waggin_the_dog 4 points ago +4 / -0

You make a great point and I think it goes further.

The hardest part is teaching people to think for themselves. Even many people who can see the schemes have a hard time taking the next step. I'm not saying it's our responsibility to show them, but if those who know the way do not offer guidance, others cannot follow.

Plato's cave -- you can't just rip someone out and throw them into the cold, they'll run back thinking you're the devil. You have to get them to really believe they want it first.

waggin_the_dog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is that a grammatical error? It's syntactically correct and has a valid meaning, it's just the opposite meaning of what is intended.

waggin_the_dog 10 points ago +10 / -0

I see that number as a lower bound. I.E. there will always be at least 6% that are blind to the truth regardless of how blatently true something is.

waggin_the_dog 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really recommend cutting back on things that give you that dopamine fix. Do a dopamine detox (just lookup the phrase on your preferred search engine), it will really suck for about a week and then it will get much better.

Part of the problem I think you're facing is that you're dependent on outside sources to give you that stimulation. I get it, we're social creatures by nature, but you can train yourself to not need it as much. That path really starts with cutting out the things that make you addicted to the feeling.

waggin_the_dog 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can do all sorts of things from a platform perspective on top of the correct blockchain to discourage bad actors. The real problem is that the market hasn't chosen the blockchain yet, so we can't really do it effectively. It has to be a commodity ledger where the access isn't subsidized like the attempts so far have been. It isn't really commodified if the issuance is dictated by some central organization (company, foundation, cartel, etc). It'll have to be bitcoin or one of it's forks since the issuance isn't controlled (i.e. miners can come and go).

Would Soros and people like him care? Not as things currently stand, but under the right future conditions they definitely would have to.

waggin_the_dog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I think that is well said. The simple solution is the right one, and for now that is enabling the mods to do their work as best they can.

waggin_the_dog 3 points ago +3 / -0

There needs to be a real world cost associated with actions to deter sybil attacks. Without a proof of work or cost there is no repercussion. Vigilance can work, but it's pretty fragile and won't scale to larger communities. Once the network of participants is large enough, they can't reasonably purge sleepers without fracturing the group. E.G. TDW.

Basically we need to use a blockchain that can support micropayments (fractions of a cent) and stable enough to use as the backbone for an app where all actions have a cost. The cost can be small enough that legit users wouldn't really notice, but people spamming or handshaking would add up quickly enough to be a barrier.

People are used to things being free though, it'll take time for that to take hold.

waggin_the_dog -1 points ago +1 / -2

It doesn't imply causation at all. It implies some possible underlying relationship and the weight of that relationship.

I'll grant you it does suggest you should look closer.

waggin_the_dog 4 points ago +4 / -0

And clearing cookies/privacy mode/Brave/etc.

That wont stop all client fingerprinting, but it helps.

by Ioath
waggin_the_dog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q, I just picked a pronoun. Could be a group for sure.

waggin_the_dog 38 points ago +38 / -0

Mental hospital, I think. It's is hard for most people to compartmentalize enough to see and know terrible things without losing themselves.

by Ioath
waggin_the_dog 3 points ago +3 / -0

He will send you on wild goose chase too is my point. That is both to hinder the enemy and to teach his followers in my opinion.

by Ioath
waggin_the_dog 11 points ago +11 / -0

Finding the truth yourself is imperative, we should not blindly trust the things Q has said either, and that is part of the point of the mis/disinfo you can find in the Q posts.

waggin_the_dog 2 points ago +2 / -0

All good and well, but 5 years is a long time to not have been archived once. Add that too the domain registration date and that's sufficient evidence to toss it out.

by BQnita
waggin_the_dog 1 point ago +1 / -0

or they haven't even found the iceberg.

waggin_the_dog 4 points ago +4 / -0

They also think the people on 8kun are kind and welcoming. I mean, they are, in that mildly autistic sense where they might call you a faggot, but in a good way.

waggin_the_dog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes exactly, that's what I was alluding to. There are turns left, but it is inevitable.

waggin_the_dog 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not saying this is true, but the thing about checkmate is... doesn't matter if you know it's coming or not. At some point you have no winning options left, even though you may still have time before it happens.

waggin_the_dog 6 points ago +6 / -0

If the military were willing to stage a coup in violation of civil laws of the US why would they bother finding a president to help them do it legally?

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