by a Jesuit
Nazis were funded by the Italian mafia (Roman Catholic Church)
Nope, they are neutered. These losers thought their money would be safe in the hands of oligarchs around the world. But they are all getting magnitsky'd.
Imagine being the Pope to witness the downfall of Rome, unlucky guy.
I guess the drug and human trafficking trade is drying up for the Italian mafia. Sad!
Rothschilds are the Vaticans bankers. Very convenient that the Nazis neglected to mention the connection to Rome.
Many such cases
Continents did not break apart recently.
Soil is nothing but heavily weathered minerals. A lot of time in the earths history for rock to decay. Continents breaking apart caused massive floods. Ripe for muddy conditions.
It's even stranger than mud floods or an ancient tartarian empire in North America.
The spherical earth is an expanding condition and the Sumerians (via the Welsh) inhabited North America 800 years ago. The same knowledge as the cathedral builders of that time.
The earth is EXPANDING, not mudflooding.
Mudfloods is bullshit. There were people around the world as of 200 years ago who were trained in ancient building techniques, it was not the tartarian empire.
If you want to be creeped out, look at a picture of ellens eyes. There is something deeply troubling about them.
I remember that this guy was present at a Hillary Clinton rally in 2016
Exactly. And if the military did something overly drastic to stop the nazi threat, they might have risked the entire future of the nation.
They have obviously taken a more considered approach, which is essentially what the Q operation is. 40 years of hell are better than a 1000 year nazi reich.
Lesson here, when you are trying to eradicate a centuries old satanic pedo cabal, don't be impulsive!!
The point i'm making is that the Nazis despised the Freemasons and did all they could to eradicate them, including propaganda efforts such as portraying freemasons as devil worshipping skeleton collecting freaks.
Hitler (Vatican funded puppet) and the nazis actually set up a 'jewish freemasonry' museum where they purported to show a recreation of a freemason ritual complete with VERY spooky skeletons
Now ask yourself why would freemasons show such enthusiasm to always wear their emblem at mass shootings?
Loved this movie as a kid. Seems it was made just before Hollywood was purged of all 'subversives'.
Pretty weird how the entire LGBTQ+ community is built around the ideal conditions for parasite propagation.
It is. They are full of GAY ASS WORMS.
I have long suspected that someone at the BBC purposefully let the 9/11 tower seven collapse report happen to show people that it was a huge conspiracy. Not saying that the entire BBC is wonderful, just perhaps certain people who are at the top.