So they’re extending how long they’re shorting it for, essentially, and in turn paying a whole lot more because of it, right? Because otherwise they’d have gone bankrupt already along with the banks that lent them money. And I correct on this?
The bus thing is pretty weird, not gonna lie. But the fireworks were done by the Dems, there was reporting on that so it’s nothing new. And I don’t think anyone got arrested because we’ve still seen Biden and his cronies make moves that negatively affect the country since the supposed “arresting” of all these people so it doesn’t seem like they were arrested after all :/
Also, don’t trust Juan O’Savin. He’s only in it for the money. The woman who made the video is innocent and is simply trying to report on it to give people some hopium, but Juan O’Savin has been wrong numerous times, when applying critical analysis of what he says, he never actually gives anything concrete. All he wants to do is sell his books and get donations and shit to scam people. People listen to him though because his voice is raspy and it makes them feel more relaxed when he feigns being relaxed himself and tells them not to worry.
How in the fuck are literal communists pro-bankers now?? Wtf????
Well they’re definitely having a real impact on everyday citizens across the country so you can’t just dismiss them...
This guy is fatter than clapper tho...
Hmmm. Well I suppose I stand corrected on the edit. However, it doesn’t change that he was seeking to implement policy regarding the US before he was inaugurated RIP. That is still illegal. I still think it’s dumb how he’s allowed to get away with it, too. We can already see the double standards with how he’s being treated vs Trump; his executive orders to override Trump’s aren’t ever disputed, whereas numerous courts blocked Trump’s executive orders to override Obama’s dozens of times. It’s stupid. And in a few weeks, Kamala is getting in. That’s all this is a ploy for. Even the libtards know that.
Good planes lol
Well I do t think people were tracking their movements back then.
They cheated in plains sight in the election, they aren’t as smart as you think. Humans are still humans bro.
Let that sink in...
So in other words, your source is "dude, just trust me".
If you're going to post a conspiracy theory, make sure there is adequate evidence behind it.
Maritime laws are universally-agreed upon laws of the sea so as not to trespass on another nation's territory or do any other thing to piss off another nation (in other words, it's naval etiquette)This does not mean that all nations are businesses.
The US does not have "Inc." in its name, there are literally no documents that have that in there.
Names have been capitalized since before the US was even founded, much less before 1871. Even other nations and languages capitalize the first letter of their first and last names. Basic English grammar is not a conspiracy.
If capitalization matters so much to you, then why is it that the first letter in the word "corporation" isn't capitalized when talking about the US supposedly becoming a company? I'll tell you why: it's because it's bullshit and simply not true.
You are literally just spouting out nonsense. Stop.
Because you're trying to enact policies on the US in an official capacity without actually holding the position that gives you the authority to do so. For example, he met up with world leaders and was talking about policies to implement in the US; he was not technically president when this was occurring. This is illegal.
But of course, Democrats are above the law...
EDIT: I should also point out that the "Office of President-Elect" literally never existed before, and it is not a federal entity of any kind. This by itself makes what he was doing illegal. They only made it to normalize in people's mind that he was "president", even though he really wasn't; it was more of a psychological operation, I guess you could say.
Well that's the thing—he's saying that it was God's Will for the plan to fail then because the plan was made by men...
That is literally what I'm trying to say. The only person "sincerely dumb" here is you. You are a fucking retard lmfao
There are literally no sources in your post, it’s all conjecture bro. Maritime law is just how other nations/companies/entities deal with one another; it has nothing to do with turning the US into a business.
Don’t try to reinterpret religious texts to fit your skewed narrative. It’s one thing to have faith; it’s an entirely other thing to deny reality. God gave us a brain to think with. I suggest you use yours, asshole.
That “office” was a blatant violation of the Logan Act. It pisses me off how it’s never been used against him even though they tried to use it against Flynn.
Their duty is to fend the republic from enemies both foreign AND domestic.
They seem to be having trouble with that last bit the past several decades....
That verse is saying to trust in God above all because no matter what anyone plans, it is up to God. If anything, he’s saying it was God’s Will for The Plan to fail. :/
I’ve been saying this for a while now. Abso-fucking-lutely. I wrote these two comments a while back and saved it, not all of it is about the 17th, but it expands upon it even more: