Just grumpy and venting, someone down voted another post of mine without comment, which feels like a drive by shooting or a senseless carjacking.
One cannot argue with a Karen when she does a drive by down voting. Pisses me off.
Sorry bro, good post.
My idea is not a singular image meme but an expertly edited video. The source video is Monty Python's I'm a lumber jack song.
Harris headshot super impose over Eric Idle's and chorus changing thier lyrics to match her new lyrics.
I'm Kamala Harris, it's ok, vote for me cuz I drink all day, I'll chop all your businesses in the knees, while I spend a trillion dollars on the refugees.
Truly funny the first 900,000 times I saw it posted.
Perhaps a video of red necks literally beating a dead horse might be funnier.
Some of those are awesome questions I'd love answered directly but even in your post you state that you realize he could not answer any of them directly and only one or two with vague answers at best.
let me answer you with my knowledge-based opinion, which I believe Trump would concur with if he were allowed to answer or had the intel I possess.
1)Are you worried these unknown entities or beings will invade Earth because they're more technologically advanced than us?
The entities out there currently showing up in our solar system are not the ones to worry about. The bad ET's with ill intent for humanity have long been here on Earth directing the show amongst the elites and likely have human hybrids of their races that are among us, passing as pure humans. This fact explains a whole lot of weirdness in Hollywood, politics and finance and entitled Karens declaring war with humans over parking spaces and sale prices.
2)If these flying objects are on Earth, are you concerned they could potentially be a breach to national security or the election?
There are beings and technology that can come or go as they please, disrupt our finest technology, avoid our most advanced weapons systems and can shut down our nuclear capability and human beings can do nothing about it. This fact helps me sleep at night knowing that a sober power greater than the idiots who run our government can stop our appointed idiots from destroying the planet.
3)Space Force - do they investigate these unknown flying objects or UFOs / UAPs ?
The answer is kind of buried within the name don't you think?
4)Do you think these flying objects are from another planet or dimension?
Yes both, and some of what is witnessed are our own back-engineered Walmart versions of the real thing.
5)Trump mentioned Mars.."I'd have asked What do you mean from Mars?" (Instead of interrupting him).
When Earth was young Mars was a vibrant populated planet at war with another planet in our solar system that now only exists as the asteroid belt. When Mars accidently won the war with the reptilian aggressors by utterly shattering the fifth rock from the sun into shards, they signed their own death warrant.
Most of the shrapnel from the exploded planet eventually settled into a stable orbit around the Sun, which we call the asteroid belt, but during the immediate few hundred years after the war in the heavens this solar system was in chaos. Large planet killing sized chunks of debris fell on Mars for hundreds of years until a massive chunk hit Mars so hard that planet Mars still shows that half the planet was compressed into the other half, blasting off the atmosphere, the remnants of this catastrophe are Phobos and other moons.
The refugees/survivors of this war from Mars and the 5th planet came here on earth to start the war all over again.
Hate to break it to you but we are the offspring of the Martians
I bet he keeps doing rallies after super Tuesday during the vote-tally election month.
For Republicans the magic stops flowing when they rest, there is no rest in victory, there is a nation to be won and criminals to be jailed, much afoot indeed.
Why can I never open the U/...... links? I click on them, and I always get an error message.
I sent my daughter to college, and they returned her to me a liberal Marxist dumbass. But when she saw Trump get off the ground and urge fight, fight, fight, to us all , some of her leftist hatred melted, deep down knowing this mother fucker is a warrior who can fight.
Hearts and minds have changed even when not admitted to their close friend groups. Trump is winning in a landslide.
Children are easy to corrupt and maintain, the adults take constant effort to direct.
They are not out of their mind. They are cold calculating diabolical liars, deceiving the masses, who are ignorant of the poison that mainstream media truly is.
I don't know about all that, but I do know those demonic bastards aren't going to go quietly without a fight
I think they will contest the election results, stage riots, attempt a congressional stoppage of electoral vote confirmation and even allow foreign attacks on US cities before Trump is inaugurated.
When reading the kamala AI chat bot texts, I hear the music from the Monty Python song "I'm a lumberjack" ringing along with the bot words.
I'm Kamala Harris, it's ok, vote for me cuz I drink all day, I'll chop all your businesses in the knees, while I give a trillion dollars to pay for refugees.
I like to get a good pulse of the community on this type of thing. I pride myself on knowing which way the wind is blowing in most circumstances. This one has me befuddled.
Perhaps I should take from it the absence of news should be taken as good news in itself.
I'm intending to do the early absentee ballot voting thing in a week or so because it may be a necessity for me due to me being out of town come super Tuesday.
But has anyone else wondered whether this early voting is a trap set so the cheating democrats can just gauge how many more votes they need to fabricate before election day?
You know you set me up to say R3 smells franks and anus again.
unQestionable_truth ponders the implications and avoids stepping in what R3 is smelling.
You guys like totally need to leave the transgendered alone, ok?
Some of them spent over $300,000 to invert their penis into a Franken pussy and have the world's most beautiful breasts only to find out 3 years later that they have male pattern baldness.
Bald topless dancers with Franken Pussies do not have it easy my friends, so have some compassion.
I'm not ringing my hands in worry, neither are any of the patriots I know and respect.
Save that shit for the pansies in the Harris commercial showing us how real men are not afraid to vote Kammy and real men are man enough to cry when making love.
If I made love like those pansies, biting a pillow while getting rear ended, I'D CRY TOO!
The MSM will never turn against the vax because big pharma is their single largest advertiser.
Every other commercial is a drug commercial. Media outlets would lose over 30% of their remaining revenue if they tried to use the vax against Trump.
In all of human history there has never been a nation that deliberately funded the invasion of their own nation.
This is a slow foreign invasion of multinational terrorists, gangs, criminals and the criminally insane funded by the criminally insane people running this nation.
The revolution has been declared already folks, patriots will soon have to recognize that this is a full-on hostel invasion, and the war has already started.
In all of human history there has never been a nation that deliberately funded the invasion of their own nation.
This is a slow foreign invasion of multinational terrorists, gangs, criminals and the criminally insane funded by the criminally insane people running this nation.
The revolution has been declared already folks, patriots will soon have to recognize that this is a full-on hostel invasion, and the war has already started.
It would be a shame if someone climbed up that sign with some gasoline and accidently lit it on fire.
@Believe squirrels
I believe anything a squirrel tells me over humans any day of the week, with the exception of black squirrels.
Nothing racist here but when it comes to black squirrels, ... in this world, you only have to hang mean bastards, but mean bastards you have to hang.
I hear roasted Hattians taste better than salted pork. Maybe Americans need to rethink their diet and go hunting. The DNR has no restricted season for Haitian hunting yet.
Unfortunately, this place is not immune to mass formation lunacy it seems. Even the allegedly awakened are sleeping deeply.
If the strike plays out it would not be an October surprise to help Trump but sabotage to the Trump Presidency and devastation to the survival of the Nation.
I watched the debates through Amazon video, which has live news links and I am telling you honestly, the firearms part of the debate was not aired and there were a few other exchanges (clips) I have seen that were also not aired through the platform I used to watch the debates.
In the last day or so I have seen at least three exchanges that are like found footage extras to me. They were redacted from the platform I was using.
Had I seen them I might not have scored the debate 30 - 24 as I did in my recent opinion piece.
I swear I thought I had seen the debate from beginning to end and it appears ABC edited out large pro-Trump sections of the debate during its commercial breaks from the platform I was viewing it on.
It dawns on me that if that was a message to us all from the past with a seven-year delta then Project Looking Glass or some equivalent would have to be not only real but in use.
From what I've read, PLG stopped accurately working altogether in 2012. Given the fact that Podesta is long out of the news cycle, a confirmation of a 7-year delta would not just be Trump winning but a Hillary arrest and Podesta being publicly brought down in the news.
Short of those 3 events taking place, I call seven-year delta prophecies bullshit.