I used to love the Frisco burger and shoestring fries, sadly there are no steak n shakes around here.
The last comedian to make that claim on TV was Joan Rivers and she was dead within two weeks.
Janet M is definitely a dude.
I wish I could updoot this into low earth orbit.
A must see! Hilarious!
Regardless of all your words the fact is simple, if you inject 5 trillion in capital into the market without increasing production by 5 trillion you devalue all capital thus increasing the cost of goods and services.
It's just math not "feelings" or anecdotal stories.
Increasing the money supply without increasing production or tangibles at the exact same rate of the M1 increase creates inflation (ie the cost of goods and services rising) thus the devaluation of currency. It's just math and I did not create the rules, I am just telling you 2+2=4
The entire statement about inflation is categorically wrong and the moron that created the meme has no clue what causes inflation. Taking from the poor and productive while giving to the idle rich or vice versa is wrong and a form of socialized taxation but has zero to do with what drives inflation.
Printing money out of thin air and fractionalized banking practices cause inflation. Injecting profuse amounts of capital into the free market when not supported by an equivalent rise in production creates inflation.
End of lesson.
Ok, but we have two conflicting rulings from the Federal courts. This one says he can fire everyone, but the other court ruling says he has to pay out the money to the NGO's.
Here's what I don't understand. USAID was created by EO from President Kennedy to combat communism around the world. It was not an agency created by congress. So lawfully, Trump can undo the original EO and dissolve the agency altogether.
How can a court force an agency to continue writing checks to NGO's when the courts have said he can dissolve it altogether?
The ass kicking's shall continue until morale improves.
Now comes the pain.
I wonder if Zelensky knows about the invention of VPNs.
This is all toothless posturing by a country run by the NWO deep state, half of which is the US deep state.
The never-ending clown show continues as I add white cheddar seasoning to my buttery popcorn.
WTF is our government doing seriously?
The government (deep state) funds the creation of world problems to further justify the NEED for overreaching government solutions.
It is called the Hegelian dialectic - Create a problem, wait for public outcry and then tax the world and create intrusive agencies/laws to solve the problem which never gets fixed.
Also, I think it is important to remind people that these are two completely separate lists from independent sources.
The Epstein CLIENT LIST comes from the Ghislane Maxwell human trafficking trial, which was sealed by the judge in the case. This is the list we are waiting for.
The geo fencing cell phone data shows anyone who ever went there with their cell phones turned on.
As pointed out by the Wired.com video they would not release the list due to many people on the list being innocent gardeners and such who only worked on the Island as staff.
I would think the larger fear of releasing the names on that list might be that the world's most wealthy, powerful and dangerous men on the planet are on that particular list.
The last photo on the bottom for me was a biologix male enhancement product ad. Hilarious!
But yeah, if I want to go out to look at large mammals I'll go to the zoo.
I think the dividend idea is foolish at best and will spike mass inflation during a contraction of available jobs.
It will hurt the country on a whole much greater than it will help individuals.
I believe the saved money should be used to balance the budget and pay down debt.
When covid unleashed 3 rounds of 1.9 trillion-dollar giveaways it sparked 9% inflation and supply shortages due to increased demand pressures on everything from food to lumber, food up 150% and lumber, steel etc. doubled. These price hikes will never go down and are here to stay, further devaluing the buying power of the dollar
Unleashing another round of fiat currency injection will do much more harm than good.
What if the swim team coach at Rio Linda Highschool identifies as a dolphin. Are all the children subject to fines and arrest?
They only made it illegal when leftists discovered 92% of dolphins would vote republican if allowed to vote under the aquatic voter registration act.
Here's how it works. Investigations find facts and evidence, when the evidence supports an arrest, the subject is taken into custody and is charged with a crime.
The prosecutors then take the case and adjust the indictment to fit the facts that the evidence supports. Then the Judicial branch takes over from there and tries the case in the court of law.
You can't just go and arrest people without having done a full and exhaustive investigation first, if you do the criminal will walk Scott free.
Kash Patel has not even started a single investigation yet, so have some patience, the guy has not even sat down at his desk yet. He has some major house cleaning to do before any justice can be doled out.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I personally know many conservative Kentuckians who think Mitch McConnel is a bloated asshat who has enriched himself while selling out his constituency.
The GOP in Kentucky better start charting war strategies because Louisville and Lexington are liberal as hell and as usual the mass of Kentucky's population lives in those urban liberal strongholds.
That is true but makes it even worse If the DS has been pilfering other nation's gold as well. Even the Vatican allegedly has much of their bullion stored in the US. That leaves us on the hook for the stolen gold.
See my comment on planes flying tons of gold bullion from London to New York.
This tends to lend credence to my theory.
It is articles like these that make me cock an eyebrow. I may be on the right track.
There are dozens more if you go searching but here is a sampling.
I've seen this vid before and still I had to watch it two more times in a row. Hilarious!
Fair enough, but again that is the only verification I have been able to find. A smoking gun it is not but it is enough for me personally to give it some merit. But you know how it is around here, sauce or GTFO, so I cautiously weigh both sides.
That was too close for comfort.
I need to do another popcorn run; this is going to get exciting.
I've never been able to verify that it ever happened beyond Dr Jan Halper saying that it did, so ...
Amazing things have happened in the 4 weeks Trump has been in office; the wheels of justice turn slowly but they are speeding up.
Just enjoy the show, the 3rd act will floor you.