what_like_with_an_ax 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you were to steelman why we need the department of education, what would you say?

Probably money/standards related. He addressed the standards reason.

This needs to come with a proportional reduction in tax.

If we are paying money anyway, education is one of the more noble uses of the money (not saying they do it right).

I do not trust them to not spend it anyway.

what_like_with_an_ax 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even if the other numbers were zero, that 7mil number is crazy.

what_like_with_an_ax 1 point ago +1 / -0

Carson is good in his own right with the added perk that the pick can't hurt the continued drift of black Americans away from the democrat party.

Even if he doesn't take the throne afterward, the change in voting demographics could ensure the throne for another republican.

what_like_with_an_ax 2 points ago +3 / -1

A heart attack.

Could be just another way of saying:

"the truth would give 99% of people a heart attack." (figuratively speaking)

what_like_with_an_ax 1 point ago +1 / -0

thanks for the life hack. I actually avoid gas stations that have that madness.

what_like_with_an_ax 3 points ago +3 / -0

I detected the audio frequency of the buzz sound and it is about 118-119HZ....👀

what_like_with_an_ax 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure about your question, but even if the overall death numbers are up, there have been numerous things that can attribute to excessively high numbers:

An above average flu season

Remdesevir killing a percentage of people put on it due to renal failure and such

Lockdowns and govt. policy, which lead to:

Potentially higher overdoses and/or suicides

Putting infection into nursing homes, instead of removing it

People not receiving any checkups to catch things in a timely manner.

So even if the overall number is larger, what does it prove? It is a single metric that doesn't offer the granulation needed when there are so many crazy things going on.

what_like_with_an_ax 8 points ago +8 / -0

Doctors practicing medicine should be incentivized to actively participate in research, so that they can be on the up and up.

Ironically, people teaching classes (academia) are highly incentivized to do research (to receive funding), rather than focus on what the students pay for.

Just another example of how everything is ass backwards.

what_like_with_an_ax 1 point ago +1 / -0

who is the black guy looking at?